Reviews from


The gun was hot and he was naked.

88 total reviews 
Comment from Boogienights
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This man may say he was only trying to save himself but if that was true he could have hid or ran...he didn't. He was truly a hero and saved lives. Thanks for writing this and making people aware of this incident.

 Comment Written 29-Apr-2018

reply by the author on 29-Apr-2018
    Yes, BoogieNights, I thought of that myself. Most people who try to save themselves in this situation would have ran and hide. Shaw chose to wait until Reinking's gun jammed or he had to reload, and then he rushed him and fought for two minutes to rip the gun away. I am thankful for your review and that I made people aware of this incident.
reply by Boogienights on 29-Apr-2018
Comment from Blue Hendrix
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Great poem it grabbed my attention from the first couple of words and made me read and reread several times. Very interesting facts I really enjoyed your work. Well done!

 Comment Written 29-Apr-2018

reply by the author on 29-Apr-2018
    Thank you, Blue Hendrix, for your review. I'm glad you enjoyed my work several times.
Comment from pome lover
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

that's true, he did, and indeed was a hero, but that doesn't mean that having a gun for self defense is a bad thing. I wish I had one, but it's not a top priority in my budget. I have a can of wasp spray by my bed- which I hope is still good - it's supposed to shoot 20 feet (if one doesn't point it towards oneself in a fit of fright.)
pome lover

 Comment Written 29-Apr-2018

reply by the author on 29-Apr-2018
    Yes, pome lover, after the mass shooting in the Florida high school, one Pennsylvania school district installed five gallon buckets of river stones in classrooms. If an intruder tries to gain access to a classroom, the students are instructed to stone him. I may even put a bucket of rocks by my work desk. Thank you for your review.
reply by pome lover on 29-Apr-2018
    well, that is pretty inventive. maybe next will be sling shots. (not funny, I know)
reply by the author on 29-Apr-2018
    Well, if it worked for David against Goliath . . .
reply by pome lover on 29-Apr-2018
    chuckle chuckle
Comment from RGstar
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I agree my brother. My problem, I am always steeping in to save the weak, never really thinking about myself...I'm afraid to pay the price a day.
Yes, we all have it in us, let us hope it is used for the right reason, and right outcome.

Always good to read from you.
My very best wishes.

 Comment Written 29-Apr-2018

reply by the author on 29-Apr-2018
    Thank you, RG, for your heartfelt review. Even though four died before Shaw stopped Reinking, blessing about this incident is that Shaw did not try to run and hide or save others. He waited for a moment of opportunity. So often during mass shootings the shootings go on and on, even after the gun jams or has to be reloaded. Those were lost opportunities in which someone could have stopped him, like in that Florida school and nightclub shootings.

    Thank you for your best wishes.
Comment from mermaids
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It is so scary when a shooter goes wild in a Waffle House, nowhere is safe anymore.
This is an excellent poem that reflects the real world and a real situation. I imagine there are not too many naked shooters.

 Comment Written 29-Apr-2018

reply by the author on 29-Apr-2018
    Yes, Mermaids, that naked shooter was the first I heard about, but he has been known to use his nudity as a weapon. In 2016 he dived into a public swimming pool wearing a woman's pink housecoat and a pair of men's underwear. When the lifeguard chased him out of the pool, Reinking flashed his genitals at him. Later when someone got into a yelling match with him, Reinking, still wearing the pink woman's coat, flashed an AR-15 at him. Reinking should have been stopped then. Now we have four dead people.

    Thank you for your review of my poem on this real world situation.
Comment from Old Soldier
This work has reached the exceptional level

Well written. I really like the last part about us having "the potential for heroism" Know one knows what they are capable of until that moment. It's not about the weapon you have in your hand, it's about what's in your heart.

 Comment Written 29-Apr-2018

reply by the author on 29-Apr-2018
    Yes, Old Soldier, after that incident and Shaw's advice to us, I began praying that I have the courage, speed, grace, and peace of mind to do what he did. No one knows what he is capable of at such moments. You are right. It's not the weapon we have in our hands; it's what we have in our heart. Thank you for your generous, six star review.
Comment from Eternal Muse
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh, wow! I never heard of that story. It was horrifying. I wonder what the shooter would say the reason was, if he sat at a psychiatrist's chair? All shrinks start with your childhood. But to be NAKED when he kills people? Maybe it gave him an erection (lol).

There are so many sickos out there. And not all can afford insurance to get help. Sad. Should we send a petition to the White House - to get a socialized medicine? That would eliminate a lot of needless deaths. Sad grin.

I loved these words:

Within each of us lies the potential for heroism,
to clothe ourselves with a garment of courage
we never knew our closet possessed.

 Comment Written 29-Apr-2018

reply by the author on 29-Apr-2018
    Yeah, Yelena, the shooter tried going to the White House himself last year to deliver his message to Trump, but the Secret Service stopped him and confiscated his guns. Unfortunately, the FBI gave the guns back to the father who later gave them to his son who used one in the shooting. I think the man was troubled and an exhibitionist. In 2016, he dived into a public swimming pool wearing a woman's pink house coat and a pair of men's underwear. He flashed his genitals at the lifeguard when he kicked him out of the pool. You are right, our society needs to do a better job at addressing mental illness.

    Thank you for your review. I'm lad you love my closing lines.
Comment from nancy_e_davis
This work has reached the exceptional level

I believe there is a hero in each of us if the need for one to arrive. He was indeed a brave man and with the help of God he brought down the aggressor by disarming him. Yes Shaw was as naked as Travis when he stepped up to stop the slaughter. He was unarmed.

Within each of us lies the potential for heroism,
to clothe ourselves with a garment of courage
we never knew our closet possessed.

I love that statement. Well done. Nancy

 Comment Written 29-Apr-2018

reply by the author on 29-Apr-2018
    Oh, thank you, Nancy, for your generous, six star review. In interviews, Shaw said he is a normal guy and each one of us could do hat he did. You are right--Shaw was "naked" in the metaphorical sense . . . he had no guns, no body armour, and yet he stopped this mass shooter with his bare hands. I'm glad you loe the statement at the end of my poem. Thanks.
Comment from Cindy McIntyre
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A very compelling and profound topic to address! I loved the stanza:
Within each of us lies the potential for heroism, to clothe ourselves with a garment of courage we never knew our closet possessed. A well-written account of how a real event can change the hearts of others.

 Comment Written 29-Apr-2018

reply by the author on 29-Apr-2018
    Yes, Cindy, I carried Shaw's message forward to change the hearts of others. Thank you for your review of my compelling poem. I'm glad you loved that stanza.
Comment from Abby Wilson-hand
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted


 Comment Written 29-Apr-2018

reply by the author on 29-Apr-2018
    Thank you, Abby, for your review. I'm glad you like the way I told this story you heard on television.