Reviews from

My Pot is Cracked

... back in the kiln, again

38 total reviews 
Comment from flylikeaneagle
This work has reached the exceptional level

Excellent use of scriptures in your poem. Good witness of the broken jar being reshaped in the potter's hands. When we are broken, we can shine the light of God's Glory. We are his heirs and made whole - sozo. God bless! flylikeaneagle

(I used to say to the Lord, smash me again Lord. Make me a vessel of your light!)

 Comment Written 08-Apr-2016

reply by the author on 11-Apr-2016
    Nancy - encouragement as a sister in the Lord, means the most to me ... a blessing I needed today.

    Thank you.

Comment from Rookette
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is so lovely, so powerful, so meaningful. You are absolutely correct. No one is beyond repair. Beautiful poem that tells a beautiful story. Thank you for sharing xoLeslie

 Comment Written 08-Apr-2016

reply by the author on 11-Apr-2016
    Leslie - Thank you so much for your encouragement. There is a passage in Isaiah that says the Lord gives beauty for ashes. There have been many times I've been a pile of ashes (self-inflicted) at His feet, and He has turned it into beauty (at least beautiful in His eyes!). I've prayed earnestly that He would heal me of the bipolar disorder, but I'm thinking He hasn't because I have a story He wants me tell. As He gives inspiration, I hope to be able to do it justice.

    I am looking forward to checking out your work - it may be a few days as I am full-time care-taker for my Bud (he has ALS) and I haven't yet figured how to do it efficiently.

    Take care,
Comment from DonandVicki
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I like the feel of your poem and the implication that God is the glue in our lives. Well written and your authors notes were intresting tio read as well.

 Comment Written 07-Apr-2016

reply by the author on 11-Apr-2016
    Hi, ya'll. Thanks for the review and nice comments. Hope you are doing well.

Comment from foxangie123
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This was very special to me as I have a cousin in Japan because of the clay there as he studied pottery. This is has so many things even in between the line/cracks as offerings. Xoxo. Bravo...

 Comment Written 07-Apr-2016

reply by the author on 11-Apr-2016
    Angie - What a wonderful, dedicated thing for your cousin! Following the dream half-way around the world. Wow.

    I can't recall what the finishing technique is called, but I've seen on TV where the glaze is put on then the pot it put into a cold furnace, I think, and all remaining space is filled with balled up newspaper. Then, I think, the pot is flash-blasted and cooled. Out comes an ash-covered mess, which is brushed down and washed and the most beautiful, iridescent, multi-colored finished is permanently fused to the pot. No two firings are alike - you never know what you're going to get. Incredibly beautiful. Truly one of a kind.

reply by foxangie123 on 11-Apr-2016
    Hugs to you..
Comment from Eric1
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hi Mystery Author, This is a really good entry for this particular competition, Excellent use of rhyme and a brilliant use of metaphor, the whole poem is as slick as the clay you have thrown, I wish you the very best of luck in the contest my friend.

 Comment Written 07-Apr-2016

reply by the author on 11-Apr-2016
    Hi, again - You've made my evening. So glad you liked it.

    Behind in my responding - my Bud's had need of extra help lately.

    Look forward in talking to you again.

reply by Eric1 on 13-Apr-2016
    Hope you are both coping Relda, thoughts are with you!
Comment from Pantygynt
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This took me back to my schooldays when I did a bit of pottery. I could never get the stuff to stay in the centre of the wheel. Undoubtedly one of the most frustrating things I ever tried. I became convinced that the successful potters amongst us must have sold their souls to the devil in exchange for the ability to get it and keep it central.

Your poem takes an all together different route likening God to a potter. Well either way involves supernatural interference and this poor human could never get it right.

 Comment Written 07-Apr-2016

reply by the author on 11-Apr-2016
    Well clay wasn't the answer for you, but I'd say you're undoubtedly a gifted writer.

    Here's to writer's who sculpt with words.

    God bless and my best,

Comment from mfowler
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I was remembering the very scriptures you quote at the bottom as your poem unfolded. Firstly, I think this is a prefect match for the prompt's requirements. Secondly it's a wonderful poem to read, to ponder and to expand on. The metaphor of the potter and the pot is perfect for the recreation in grace of a Christian born anew. You have sustained the metaphor perfectly for all of those verses, with each one defining another stage in both the process of being saved and reformed, as well as the process of actually making a pot. Your knowledge of the craft is evident or you're just a good poet who does good research. The rhythm in these tiny verses is killer, and I loved the rhyme scheme which helps the poem read beautifully of the page. All the very best in the competition.

 Comment Written 07-Apr-2016

reply by the author on 07-Apr-2016
    Hi - so good to talk to you again. Thank you so much for your comments, insight and encouragement. I am so grateful to read them. My Bud and I have had a rough few days - his ALS is coming down on him hard. Reading your review is a great lift to my spirits. And to Bud, too - he's encouraged when I'm encouraged.

    FS is becoming a wonderful place of retreat and refreshing ... and folks like you are becoming such good friends. Perhaps they should change the name to "FriendStory"? Okay - FanStory is better!

    God bless and my best,

Comment from Kaydoe
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is such a beautiful poem about a broken pot, so much like our lives. He re-works the clay and starts again. God takes our broken lives and renews us with his mighty Hand.

 Comment Written 06-Apr-2016

reply by the author on 07-Apr-2016
    Hi - good to talk to you again. God is so good. He's had is hands full with me.

    Thank you so much for your comments and insight.

Comment from seaglass
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The metaphor of the potter and the clay has always been one of my favorite. You have done a great job of giving it a new weave. This poem has lovely rhyme and descriptive wording.

 Comment Written 06-Apr-2016

reply by the author on 07-Apr-2016
    Hi - so good to talk to you.

    One of my favorite metaphors too. Actually I've been a 'crack-pot' in my own hands way to many times in my life - but it is much better to be a 'cracked pot' in the Lord's hands.

    Thank you so much for your comments and insights.

    God bless and my best.

Comment from CDyer
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I really love your lead in note: The Lord's in the business of building - sometimes with used materials ... This is so true. We are used material, but never used up! No matter what we do that damages our relationship with him, He is never through with us. You expressed the biblical message so well!

 Comment Written 06-Apr-2016

reply by the author on 06-Apr-2016
    Hi, Charlie. Boy am I glad the Lord gives beauty for ashes.

    Appreciate you.
