Reviews from

Learn to Write Like Stephen King

A glimpse into the psyche of Stephen King

31 total reviews 
Comment from Jnetgame
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Very well written essay. I actually have the book you're writing about and I agree that it is good book (although I must admit I haven't read all of it). Good luck in the contest.

 Comment Written 24-Aug-2008

reply by the author on 24-Aug-2008
    Thanks so much for the kind review and encouragement.
Comment from chaswriter
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a very good book report. If I didn't already have several "how to write" books, I would get this one based on this report. Good job. Charlie.

 Comment Written 24-Aug-2008

reply by the author on 24-Aug-2008
    Thanks for the kind review. If you enjoy King's writing, I urge you to still consider getting the book, just for the entertainment value. It is a fascinating read.
Comment from venusanblue
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A nice write on my favourite writer, Stephen King. I have always admired his work and have almost all his books. I love the way he puts himself in his movies, he only has a tiny part, but it always makes me lol. Nice read, V,xxx

 Comment Written 24-Aug-2008

reply by the author on 24-Aug-2008
    Thanks for the kind review and comment. When I think of his movie roles, I always think about his part in "Creepshow".
Comment from William Walz
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Although a huge King fan, I have never read this book but I must say your wondeful book report makes me want to go out and purchase it as soon as the stores open. If I may say a bit about the great master and his writing...In addition to all the remarkably well described horror King shows us, he also tells about ordinary people in extraordinry circumstance. There is a wonderful part of CUJO where King describes a wife's infidelity and the emotional devastation it causes. To me this was the best part of the book. First and foremost, all of King's books are about people. The monsters are merely little more than bit players. Unfortunately, all of us here could read his writing tutorial until the cows come home and still never be able to even walk in the shadow of this genius of the imagination. Sorry if I got carried away.

 Comment Written 24-Aug-2008

reply by the author on 24-Aug-2008
    Thanks so much for your extremely kind review and comments. As a King fan, you MUST read this book. You are dead on right about his books - they are not really about the monsters, but about people. That is exactly what "It" was about.
Comment from Josipher32
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I have read, not this book, but information regarding King's earlier days and his struggles in the beginning, and how he almost didn't become a writer. I think you have developed a well written book report. If you don't mind, since you have already promoted this, I am going to add a few pumps to promote this farther, because I want more people to enter this contest.

 Comment Written 24-Aug-2008

reply by the author on 24-Aug-2008
    Thanks for the kind and positive review, and thanks for further promoting my work.
    This is a great idea for a contest; nothing is more fun than writing about a great book.
Comment from Nicky B
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I have only read some of the Dark Tower series by Stephen King, and 'On Writing.' I found it a very useful and entertaining read. He has got a very clear grasp on the form and it easy to see why he has been hugely successful. This review perfectly captured the essence of King's views on writing. Nick.

 Comment Written 24-Aug-2008

reply by the author on 24-Aug-2008
    Thanks for the kind words and comments. If you are interesting in sampling some more of his writing, I suggest checking out one of his many short story compilations. His short stories are quick reading and usually carry quite a wallop. Reminds me of Poe's short stories.
Comment from Sissy Holly Grace
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

An interesting look into into the thoughts of this famous writer. You certailny enjoyed reading this and have brought to the readers on this sight an important look into this man's life. Good luck in the contest and thanks for the read.

 Comment Written 24-Aug-2008

reply by the author on 24-Aug-2008
    Thanks for the kind review and encouragement.
Comment from The Unlikely author
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I have "On Writing" sitting next to me at all times when I write. Stephen King lives about four miles from my house and the "Rural Highway" you talk about is nothing more than a two lane stretch of Route 5. On Writing has been one of the most inspiring books for me as a writer, to read. It is nice to know that even the KING himself struggled at the start. Having seen his house and seeing him in nearby markets It is nice to see that success doesn't have to change the man. Just perhaps let him live better. I hope people read this post of yours and grab his book. Thanks for putting this out there.

 Comment Written 24-Aug-2008

reply by the author on 24-Aug-2008
    Thanks for the kind review. I think you hit it on the head - despite his extraordinary fame, he has remained so down to earth.
Comment from Antinonymous
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A solid, convincing review. I can't think of anything important left out, and I'd go check out the book if I didn't already have it.

 Comment Written 24-Aug-2008

reply by the author on 24-Aug-2008
    Thanks so much for the kind review and helpful suggestions. I thought that line was awkward, also, but I was drawing a blank when editing it. I like your suggestion: "as he is at" and I'm going to change it immediately. Thanks again for the help!
Comment from Kit Minden
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Does he tell the story of the knife in the wall in this book? The one with all the rejection letters run through by the blade? You've written a good review but the contest says it should make the reader go out and buy it now - can you add some more of your enthusiasm to your carefully worded piece? How did you feel? How do you feel as a writer now you have King in your back pocket, urging you on?

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 Comment Written 24-Aug-2008

reply by the author on 24-Aug-2008
    Thanks for your kind review and helpful advice. I think I have until the contest deadline to edit my entry, so I am going to give your suggestions serious thought. To answer your question, yes, he does describe the knife in the wall with all his rejections.
reply by Kit Minden on 24-Aug-2008
    That's the story that I remember - other writers often tell it - I haven't read the book but your essay makes it more interesting to me. I haven't thought I'd relate to King but now I wonder if I might after all. Thanks!