Reviews from

A Child...

A Mothers Day wish From 18 Year-Old me (long ago)

34 total reviews 
Comment from duchessofdrumborg
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

"A Child...", is an extremely well-written and heart-warming piece. This talented poet's work was a pleasure to both read and review. To me, this is a six, but I only have fives left. You KEEP READING and I'll KEEP WRITING. I look forward to seeing your next post.

 Comment Written 09-May-2019

reply by the author on 09-May-2019
    I will take that virtual six and thank you for the glowing commentary! 18 year-old Rhonda appreciates it as much as the 59 year-old Rhonda. Take care, and thanks for dropping by!
reply by duchessofdrumborg on 10-May-2019

    Rhonda, you're more than welcome.
    Dropping by was a pleasure!
    Take care and God bless,
    the Duchess :))) :)))
reply by the author on 10-May-2019
    God Bless!
    Where does your moniker come from?
reply by duchessofdrumborg on 10-May-2019

    Rhonda, my moniker comes from a place where I used to live. Drumborg's in the middle of nowhere...... !(-_-)!
reply by the author on 11-May-2019
    Oh Okay, thanks. I love it!
reply by duchessofdrumborg on 11-May-2019

    Wonderful! I was hoping you would!
    Take care and God bless,
    the Duchess
reply by the author on 11-May-2019
    Thank you, God bless you!
reply by duchessofdrumborg on 11-May-2019

    You're welcome. God bless you too and take care,
    the Duchess :))) :)))
Comment from BeasPeas
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a wonderful find, Rhonda. I enjoyed your poem From Mother's Day 1978, and the image of you and your mom each holding your bouquets. You look very much alike. Neither of you can deny being mother/daughter. Best of luck in the contest. Marilyn

 Comment Written 08-May-2019

reply by the author on 08-May-2019
    Thank you, Marilyn,

    I appreciate the comments on the poem and the way my mother and I look alike. I actually entered the picture into a local newspaper contest. We made the final 3, but don't know if we won yet. We had some pretty stiff competition, haha.
reply by BeasPeas on 08-May-2019
    Be sure to let me know if you win. :) Marilyn
reply by the author on 09-May-2019
    I will, thank you!!
Comment from Shirley McLain
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A very lovely poem for Mother's Day. I did enjoy the read. I thought it was sad until the last line. A mother always loves her child no matter what. That is if she's a real mom. Great job. Shirley

 Comment Written 08-May-2019

reply by the author on 08-May-2019
    Thank you, Shirley,

    Being a mother is a never ending job. Just because the kids grow up doesn't mean they grow out of needing us, or us needing our mothers!
Comment from Barb Hensongispsaca
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Very well written for an 18 year old and great rhyme. We dream of vreat lives and forever sunny days, but moms love makes anything right. A great contest entry

 Comment Written 08-May-2019

reply by the author on 08-May-2019
    Thank you for the review, Barb! I'm glad you enjoyed the poem. It's funny that I wrote it so long ago, way before life really got off to a good start yet. And still the message fits for today.
Comment from Phyllis Stewart
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Seems like you were insightful at a young age. It took me a long time to appreciate my mother, but I finally did, and our last decades together were special. Maybe I needed to become a mom in order to appreciate my own. I miss her every day. Happy Mother's Day, Rhonda. Celebrate your good fortune in having a great mom. :)

 Comment Written 08-May-2019

reply by the author on 08-May-2019
    She was a very good mom, and I really miss her a lot. It's been 6 months and I still keep thinking of things I need to tell or ask her. It hurts to lose her, but I am glad for the years we had.

    It's funny how kids can think deep thoughts sometimes. I'm sure the next day I was back to being a teen, haha.

    Thanks for the lovely review!
Comment from Heather Knight
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a lovely poem, Rhonda. And I think it has special meaning and value because you wrote it so long ago. I'm sure finding it made you very happy.
The photo is also beautiful.
Thanks for sharing and good luck in the contest.

 Comment Written 08-May-2019

reply by the author on 08-May-2019
    Thank you so much for taking time to read my poem and for commenting on it. I was very happy when I found it, especially since I had no idea she still had something from so long ago. You never know when something simple to you is something more important to another. I cried like a baby when I found it.

    Take care,
Comment from Mike Stevens
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A beautiful poem, Rhonda--and, I don't know if you're aware of this fact, but it's Mother's Day Sunday. I'm sure you probably weren't, but what an amazing coincidence, huh?

 Comment Written 08-May-2019

reply by the author on 08-May-2019
    Yeah, that?s why I posted it. I was planning to let it be my Mother?s Day gift to her-twice I guess.
Comment from Y. M. Roger
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A Mother's Day mono-rhyme that is full of heart-felt memories and long-felt love ... beautiful that you took the time to look back and thank such a special lady in your life... such a wonderful way to breath life into memories that mean so much and it helps the heart to heal. :) ;) Thank you for sharing and best of luck in the contest! :) ;)

 Comment Written 08-May-2019

reply by the author on 08-May-2019
    Thank you for your sweet reply! I?m glad I found a slip of paper that might have gone in the trash with so much else.
Comment from Hayley Zemontas
This work has reached the exceptional level

Aww wow I love this poem but it seems to mean even more knowing that you wrote it as a young woman when you were still learning about life. Sometimes we don't appreciate our mothers when we are younger, it's only as we grow older ourselves that we begin to see the sacrifices that they've made for us and all they have fought through. This is a perfect poem showing just how unique and strong a bond between mother and child is. I've always had a great relationship with my mum, but I think the moment when my friend lost her mum to cancer, that really made me think about just how precious life is and how much I love and value my Mum. This is a beautiful poem in honour of Mother's everywhere. Thanks for sharing it with us.

 Comment Written 08-May-2019

reply by the author on 08-May-2019
    Thank you, Hayley!! I am honored and humbled by the six stars and kind review! My mother and I were so close over the years and this will be my first Mother?s Day without her. I actually remember writing the poem, but didn?t realize my mother had held onto it all these years. Thanks again!
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Is that your mum and you Rhonda. If it is you are the image of her. The same kind look. A beautuful entry in this Mother's Day contest. Written in mono rhyme, the affection in every word and syllable is deeply etched. Happy Mother's Day yourself, I'll post mine on Saturday, well done, good luck, and welcome back, blessings, Roy
Typo, (notes) Recently (deseased) parents. Deceased?

 Comment Written 08-May-2019

reply by the author on 08-May-2019
    Thank you, Roy, for kind words and spam check. Sad when you mess up the word, deceased, lol.

    That is a picture of me and my mother on Mother?s Day three or four years ago. When she was in the nursing home before passing away, people talked about how much we looked alike. I?m glad we did!
reply by royowen on 08-May-2019
    Well done sweet girl
reply by the author on 08-May-2019
    Thank you, Dear Friend!
reply by royowen on 08-May-2019
    Always Rhonda
reply by the author on 08-May-2019
    Thank you, Roy. I'm looking forward to reading your poem, too!
reply by royowen on 09-May-2019
    Thank you Rhonda