Reviews from

Fake News

the leftist media are excellent agitators....

48 total reviews 
Comment from patcelaw
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I could not agree with you more. The media in my country is totally out of control. There dared not say a bad thing about Obama, and now they refuse to say anything good about our president. So I applaud Donald Trump for calling them out on their bias and fake news. Patricia

 Comment Written 23-Feb-2017

reply by the author on 08-Feb-2018
    Thanks a lot Patricia, I just there will be more people like you in America, level-headed enough to respect your President. God bless.
Comment from AnnaLinda
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted


I'm sorry you missed the four line contest entry.
I could not agree with you more. Your short poem
states your views well. All media is propaganda...
after all.

Thank you for standing up and posting an unpopular
view...should I read your reviews?


 Comment Written 23-Feb-2017

reply by the author on 09-Feb-2018
    Thanks AnnaLinda, I agree it takes courage to post an unpopular view, but I don't just subscribe to "group think" like what the Left or Democrats are always inclined to do. But with the release of the Fisa Memo, we can now the deduce that the Leftists are lying to us about President Trump. The president is right after all, he was illegally wiretapped and was under surveillance for a fake dossier paid for by the Democratic Party and Clinton.
Comment from Thomas Bowling
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I agree 100%. Trump haters need to go away. He won the election. he will win the next one live with it. If Hillary had won even though it would have destroyed America, I would have to live with it.

 Comment Written 23-Feb-2017

reply by the author on 09-Feb-2018
    Thanks a lot Thomas Bowling, make America great again. I believe Trump is the modern Cyrus of the Bible who will bring back God and crush the godless ideology of the Left (Democrats).
Comment from Dean Kuch
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

All I can really say to this is to each their own, Susan.
I do not care for Donald Trump in the slightest.
I met the man in 1982-83, and he physically pushed me aside when the news cameras and press showed up, causing me to trip and fall.
It was as if the USFL fans there to greet the league's newest owner of the New Jersey Generals franchise (Trump) were lesser beings than those with cameras and microphones.
He's an megalomaniac, a narcissistic Adolph Hitler wannabe...and he's now the man in power which makes him doubly dangerous...
 photo Voltaire_zpsffvvptp5.jpg

 Comment Written 23-Feb-2017

reply by the author on 09-Feb-2018
    You are still my friend even though we disagree in our views and political persuasions. God bless you and may you find in your heart to see the truth that Trump brought back Jesus in the mainstream where during the Obama reign, the mere mention of the name Jesus among our soldiers may constitute a crime and can be threatened with court marshal. Today however military chaplains and soldiers are no longer afraid to sue their superiors for harassing them when they talk of Jesus, because they have Trump to back them up. Thanks again my friend, all the best. Susan
Comment from WalkerMan
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You are absolutely right about this. The fakestream media are essentially owned by the pharmaceutical companies, Monsanto, and other huge businesses that themselves are owned by the New World Order "elites" that hate freedom and all who stand for it. So, they do what they are told and all spout the same false narrative each day. Those who get news no other way believe it. There is solid video proof now that Hillary's campaign PAID for anti-Trump rioting because the man who handled that effort proudly confesses to the undercover reporter that secretly taped him. Chaos profiteer George Soros illegally funds thugs that are bused across state lines to incite riots where otherwise no such thing would happen. Sadly, here at FS, there are many who parrot the lies. Trump, by keeping the campaign promises that got him elected, is repairing the damage left by O; and the stunned Leftists will stop at nothing to stand in the way. This will get worse before it gets better. You, and others overseas who see the truth are appreciated here by Americans who want our country back. Thank you.

 Comment Written 23-Feb-2017

reply by the author on 09-Feb-2018
    Thanks a lot WalkerMan for the very warm response to this poem Fake News. Yes, I do love your country and I don't want it to be overtaken by the god-less Communist, and Socialist Leftists, or the leftist Democrats in your country. With the Fisa memo out now, the true identity of the lying Democrats and the corrupt FBI and DOJ of the Obama reign is exposed. They are really colluding to take down President Trump with a fake dossier paid for by the Democratic party and Clinton. Do you know of any Trump-Support group where I can join and be of help. I am here now at Vegas as a legitimate US immigrant about two months now, I got my green card and I do have my SSS ID number now. God bless. Susan (nassus)
reply by WalkerMan on 09-Feb-2018
    You are welcome, Susan. Wow, you wrote this post almost a year ago, and it clearly is still relevant today. Welcome to America. I hope you don't end up regretting coming here. Yes, I have seen page-by-page photos of the Nunes Memo as well as have learned many related facts. I just hope all the traitors involved finally answer for their crimes.

    To answer your question, I shun ALL social media, as they are all corrupt (and spy on users) in some way, and never have been a joiner of groups. However, two safe and long-standing Conservative groups are the Tea Party (if it is active near your location) and Oath Keepers, which consists of those who have sworn to defend our Constitution (both active and retired military, plus state, county, and local law enforcement personnel) and anyone else who wants to support their cause. They are active all across the nation and have many meetings open to the public.

    Please feel free to ask me anything else you wonder about, as I am a professional researcher with lots of info sources, including health and nutrition. (Thus, I have not even had a cold for two decades, and feel half my calendar age.) Skip the worthless flu shots. Get plenty of midday sun and supplement with at least 5,000 to 10,000 units per day of Vitamin D3 (the natural oil-soluble kind -- NOT weak, water-soluble D2 found in dairy products) plus Vitamin K2 to balance the D3 (one capsule of K2 per 10,000 units of D3), and you won't get the flu. I actually ramp up to 20,000 units of D3 in winter, then ramp down to 10,000 in summer, and have NEVER had the flu except once in 1975 before I knew to do that. I've never had a flu shot. Good thing, as they contain mercury and several other toxins NOT beneficial to anything.

    Bless you, and stay well. -- Mike
reply by the author on 09-Feb-2018
    Where do you buy Vitamin K2 and D3, how much do they cost. I don't take any maintenance medicines, I am a fan of herbal supplements, turmeric tea, ginger tea and green tea. I have no heart disease, I am not diabetic, my blood pressure is normal and I regularly exercise , one hour brisk walking and about 30 minutes in the gym. Pardon this little conceit but they say, I don't look my age at 60. My profile photo in this site was taken only two months ago when I arrived here in Vegas last December 18, 2017. All the best. Susan
reply by WalkerMan on 09-Feb-2018
    There is no photo in your Profile that I could see; but I believe you, in part because of what I sense shining out from within.

    Look at (where I have been a Premier member for two decades. They keep up with the latest research and manufacture supplements to the highest standards of purity and efficacy. For $49.95 per year, which they give back instantly as a $50.00 credit towards their supplements, you get at least 25 percent off ALL their list prices, half off when new products launch, and even as much as 80 percent off during some overstock sales, plus a monthly glossy magazine about current health research results and how their products are formulated to respond, plus free daily emails, plus an annual Supersale (November through January) when you get an extra ten percent off, plus FREE shipping on all products, plus credit toward future purchases, plus a lot more. I renew at end of year to get the most out of the instant $50 credit.

    They have a pure liquid form of Vitamin D3 suitable to put into ANY non-heated drink (fruit or vegetable), containing two thousand units per drop. I get # 00864, the kind without mint, as it does not alter the taste of whatever I put it in (usually, Knudsen Very Veggie Original Organic -- comes in a 32-ounce glass bottle with dark green stripe on the label). The LEF normal price for 1 fluid ounce D3 is $28 retail, $21 for Premier members, and $18.75 if a member buys four at a time (or $18.90 for one bottle during their Supersale). The bottle is a squeeze bottle -- no awkward dropper. (I get Very Veggie at supermarkets that have organic items.)

    For K2, I buy LEF's new # 02034 Super K with Advanced K2 Complex (90 softgels to take one per day) -- $20.25 each during the last Supersale (still under $25 now that the Supersale is over).

    You can call Life Extension Foundation toll free at 1-800-544-4440. Their representatives are very friendly and helpful. My sister joined on my recommendation, and is happy with their service too. Ask about all the benefits of Premier membership. You won't be disappointed. -- Mike
reply by the author on 10-Feb-2018
    Dear Friend, please check my profile now, the photo was there now where it used to be. The caption of the photo can be read at the profile thoughts. Thanks a lot for the information Mike, I'll check out on this. All the best. Susan
reply by WalkerMan on 10-Feb-2018
    You are right, Susan. I would never guess your calendar age from that photo. You have been taking good care of yourself. You are welcome for the information on LEF. I have other sources for items they don't happen to have. The combination is what works for me. -- Mike
Comment from doggymad
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well done on this short work that says so much. I am Irish and know little or nothing about american politics.

However, I do agree that the media are giving the man no chance at all.

Sorry you didnt make the deadline

 Comment Written 23-Feb-2017

reply by the author on 09-Feb-2018
    Thanks a lot Freda for being objective in your view. God bless.
Comment from Mrs Happy Poet
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello again my friend you have expressed your views honestly in this piece trump should be given a chance to do his best its like anything new for some change make them panic well-done regards Jill

 Comment Written 23-Feb-2017

reply by the author on 09-Feb-2018
    Thanks a lot Jill for your objective view and the warm stars too. Susan
Comment from Jesse James Doty
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

That's right. All, and I say, all, the credible media is ganging up on Trump. Please!!!
I find that we must agree to disagree. I don't think that this "poem" is anything more than a personal view. That's why I gave it a four star rating. You haven't "hurt my feelings", but I feel the need to speak up on the media's behalf. It is dangerous when a leader tells the people to not listen to any media. It leads to dictatorship.
Peace, Jesse

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 Comment Written 23-Feb-2017

reply by the author on 09-Feb-2018
    Thanks a lot my friend for the very honest response. I do understand the importance of press freedom. But it does not mean a license to malign anyone against the anchor's ideology. If CNN spends 353 minutes attacking Trump and only ONE MINUTE for Trump's economic reforms, that is obviously a biased reporting. There is what we call ethics in journalism and requisites for a truthful, newsworthy news, press freedom is not absolute, there is a corresponding responsibility to always tell the truth. CNN anchors are selling the Leftist propaganda, they tell truth with their spin according to a narrative against the sitting President of your country, which I have learned to love, even though I am not an American citizen.
reply by Jesse James Doty on 09-Feb-2018
    I'm sorry. I should have passed on this one. I apologize for confronting you and your views. I agree to disagree.
Comment from Kerry Foley Robinson
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello, I thought that was very well put.
Straight forward and to the point. You chose good words to express.
I wouldn't worry of hurting peoples feelings,
Great thing about writing, we can write what we want, shouldn't have to worry of repercussions of peoples feelings. It does show you are a considerate person.

 Comment Written 23-Feb-2017

reply by the author on 09-Feb-2018
    Thanks a lot Kerry Robinson for the warm response and thanks too, for the bright stars.
reply by Kerry Foley Robinson on 13-Feb-2018
    You're very welcome:)
Comment from Dolly'sPoems
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I agree, few words here, but huge message. Let him to the job and we will judge him on his actions, not words, love Dolly x

 Comment Written 23-Feb-2017

reply by the author on 09-Feb-2018
    Thanks a lot Dolly for stopping by and for the warm response. All the best.