Reviews from

The Educational Corporate Model: Us

Viewing comments for Chapter 2 "Chemistry Corporate Model- Part 1"
Non Fiction Educational Model I created.

24 total reviews 
Comment from Jim Lorson Sr
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well Rhonda, you have manage to grasp my attention. I feel this will be quite interesting to read and follow because it is real. I mean you are doing a book about teaching, real kids and real times. I'm looking forward to this Rhonda and I wish you the greatest of luck to be successful my friend.

Take care and I'm looking forward to this new experience.

Your friend always


 Comment Written 15-Mar-2017

reply by the author on 15-Mar-2017
    Thank you, Jim, I appreciate you taking the time to read and leave an excellent review! Both are quite helpful and supportive.

    Always your friend.
Comment from emptypage
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh, I love the way this is going. From being able to sit where they liked to the group work and involvement of the outside resources... interesting. And perfect for this age group.

How it will work with chemistry intrigues me. I'll be back for the next chapter!

The writing is wonderful, as usual. I personally hate technical writing--the only class I got a B in in college. Pissed me off, but my teacher, a woman I chose repeatedly for classes, said I had too much passion to be objective about anything. Go figure. How could I be upset at that excuse for a less than perfect grade?

 Comment Written 14-Mar-2017

reply by the author on 15-Mar-2017
    Yeah, this isn't my happy place, that's for sure, but the boss wants me to write it, so I'll give it my best. Thanks for helping out and understanding!

Comment from MelB
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It's a special teacher who cares enough to keep the gifted students engaged, while still promoting learning with the rest of the class. I think you are that teacher, Rhonda!

 Comment Written 14-Mar-2017

reply by the author on 15-Mar-2017
    It's taken me 32 years to put all the pieces together, and it's still being assembled, but at least it's a fun diversion. And the kids are getting the scores my principal wants, so it's all good!

    Thank you so much!!
Comment from lyenochka
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Sounds like the class got off to a great start. I think you are building the kinds of skills that are important for the future. And of course, your presence is needed! How would they know if they are on the right track? But you are right to encourage and not take offense.

 Comment Written 14-Mar-2017

reply by the author on 14-Mar-2017
    Thank you so much for the wonderful review and comments!
    Yes, I am trying to do more than bored them to tears in Chemistry. It all started as just a way to change things up a bit, and it's sort of grown into an animal of its own. Giving the students a chance to make changes, they have taken this thing and gone with it. It's a lot more work, but is so much fun!

    Thanks again,
Comment from Heidi M
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Great job motivating your students. I love meaningful learning. Wonderful profile picture, too!
read what was (on) the slide

 Comment Written 14-Mar-2017

reply by the author on 14-Mar-2017
    Thank you so much, Heidi!!
    I appreciate you finding the spag. It certainly helps to get outside assistance.
    Take care,
Comment from boxergirl
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hey Rhonda, what a great idea for writing! I went back and read chapter one too! Great stuff and I love that you are sharing it with us. Made me miss the classroom a wee bit! :-)

 Comment Written 14-Mar-2017

reply by the author on 14-Mar-2017
    Thank you so much for reading and commenting. I have't heard from you in a while. Hope all is fine.
    I'm glad to have your eyes on this book as I can use all the suggestions you have to give. It's a project in its beginning stages, but have experienced remarkable results!!

    Take care,
Comment from royowen
This work has reached the exceptional level

This is certainly a bold move on your part, I feel a little sorry for the students, but it will certainly expose the the gifted and talented. The ones that truly are of that inclination will become manifest very rapidly. One of my grandsons comes into that category, very confident and certain in his abilities, though only six, it became obvious to all around? And he's a chess player by choice. How many six year olds, when questioned by a teacher, in a reflective moment, asked him what he was thinking, replied. "Contemplating my future!" Well done, I think this will work well Rhonda, blessings, Roy
Typo : she read what was on(e) the slide.

 Comment Written 14-Mar-2017

reply by the author on 14-Mar-2017
    Thank you for the brilliant six star rating!
    The strange thing is, about 90% of my students love the program, and the other 20% are okay. No one dislikes it, which is a huge step up from the way it was. Actually, and this will come out later, I've never had so much buy in to a program. We are having lots of fun. I don't know how it would work with "regular" students, though another teacher has since started a modified version with her geometry class.
    I would love to have your grandson in my class. He sounds amazing!
reply by royowen on 15-Mar-2017
    Well earned Rhonda, you'll do well Rhonda
Comment from prettybluebirds
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Excellent. You sound like a very intelligent lady. I'm impressed with your story so far. It is interesting while still entertaining. I will watch for more of the same. Good work.

 Comment Written 14-Mar-2017

reply by the author on 14-Mar-2017
    Thank you so much for your review and kind comment. I decided to stop working hard, and start working smart!!
    Take care,
Comment from Mike Stevens
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Another fine chapter, Rhonda, and a clever use of the old, "Think you're independent' trick--let them think they are in charge of their own lives by letting them choose their own seats, then 'wham!', bring down the hammer--lol!

 Comment Written 14-Mar-2017

reply by the author on 14-Mar-2017
    Actually, they have many choices in the class now. Any problem that comes up or task that needs to be done, I have them solve it. Taking their educational choices in their own hands, we are all having more fun.

    Thanks so much for reading and reviewing!
reply by Mike Stevens on 14-Mar-2017
    Oh, I was just being smart-assy. It actually sounds like an excellent idea!
Comment from Lu Saluna
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I really like this approach. I remember when I was a study getting, at times very angry, asking the teachers, "Why do I need to learn this shit? How is it going to help me in the real world?" In those exact words. I was a straight 'A' student but not very popular with my teachers and spent a great deal of time in detention.
This method you are using, shows students right away, there is a purpose for what they are learning, taking away the frustration of the "Why?"
Is it too cheeky of me to say, "About time!"
I guess what I am saying, is way to go!

 Comment Written 14-Mar-2017

reply by the author on 14-Mar-2017
    No, it's not cheeky, and you are the very type of student I was aiming for, and got!! I'll share several stories of students just like you who now know why! I am letting them discover these things for themselves. You'll see the incentives I have written into the program--many of which were decided by the kids. They have creative minds and energetic bodies. I'm having as much fun as they are, and guess what? The scores on the unit tests are skyrocketing. I knew they could, they just weren't until I made it fun and challenging.

    Thank you for your comments. You have no idea how much they mean to me, because you are my target audience!!
