Reviews from

Political Follies

Four-Way Monologue on Trump's 2016 Inauguration

26 total reviews 
Comment from Bill Schott
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This script, Political Follies, gives voice to the President, past President and a couple of first ladies. The humor and irony is definitely there and the need for a change in leadership is apparent.

 Comment Written 25-Oct-2020

reply by the author on 26-Oct-2020
    The flipside of the review above! Glad you enjoyed the show. Thanks for stopping by, Bill. Cheers. LIZ
Comment from Lobber
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

hi - it's clever - very astute and clever - great insight and imagination - the challenge is to make each voice credibly that of the character and not another vehicle for writer's voice - would love to see how you would handle Baron's mono
- Lobber

 Comment Written 30-Aug-2020

reply by the author on 30-Aug-2020
    Thanks for stopping by! As you say, it is a challenge to channel such a motley crew and attempt to do them individual justice -- I sure had a ball in the attempt! Cheers. LIZ
Comment from elchupakabra
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your irreverent humor shines through in this piece, your voice definitely comes through in your writing. Great work on this parody type work, thanks for sharing. Later daze.

 Comment Written 30-Aug-2020

reply by the author on 30-Aug-2020
    Thanks for stopping by! It is a challenge to channel such a motley crew and attempt to do them individual justice -- I sure had a ball in the attempt! Cheers. LIZ
Comment from Alcreator Litt Dear
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a realistic and practicable script of all four acts, I like and have enjoyed the read, the humour and irony of Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Melania and Donald; well said, well done; thanks for sharing this. ALCREATOR

 Comment Written 30-Aug-2020

reply by the author on 30-Aug-2020
    Thanks--I had a ball writing this! Cheers. LIZ
Comment from Ric Myworld
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well, since I don't have any sixes, I'm glad that this piece doesn't need any to get the little green plus sign. I've become a hater of politics and politicians. All thieves and liars only wanting to line their own pockets. The biggest question to me being that out of nearly 400-million people, why is it we can never find two halfway-decent candidates to run for office? The answer is: because it takes at least 1-billion dollars to be a viable candidate who can win. Which means, these people have to have all been lying, cheating, butt-kissing, suckasses, for many years to have the clout or ever connected with the money it takes to run for President. Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 23-Jul-2020

reply by the author on 24-Jul-2020
    Spot on! Cheers. LIZ
Comment from lyenochka
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well, you certainly donned the verbal mannerisms of the the Clintons well. But I think Melania could use more awkward phrasings (liked that she's concerned for her son) and well, the trumpocrat probably would have used more unusual words like covfefe. Ah, politics! Praying for better leaders!!

 Comment Written 23-Jul-2020

reply by the author on 23-Jul-2020
    Amen! Thanks for stopping by. (covfefe?)
reply by lyenochka on 23-Jul-2020
    I was referring to a typo in one of his tweets from 2017
Comment from Gloria ....
This work has reached the exceptional level

LOL, this is a hoot, LIZ and I must say you particularly captured Hillary and Bill "Dick" Clinton very well. I also thought I sensed Bill would be none too pleased with the possibility of being America's First Gentleman. I mean think of it, it would've been a first and possibly even more historic than the first woman president.

Melania's characterization I thought a bit sparse, but she does play her cards very close to her vest so it's hard to estimate her depth other than that found on her $39 jacket emblazoned with "I don't really care, do you?" that she wore to a migrant child detention centre.

You went pretty easy on Trump, but then he does have his redeeming qualities as long as they all point toward him and have no depth.

One typo:
-much less of the whole-effin-country!--had [had] I not been ruthless and power-driven.

Really well written and I thoroughly enjoyed it all.


 Comment Written 22-Jul-2020

reply by the author on 23-Jul-2020
    Thanks for the bonussssss Gloria--even more for your entertaining commentary! Clever snark re Trump's reedeming qualities. Typo fixed--nice catch! Cheers. LIZ
Comment from Mike Stevens
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A fine post, and I do think Melania never expected, nor wanted her husband to become president, who would? And I'm one of the few, apparently, who thought Hillary would have made an excellent president. We'll never know now, unfortunately

 Comment Written 01-Jul-2020

reply by the author on 01-Jul-2020
    Thanks so much Mike! How very nice of you to read this four act script for a measly two cents. I hope you got some entertainment value at least. Cheers. LIZ
Comment from Sandra Stoner-Mitchell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Sorry, has to be a virtual six, that was brilliant! I laughed at Melania, I can quite see her divorcing Donald when this is finally over. Be it this term or the next. As you said, no one knows for certain that he won't get in again. I really enjoyed all of this, another one to note, Bill Clinton, I had to laugh, had Hillary won, he would be her 'first man'! Really?? LOL! Well done, I loved this well written piece. :)) Sandra xx

 Comment Written 08-Feb-2020

reply by the author on 08-Feb-2020
    Thank you, Sandra. I had great fun with this piece--I went into a trance, channeled these characters, and let them spew. I appreciate the would-be bonus. Cheers. LIZ
Comment from Spitfire
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a hoot. Although presented as four separate monologues, a skilled director could intersperse the parts to highlight the humor of these personalities.

 Comment Written 07-Feb-2020

reply by the author on 08-Feb-2020
    Thank you, Shari. Happy to hear the hoot! I had a blast in the crafting. Actually, I shouldn't take credit--seemed like I just sat back and let 'em go at it. Cheers. LIZ