Reviews from

Piece by Piece

Things are seldom as they seem.

48 total reviews 
Comment from lalajovanoski
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I really enjoyed reading this piece I think that it is a good entry for the writing prompt contest quite scary and good use of verbs and adjectives to really paint an incredible seen thank you very much for sharing this

 Comment Written 15-Jun-2017

reply by the author on 15-Jun-2017
    Thank you so much, LaLaJovanoski, for taking time to read my humor... uh, I mean, horror story. There is definitely some stiff competition in this contest, and I'm just honored to be a part of it. Your kind words and generous review are greatly appreciated. :-)
Comment from lotgrinder
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Being that I have experimented with Ketamine before I get how this story could happen. I am not a fan of fiction, but have to say this is better than most I have read on here. I thought your descriptions and vocab used to describe them was great and the flow of the piece worked good as well.

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 Comment Written 15-Jun-2017

reply by the author on 15-Jun-2017
    Yes, there is always a certain amount of truth in fiction, and I just happen to know a little first hand about Ketamine. It was once used as an animal tranquilizer, then they started using it to put people in a trance before surgery. I've have been informed that they have now started using it to treat certain types of depression, which almost sounds crazy to me. Thanks for taking time to read my story. Your kind words lead me to believe that you at least somewhat liked the story, of course I get some mixed vibes by the four stars. Anyway, Thanks for reading. :-)
reply by lotgrinder on 15-Jun-2017
    I reserve five star for the beat and six star for spectacular. I rate most stories and poems 2,3, and 4s. 4 is good, from me.
Comment from suzterus
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm not a fan of gruesome, but you have excellent description and the flow is smooth and easy to read. I usually don't care for first person either but I found this work to be easily followed and the description was fantastic for first person, which can be pretty tricky.

I loved the twist as well, very cleaver. Great job

 Comment Written 15-Jun-2017

reply by the author on 15-Jun-2017
    Thank you very much for taking time to read my story. I'm not really a great fan of first person or gore either. However this is Dean the horror king's contest and we have to play by his rules. Your kind words and generous review are greatly appreciated. :-)
Comment from apky
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I did make it through, yes, and actually was entertained.
Possibly, I'd expected worse - a trick of mine, so that when
it really awful I can force myself through it; when it turns
out not so bad, like this one, I can grin and congratulate
myself for being such a brave girl.

Ya'll come back now, Ya here? ~ Did you really mean "here"?

 Comment Written 15-Jun-2017

reply by the author on 15-Jun-2017
    Thank you so much, APKY, for taking time to read my humor... uh, I mean, horror story. I'm glad you are such a brave girl and made it through the story. I'm even more glad for your catching my stupid blunder at the end. I grew up where that saying is said every time you leave almost anywhere, but I guess I stayed away too long. It should have read "Ya hear?" Out of all the people who have read this story, and there have been some talented people, you are the first to catch by ridiculous mistake, and all I can say is, thank you, thank you, thank you. Your kind words, suggestion, and generous review are greatly appreciated. :-)
Comment from Realist101
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oooh, excellent gore! Freezers creep me out so bad. Think Jeffrey Dahmer...and well...others. I like the skill of combining funny with horrible! You're good at horror Ric...Best of luck. Susan

 Comment Written 15-Jun-2017

reply by the author on 15-Jun-2017
    Thank you so much, Susan, for taking time to read my humor... uh, I mean, horror story. I always like to add a little humor in my horror stories, but I don't know if it's for the readers or to give me a little separation from the gore. The hardest part for me is not to take too much edge off the horror parts with the silly stuff. I'm just happy to be tiny part of such a talented group of writers in this contest. Your kind words and generous review are greatly appreciated. :-)
Comment from Bill Schott
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This was a super rush of a story and I was thrilled all the way through it. I had no idea where it was going, but enjoyed your creative ending. Ketamine is off my list of acceptable things to put in my body.

 Comment Written 14-Jun-2017

reply by the author on 14-Jun-2017
    Thank you so much, Bill Schott, for taking time to read my humor... uh, I mean, horror story. Yes, Ketamine is some wicked stuff that induces a trance like state. It was originally used as a pre-anesthetic to help put people under for surgery, but now, I'm hearing talk of studies being done to use it in treating depression. We've gone completely nuts, people walking around like zombies. Who knows, maybe that's where it all starts. LOL! Your kind words and generous reviews are always greatly appreciated. :-)
Comment from frogbook
This work has reached the exceptional level

A great one my friend, frightening and original story as well as a host worthy of the contest. I think you "got" the gist of this more than most. Best of luck-seems like a winner to me.

 Comment Written 14-Jun-2017

reply by the author on 14-Jun-2017
    Thank you so much for taking time to read my humor... uh, I mean, horror story. I'm overwhelmed with the talent in this contest, and just honored that Dean would have asked me to join you and every other outstanding writer in this group. I feel a little in over my head, but just being a part of it is a win for me. Your kind words and extra-special six-star review have me floating. I can't think you enough. Please, know that I mean no disrespect, but I would just like to give you a big ((HUG)) for making my day. What am I talking about, my month!
reply by frogbook on 15-Jun-2017
    Well, thanks for the hug. It is needed this week-ha. It was amazing the stories that came out. Loved them.
Comment from Dean Kuch
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

"So break out your hoes, hammers, hatchets, and sickles." ... Speaking of "hoes", you wouldn't happen to have the digits of the lovely lady, Natalie, posing in the corn from your picture, would ya, Freaked-Out Felix?
She looks like a real dirty girl to me, heh-heh, heh...
Oh well...just thought I'd ask...

Now, on to the business at hand--reviewing your story...

Let us help you enjoy every movie morsel of tonight's attraction, piece by piece "Piece by Piece..." If you're referring to the title of the film that's about to be shown where indicated in red, Ric, it should be capitalized, at least...

I don't use those slang references in normal conversation, so why last night, and to her. I just don't know what came over me. Anyway, without a doubt, there went my job. ... Yeah, since it was your boss' old lady, it might have been better to say something like: "Jesus, what a RACK ya got there, Mrs. Thompson!" You know, something with a little more class?
Just sayin' ...

Miss Grumpy is a very fitting name for my little mixed-breed yapping-ass mutt. She barks at everything.

In the yard, I put her down and she runs off barking, up and under the big shrubs lining the front of the house. She likes to chase chipmunks, squirrels, birds, or anything that moves.
... Sounds a lot like the mornings at my dungeon...e-r-rrrr, heh-heh... I meant house, of corpse course.
Ya see, I got three little holy terrier terrors myself. Okay, not really. One's a 16 year-old Chihuahua and the other two are 13 year-old Dachshunds. But, you know what I mean.
Have mercy...

I wish I could remember how I got home. I haven't the slightest idea. Did I drive, take a cab, or did someone bring me? ... Mrs. Thompson probably brought you home then spent the night, heh-heh.
Hey, don't happens!
I know, ahem.
Okay, carry on...

At six pounds, it isn't likely she will ever catch anything. But if she does, and they bite back, as I suspect they will, I would be willing to bet she lets loose rather quickly. ..., not really. My Chihuahua, Gidget, kills moles, mice, possums, and snakes of all kinds. She even treed a racoon once that was twice her size one October night.
She weighs six pounds, soak & wet.
Again...just sayin'...

Fingers, hand, and arm intact to the elbow, then, a three-inch piece of bone from the bicep area protrudes inside exposed stringy tendons, blood vessels, and muscle. ... Hey, maybe the lady simply wanted to...lend you a hand... heh-heh-heh.
Sorry. I couldn't resist...

I pick up a pillow and freeze. Underneath lays curly tendrils attached to two bloodshot eyeballs. ... See? You gotta watch women because they always seem to be keeping an eye out for you, heh-heh...

Then, thump on the floor, a foot with painted toenails. Not just any foot, but one I recognize. It belongs to my date, Natalie, from last evening. No sooner do I see it, I notice her sandal against the far wall. ... Perhaps dear Natalie simply wanted to leave you a souvenir from your night of sinful bliss. You know, so she could get a leg up on the competition?
Hey, don't's possible...

Well, kiddies. All I can say about this story is if a dear, sweet looking girl named Natalie offers to give you a piece of ass, you might just wanna take her literally!

Until next time, fetid fright fiends, Pleasant screams, heh-heh-heh-h-h-hhhhhh...
 photo coollogo_com-6315145_zpsjqxgycae.gifThe Gay Ghoul photo 04d15724-7e1d-4a6c-bb8a-f3ed65398d6f_zpsnyxqciqg.png

 Comment Written 14-Jun-2017

reply by the author on 14-Jun-2017
    Thank you so much, Dean, for taking time to read my humor... uh, I mean, horror story. I intentionally didn't make reference to piece by piece, trying to keep it as just pieces of the show that sort of tied in with the film. Of course, after seeing your suggestion of pointing to my story with "Piece by Piece," I really can't remember why I thought it was so important not to. Your kind words, comments and suggestions, along with your generous review are greatly appreciated. :-)
reply by Dean Kuch on 14-Jun-2017
    You're more than welcome, Ric.
    It's a great story with a strong chance, I think.
    Thanks so much again for your participation, and best of luck in the outcome!
     photo signature_11_zps5fpjvzwk.gif
reply by the author on 14-Jun-2017
    Thank you so much, Dean. I'm just honored to even be in a contest with such a talented group. :-)
Comment from Barb Hensongispsaca
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

OMG you did what I remember with Ghoulardi and the movies he had. Excellently written and I see no mistakes at all. I have read a lot and this rates right up there with the best, it is going to be a hard contest but since I cant vote for my own...Good luck as I fell this gory one is really one to be 'produced'

 Comment Written 14-Jun-2017

reply by the author on 14-Jun-2017
    Thank you so much, Barb, my friend, for taking time to read my humor... uh, I mean, horror story. I haven't gotten around to reading all the stories yet, but I definitely will. Your kind words and generous review are greatly appreciated. :-)
Comment from Sandra du Plessis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A very well-written horror story. What a gruesome discovery to make on an empty stomach and a heavy hangover. Not every friendly face is as it seems. Sometimes the one we trust the most is not trustworthy at all.

 Comment Written 14-Jun-2017

reply by the author on 14-Jun-2017
    So sad, but true. It's usually the ones we truth the most that let us know, or in this case, chop us up. Thank you so much, Sandra du Plessis, for taking time to read my humor... uh, I mean, horror story. Your kind words and generous review are greatly appreciated. :-)