Reviews from

John Seay's Head

When I was young, I had an obsessive fear of death

33 total reviews 
Comment from DecrepitOldBag
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh gods, Beth. I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry!
I can just picture your poor little face and the abject terror at seeing your mother holding a disembodied head - poor child.
I have experienced similar feelings to you. I hated eating meat at first because what Mother cooked was so vile, but once I got used to the farm, I hated it even more. I couldn't bear the thought of 'eating someone'! These days I object to farming methods, yet know if I reared animals myself, I'd starve rather than eat them.
If it's any consolation, I ahve never seen Bambi past where Bambi's mother dies. I too, fled the theatre sobbing, inconsolable. I'm 51 now and I simply cannot watch it. I can't even watch the Lion Kind without sobbing right through it from the first bar of music to the last! :(
Extremely well written a most enjoyable read. Why ahve my sixes disappeared? I'm sure I haven't given you a six recently have I? Please accept this virtual one instead. ******
Warmest wishes and hugs

 Comment Written 13-Jul-2009

reply by the author on 13-Jul-2009
    Kat, You are like me in so many ways, but I think you are a much storger person, because I don't think I couldn have handled the things you have. I was hoping people would find it amusing, but most people took it quite seriously. It seems a lot of people identified with my fear of death.
    Thanks for your wonderful comments. They always make me smile or laugh out loud.
    All the best,
Comment from AlvinTEthington
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I think all children nowadays do have a fear of death--television and films have brought death in gruesome Technicolor to us. When I was an adolescent, I used to fear there was a coffin in my room (both my grandmothers were dying, and I didn't understand what was going on.)

Death is all around us--on the nightly news and in horror films. I am glad you wrote this essay. It was cathartic for me to read.

The ending is amusing, but I found myself thinking your mother should have prepared you for it.

One very minor copy editing remark:

have to learn to deal with it" --period between "it" and closing quotation mark.

Stylistically, the story is very good. It flows well and you write well with the voice of a child.

 Comment Written 13-Jul-2009

reply by the author on 13-Jul-2009
    Thank you, Alvin. I appreciate your review and thoughtful comments. I fixed the period. I'm glad you liked this piece.
Comment from patwannabe
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

OMG, Beth, what a horrible thing to have happen. I must admit, I didn't much care for the picture you put with this. It almost traumatized me :-) I'm glad I don't have that sculpture sitting on my mantle. I loved your story. You really have a knack for bringing your early days into full view. Wonderful, waiting for more, pat

 Comment Written 13-Jul-2009

reply by the author on 13-Jul-2009
    Thank you Pat, I appreciate the review and the kind works. That is an ugly sculpture but it looks a lot like the old man who died. Anyway, I didn't look closely enough at the one mother brought out. I just knew it was a head and since his was the only body at the funeral home, I assumed it was his. I was a dumb kid.
reply by patwannabe on 13-Jul-2009
    ha ha. pat
Comment from Helen Tan
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Another enjoyable childhood story. Death still frightens me to this day.

I loved it until Bambi's mother died
I cried at this part too...still do.

I don't think kids of today
Delete "of". It's so true that kids nowadays have a higher tolerance for violence, death than my generation. Maybe it's a more violent world they live in now so they are numbed to it. Tragic.

"No!" I said emphatically. "I'm not going in that place. "
I would delete "I said emphatically" as it is obvious from what you've said and from that exclamation mark you've inserted.

she never got in a hurry.
she never hurried

holding a head. I looked up and screamed and dived to floor of the car.
That must have been a fantastic piece of art to look so real. I can imagine you being frightened.

 Comment Written 12-Jul-2009

reply by the author on 12-Jul-2009
    Helen, I'm so glad you read my story. I haven't heard from you lately and I missed you. You always have such helpful suggestions that I've started to rely on you to help me make things better. Thanks for the rating and the comments.
Comment from Belinda
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I love these little pieces you write, as it shows me how a sensitive person you are , Beth. It seems like I come to know you little by little. This story (true story) is very nicely written!

 Comment Written 12-Jul-2009

reply by the author on 12-Jul-2009
    Belinda, Thank you, I do share little bits and pieces of my life in these stories as strange as I may be.
Comment from adewpearl
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

OH, I can only try to imagine your horror as you thought your mother had brought the poor old man's severed head out to the car to familiarize you with death! LOL I have to confess to you that I still convulse in tears every time Bambi's mother gets shot. And yes, children today are often numbed to death because of video games and the evening news.
Some would call that progress... Your story makes thought provoking points while also causing your reader to howl with laughter at that ending!! Brooke :-)

 Comment Written 12-Jul-2009

reply by the author on 12-Jul-2009
    Thank you, I'm so glad you found it funny. I meant it to be but I've gotten such serious comment's. Everyone's focus seems to be on the fear I had of death rather than the episode with the head.
Comment from c_lucas
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Some people never get over their fear of death. I don't fear it, but I won't go to funerals. I prefer thinking of them the way they were. Funerals are never for the dead, but for the living. This is a very well written story with good imagery and descriptive scheme.

 Comment Written 12-Jul-2009

reply by the author on 12-Jul-2009
    Thank you for the review and the comments. I don't fear death now so much but I don't like to dwell on it. I do go to funerals because for the loved ones it is the closure they need and it is nice to have friends there to support the ones who are grieving. I go for them and would like to believe someone will be there to say goodbye to me.
reply by c_lucas on 12-Jul-2009
    You're welcome, Beth. Charlie
Comment from laurelp
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I learned about death when my grandmother died. I was just past 5 years old. I learned about it from my wise 7 year old brother. He said, "Grandma went on a long trip. We won't see her for decades unless we are really lucky. Then maybe a quick glance." My time came when I was around 33 and she saved my life when I fell asleep driving. I was really lucky, she awoke me and I survived. Haven't seen her since, but never needed to either. Is there death or just a different life?

 Comment Written 12-Jul-2009

reply by the author on 12-Jul-2009
    Thank you for the review and the intersting comments.
Comment from WRITER1
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I can relate to this my niece was forced go to into a private home to see a neighbor. She never got over it. Although she does go to funerals now, it is something she does with dread. Very good story.

 Comment Written 12-Jul-2009

reply by the author on 12-Jul-2009
    Thank your review and the comments.
Comment from pixiemillie
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Beth you are so right about some of those nursery rhymes- -and to think we all had books and heard and even learned some of the stories and terrible rhymes. Death can be a terrible thing and so difficult for all of us to understand, particularly for a child. Your parents trying to explain it to you didn't convince you that 'it was a part of living'. To think your Mother came out of the funeral home with that artwork, frightening for you, but laughable now. Great work. Thank you. And I can see why you responded the way you did- -look at that photo- -it's awful- -and scares me just looking at it.

NOTE- -a few little glitches:

When the time come,

Life was a scary.

I want be long

 Comment Written 12-Jul-2009

reply by the author on 12-Jul-2009
    Thank you for the review and comments and finding the glitches. I had already fixed a couple of them but I took care of the other one.