Reviews from

A Compilation of Short stories

Viewing comments for Chapter 112 "A String of Events"

37 total reviews 
Comment from BethShelby
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I found this very interesting and since I haven't read you biography it does leave me with some unanswered questions. I guess I'm one of the ones how might have to wait for answers. I think it is amazing that you had two or three wonderful families. I assume the story you are telling about Lorenzo is from you biological father's family. I wondered about the fact that your adoptive mother because a different person after the death of your father. I wondered if she resented the fact you found your biological mother, but perhaps we'll learn more later. It does seem that adoption broadened your world and made you the amazing person you are today. I truly enjoyed reading this.

 Comment Written 22-Mar-2022

reply by the author on 22-Mar-2022
    Thank you so much, Beth, and for your in depth answer and review.
    No, my adoptive mother was long dead when I found my real family, if I can call them that.
    My adoptive mother changed almost overnight after her husband's death, my beloved adoptive father. For some reason I don't think she actually cared about me. She became hostile an acted as if she suddenly hated me. Very strange indeed. I married, had my daughter and she never cared. She met my daughter, her grandchild, once at a funeral when Amelie was eleven years of age. And she turned on her heels leaving my little daughter quite speechless. It's a long story but it's all in my portfolio.
    Thank you so much again. Ulla:)))
reply by BethShelby on 22-Mar-2022
    Thanks for the in depth answer. I'll try to find the story as soon as I have the time.
Comment from Dawn Munro
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Ulla, as always, your story and the way you relate it, are charming this reader. And as for being adopted, parents don't get to choose the ones born to them, do they? LOL. So think of it as being extra-special.

Nicely done, my friend.

 Comment Written 22-Mar-2022

reply by the author on 22-Mar-2022
    Thank you so much, Dawn. That was a wonderful review. I needed that.
    No, indeed, a parent doesn't get to choose the child who is born to them. I feel a bit vulnerable tonight. Very unlike me. Sorry. Ulla:)))
reply by Dawn Munro on 22-Mar-2022
    No, not at all. Been there many times, my friend, and I'm betting there are a lot of folks feeling pretty darn vulnerable these days... Big hugs!
reply by the author on 22-Mar-2022
    Thanks!!! Hugs back.
Comment from Judy Lawless
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You've told me some of this story in your reviews of my novel, Ulla. Of course an adopted child is not less a person than one who is born into the family. I have two adopted grandchildren who have brought much joy, and sometimes pain, to a couple who couldn't produce a child themselves. We all love them dearly. Thanks for sharing. :)

 Comment Written 22-Mar-2022

reply by the author on 22-Mar-2022
    Well that is it, isn't it? Children bring joy and sometimes pain. It doesn't matter whether they're adopted or not. My own daughter has a lovely life with her husband and my three young granddaughters, but she doesn't seem to care too much about me, whereas I have become very close to my family in America going over there in September yet again.. It just goes to show. Thank you so much. Ulla:)))
    This contest was borne out as a protest. Too many family contests have taken place of late where adoption was not allowed. So the question arose. Are adopted persons second class citizens who can never belong to any kind of family?
reply by Judy Lawless on 22-Mar-2022
    You're very welcome, Ulla. I understand completely about adoption. I'm sorry your daughter doesn't seem to care. Could it be because life is so busy these days. I don't hear from my children as often as I'd like because of their busy lives.
Comment from lyenochka
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Fabulous story! I knew you were adopted but I loved learning these details about you, especially the little toddler with the black eye fighting with the bigger boys!! You have survival power and you had a wonderful adoptive father. AND you actually got to meet your birth parents. Wow! I'd love to learn how those meetings went and how you tracked them down.
Best wishes in the contest!

my Dad, to be, (Dad-to-be)
approaching my seventieth decade. (seventh) Unless you're a fairy and are approaching 700
find where where I actually (remove one 'where')
She never had any [other] children with George. (they had YOU)

 Comment Written 22-Mar-2022

reply by the author on 22-Mar-2022
    Hahaha, Helen, you caught me out there. Wouldn't it be wonderful if I were a fairy 😅.
    I have made the corrections. Thanks so much for pointing them out.
    I had a reviewer who found my piece quite boring, but he never found my mistakes. I'm still laughing. Thanks for your eagle eye. Ulla:)))
reply by the author on 22-Mar-2022
reply by lyenochka on 22-Mar-2022
    Loved your story! And I'm shocked at whoever said it was boring! You had a most exciting life!
Comment from Terry Broxson
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a well-done story. I read the other entry and it is interesting too. I hope you get several more as I am sure that is your objective. It must be pretty cool to fifty to meet the birth parents. Good work, Terry.

 Comment Written 22-Mar-2022

reply by the author on 22-Mar-2022
    It was amazing, and a wonderful thing to happen. I also gained a brother and a whole new set of family. My brother, Reuben, and I speak every week and I'm set to visit again in September. We have seen each other several times over the years. I can't wait.Thanks a a lot for a great review. Ulla:)))
Comment from Shirley McLain
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a wonderful story to read, Ulla. Thank you for sharing it. You were and are blessed. Did your adoptive mother just give up on life after your dad died. Your grandfather's story that you're writing, which parents did he belong to? You did a great job. Shirley

 Comment Written 22-Mar-2022

reply by the author on 22-Mar-2022
    Thank you so much, Shirley. No, when my adoptive father died, she turned into a rather vicious person. A turn that through me off my feet at the time.
    My great-grandfather, Lorenzo, was my real father's grandfather. When I found my real father, I also gained a brother. Reuben and I speak every week and I'm due to fly over to visit him and the family. I can't wait. We have become very close. I was due to fly over two years ago but Covid came in the way. Ulla:)))
reply by Shirley McLain on 22-Mar-2022
    How wonderful for you. Where does Reuben live and when do you plan to go?
reply by the author on 22-Mar-2022
    He lives in Massachusetts, Cape Cod, and I'm going in September. I can't wait to see them all again.
Comment from damommy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I can relate somewhat. My youngest son adopted the baby of the woman her married. She was two years old and they bonded the moment they laid eye on each other. She now has a sister. She knows she's adopted, but says my son is her daddy for sure! I'm glad you had a good reunion.

 Comment Written 22-Mar-2022

reply by the author on 22-Mar-2022
    Thank you so much, Yvonne. But that's the thing. I knew I was adopted from day one, but they were still my parents. How could they not be? Thanks again. Ulla:)))
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm not sure what adoption means legally in Denmark or America, but it would probably common throughout the world, adoption is legal in every sense of the word, spiritually that's true, and western cultures tend to hold to the mosaic law, but genetics is genetics, both my in laws were adopted, Elaine is natural, but her bloodline is difficult to trace, of course I know your story. Beautifully written Ull, blessings Roy
Typo : Such (were) the law. Was?

 Comment Written 22-Mar-2022

reply by the author on 22-Mar-2022
    Yeah, but the child feels a fierce love for those who takes it in and choose to love it. The genetics doesn't really comes in to it. A much misunderstood concept that always amazes me. Believe me, I do talk from experience after all.
    I have made the correction. Thanks for pointing it out. Ulla:)))
reply by royowen on 22-Mar-2022
    Yes, I agree
Comment from Ben Colder
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

My daughter and her husband after raising their two children and relishing their offspring's as grandchildren adopted a set of twin boys at birth. They are 12 now and know no others as parents but my daughter. They know where they came from, but only one set of parents. They also travel much.
You did well with this and I admire you for sharing the times with us.

 Comment Written 22-Mar-2022

reply by the author on 22-Mar-2022 so very much Ben. I'm glad you understood. Ulla:)))
reply by Ben Colder on 22-Mar-2022
    Oh yes. My most profound respect for you.
Comment from Sally Law
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow! This is an amazing story of adoption. I love these kind of stories and this one made me feel good all over. A wonderful and encouraging one after many bummers today. I just might make it. :))

Sending you my best today as always and best wishes for the upcoming contest,
Sal XOs

 Comment Written 22-Mar-2022

reply by the author on 22-Mar-2022
    Aw, thank you so much, Sally, and I'm sorry you appears not have a bad day. I'm glad if I could.cheer you up. Ulla xxx