Reviews from

Please Pray

Saskatchewan Junior Hockey Team

56 total reviews 
Comment from Cass Carlton
This work has reached the exceptional level

Count me in Linda darling. I will remember them in my prayers for 14 days. A day for every life lost. How terrible for the families and loved ones of those who have been taken . There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason for this to happen. All we can do is to trust in Him. Bless you for thinking of all the bereaved families and asking for our prayers for them. Yours truly Cass

 Comment Written 08-Apr-2018

reply by the author on 08-Apr-2018
    Hi Cass, my heart goes out to all the family and friends...I can't imagine Cass what they are going through...14 boys just killed...I wish I understood why...sigh...thank you so much for all your wonderful stars...and a wonderful review...God Bless my sweet you much...Linda xxoo
Comment from duchessofdrumborg
This work has reached the exceptional level

"Please Pray", is an extremely well-written and heart-breaking piece. The lost lives of those so young is a horrible tragedy. This talented poet has earned the six, star review. I look forward to seeing your next post.

 Comment Written 08-Apr-2018

reply by the author on 08-Apr-2018
    Hi Duchess, when I read this it just broke my heart...I can't imagine what the family and friends are going through...thank you my special friend for a wonderful review...and all your wonderful stars sweet you...Linda xxoo
reply by duchessofdrumborg on 09-Apr-2018
    Linda, my possum, you certainly deserved the six wonderful stars. Terrible things happen to families far too often.

    You definitely deserved the wonderful review.

    Take care, best wishes and God bless you,
    the Duchess

    Luff and hugs, xxooxx
reply by the author on 09-Apr-2018
    thank you so much sweet one...this was such a awful take care as well...and God you dear lady...xxoo
reply by duchessofdrumborg on 09-Apr-2018
    you're welcome, little possum.........We'll both pray for them.

    Take care,God bless you and be good,

    Luff and hugs,
    the Duchess xxooxx
Comment from Angela Post
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thank you for your heartfelt poem. I am Canadian and have been following this story. Very sad indeed. They say the investigation is ongoing as to the cause of the accident. Both Trudeau and Trump had issued kind messages of condolence. Yes, prayers needed for the families and community.

 Comment Written 08-Apr-2018

reply by the author on 08-Apr-2018
    Hi Angela, I am so sorry this happen sweet girl...I can't imagine what the family and friends are going through....tears...I'm glad President Trump sent his condolences...I will keep them all in my prayers...thank you for a wonderful review....and God Linda xxoo
Comment from Swampfox1
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

My heart goes out to those team members, to the parents, the families. I am saying prayers for all of them. You write --4 members of
The Saskatchewan Junior
Canadian hockey team traveling
to a play off game
where hit by a truck.
Shouldn't the word where be changed with Then, or just remove the word where, or the word and. traveling to a game and hit by a truck.
To me it reads more like prose than poetry.
Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 08-Apr-2018

reply by the author on 08-Apr-2018
    Hi Swampfox, thank you for the help...fixed...and thank you with all my heart for your prayers...thank you for a wonderful Linda xxoo
Comment from Shirley E Kennedy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Linda,
You news is s sad and devastating for the families and friends of all involved.
Your words gave me goosebumps and I pray for all those who have been injured.
May those already lost rest in peace.

 Comment Written 08-Apr-2018

reply by the author on 08-Apr-2018
    Hi Shirley, thank you for a wonderful review my sweet heart truly goes out the all the family and friends...I can't imagine what they are going through...tears...thank you for your prayers sweet you...Linda xxoo
Comment from GWinterwin
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I will surely pray my friend. Yes what a terrible thing for the families of these guys and gals if there were any. Thanks for your humble request, God bless you always.

 Comment Written 08-Apr-2018

reply by the author on 08-Apr-2018
    Hi George, thank you my sweet friend for all your prayers...they will be so needed...this just broke my heart...God Bless you as Linda xxoo
Comment from Ronni
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Such tragic news dear Linda. My heart and prayers go out to those lost and
still injured, and will lite candle vigil for them too, for daily prayer.
In prayer and unity, we help heal and console those in need. Thanks for
sharing, and God bless you for your empathy and reaching out for
prayer remembrances. I can well imagine how heartbreaking it is
for you and your country's young athletes; and such horrific losses.
Love, blessings, Ronni

 Comment Written 07-Apr-2018

reply by the author on 09-Apr-2018
    HI Ronni, thank you so much for all your prayers my sweet friend...this just broke my heart for the family and the friends...I live in Illinois...but when I read about the accident it broke my heart...thank you Ronni for a wonderful review sweet girl...Blessing and love to you as well...Linda xxoo
Comment from Liberty Justice
This work has reached the exceptional level

SIX STARS 6******Linda, of course, people should pray. Teams, schools, etc. going on bus trips should travel in formation with a security escort car in front of the bus and a security of police car in back of the bus. Such a horror. WELL WRITTEN lol liberty justice

 Comment Written 07-Apr-2018

reply by the author on 09-Apr-2018
    Hi Liberty, thank you so much sweet girl for all your wonderful stars...and a wonderful review...I pray all will pray for them...God you...Linda xxoo
reply by Liberty Justice on 09-Apr-2018
    Linda do you know somebody
    in Canada? lol liberty justice
reply by the author on 09-Apr-2018
    yes I do...and few people...xxoo
reply by Liberty Justice on 10-Apr-2018
    Linda, you live in Chicago,
    the Windy City? You live
    in a good part of this city?
    Right? You still walking
    around by yoursellf at night?
    Read my poems about safety
    and my 2 books. Please
    pass my books around on
    your facebook and twitter.
    Thanks. Lolol liberty justice
reply by the author on 10-Apr-2018
    yes I do...just not in the middle of the city...and yes I am still walking around at night...but I am xxoo
reply by Liberty Justice on 11-Apr-2018
    Why Linda Why are you still
    walking around the
    dangerous Chicago
    streeets? Not by
    yourselve, right?

reply by the author on 11-Apr-2018
    I still go out at night...alone...but not in the suburbs...their getting just as to worry...I am safe...thank you...
reply by Liberty Justice on 12-Apr-2018
    Linda, how is Chicago rated in crime? Is it the 3rd in the U.S.? Do you live and go to gang and drug infested places? WATCH THE JUSTICE CHANNEL--I SURVIVED. LOL liberty justice
reply by the author on 15-Apr-2018
    I really don't pay attention to it...there is so much crime everywhere...yeah!!! ...I put on my black leather jacket...get my gun...and go to the getto...I think NOT...LOL...I am pretty careful where I walk...not to worry...smiling...xxoo love
Comment from damommy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm so very sorry this happened, and will certainly add these families to my prayers. Thank you for telling us about this.

 Comment Written 07-Apr-2018

reply by the author on 09-Apr-2018
    Hi Yvonne, thank you sweet girl for all your prayers...this just broke my heart...thank you...Love you...Linda xxoo
Comment from meeshu
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

this is the purpose of poets to chronicle our times. not always a happy assignment. thank you for being aware and being concerned. bless you and
we will pray.

 Comment Written 07-Apr-2018

reply by the author on 09-Apr-2018
    Hi Meeshu, thank you so very much for all your prayers...this is an awful accident heart goes out to the family and friends...God Linda xxoo