Reviews from

Am I a Cry Baby

A rant

18 total reviews 
Comment from Donya Quijote
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I feel your frustration and know how you feel. Worse yet is that some people just can't get off the first page. Not worth it to get there. I'm a a teacher and my students would not let me get away with some of the comments written here. I don't post as frequently as I did when first and review pretty much only those that review my work, those who do are few. As a teacher, I don't have much time for posting or reviewing. It can take a month sometimes to earn enough funny money to post with the cheapest certificate, only to get mostly useless comments. I understand your disappointment. Treasure those that take the time to give you what you need and be sure to give the same in return. That's the best advice I give you.

As to your rant, you express well both your frustrations and the hope you had when you joined as to what this site was about. Your "rules" are spot on and should be followed. Courtesy, like honesty, is a good policy.

 Comment Written 04-May-2015

reply by the author on 04-May-2015
    Donya I am thrilled that you took the time to read and then give me this wonderful review. Rest assured I will always respond to those that are good to me. Not just good in the polite way but good even in their criticism of my efforts when they offer good advice. I will apply the good advice and return the favor.

Comment from Green Lake Girl
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh, don't give up too soon, Missy. It can be a tad rocky at the beginning when you're trying to make friends plus all the reading and reviewing. There are some negative people out there, but you'll learn to take them with a grain of salt. Just forge ahead and write, write, write. That's how you perfect your craft.

A little tip--put a bit more money on your posts and you'll get more reviews. Think of it as a carrot to lure people to your writing.

I'm here for ya!

 Comment Written 04-May-2015

reply by the author on 04-May-2015

reply by Green Lake Girl on 05-May-2015
Comment from strandregs
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

So sad you feel bad
human nature is in the breach
a rusted needle on our record with screech
annoys and offends the senses
painful like horrible menses.

I thought I'd try to cheer you up.
have you ever gone hitch hiking on the alaska highway?
I have.
if they stop for you- they are the ones you have been waiting for.
if they don't they are not.
anger is not the right emotion.
responding fans are like waves in the sea.
they come and go . Or are Never to be seen again.
Chins up...Z. :-))

 Comment Written 04-May-2015

reply by the author on 04-May-2015
    How sweet!! :) Thank you this was just the ticket to bring a smile to my face Strandregs!!

Comment from Mastery
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi, Missy. I hope you feel better now that you have some of that off of your mind. I am on your sdie here in more ways than one. I have been here ten years and seen a lot of abuse back and forth between members and it becomes so obvious, because I have lived through it and recognize the ones I call the "Lazies" They are glad to grab your member dollars like I always pay well over a buck, but I can tell by their remarks that they haven't even taken the time to read my work. Hate I ask them "So what did you think of thois character or that...Just curious" LOL..(No answer of course.

I also don't appreciate dishing out all of my hard-earned review money in exchange for people who post work without revoiewing mine and then have the gaul to post some long prose for a reward of 2 cents. Wow. Not a rant in my case...just the facts as I have seen them for so long. blessings...and I hope you have better luck up the reoad on the site. It really does work provided everyone is respectful and follows the guidelines instead of being selfish and abusive. :) Bob

 Comment Written 03-May-2015

reply by the author on 03-May-2015
    :) Thank you, sweetie for understanding...and I do feel better. I have some great fans and love the site! This rant was just frustration and I needed to vent.

    Thank you for listening hon.
    My southernisms showing :)
reply by Mastery on 04-May-2015
    You will be just fine on here. Just dedicate your energies to good writing as best as you can. The good people will be understanding. :) Bob
reply by the author on 04-May-2015
    Ya know I just realized I have been putting my name with replies to review in contest...omg!!..OOPS!!
    Thank you, Bob, for being here for me!

Comment from patsolstad
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You've done a superb job with this piece. I've 'been there' just like you. It truly is maddening, especially when one enters the contests and then those who gave good reviews don't vote. But, in their defense, I think FanStory could do a better job informing people that 1. a particular piece is a contest entry; and, 2. the date the voting will start. That would make it so much easier, wouldn't it. As for people knocking you down, I think that is totally uncalled for. I do like this site, but it could use some improvements.

Thanks again for reading my "School Daze." Pat

 Comment Written 02-May-2015

reply by the author on 02-May-2015
    You are absolutely right. I have some great writer friends in the short time I have been here, but there is one...omg...that always has nothing but negative things to say! That makes it hard to hear the good sometimes :(...I want to see more of your art so I will send a fan request. OH darn...I forgot to say thank you for the review!! thank you thank you thank you :)

reply by patsolstad on 02-May-2015
    You're so welcome, friend.
reply by the author on 03-May-2015
    looked until I found one with 14 review those will be recognized :)
reply by patsolstad on 03-May-2015
    How sweet of you! It never occurred to me to do that. I will be aware of it from now on. Thanks!

Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh my I do feel a sense of humor collapse here.. lol I went through the same my self sweeti when I first started ... One thing you have to do is go to the front page where all the well received poems are...Read them and review Most pay 50 cents and many a 1.10 ... Not only read them and get the monies but make them a fan as well..Never post something unless you have at least $7.oo for a 2 day post as it will least award the readers 30-35 cents. Many do not review if paying just the min 2 cents like this one... I know it sounds like a lot of BS but you have to play some politics here just as in real life....When you have a good fan base you can post things without much money and still get them read..It just takes a while thats all.. I will help in any way I can just e mail or pm me on here and as soon as I can I will get back with you... Late today as I left at 3 am to go see the lava lake in Volcano Nat Park +- 60 mils from me before it got light.. BTW I thought this was just great You got your point across purfectly Out of 6's or You would have gotten one Hugs

 Comment Written 02-May-2015

reply by the author on 02-May-2015
    Yes..collapse indeed!! I hope you know it was not you that this rant was written for sir Knight. I know it was beautiful and you must send a pic :)...that (((Hug))) right backatcha!!

    Lady M...
Comment from humpwhistle
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I can relate to your frustration, justafan. Reciprocity, in terms of reviewing, is a courtesy. Not everyone is courteous. Contests, particularly prompts, are often blind, so your fans aren't notified about you entries. Also, there seems to be a trend toward posting with payouts over a dollar. Many reviewers do so only for the money, so they poach off the high payers first.
In short, the system has lots of flaws.
But I hope you'll keep plugging away anyhow.

Peace, Lee

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 Comment Written 02-May-2015

Comment from mfowler
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm actually a fan of a good cliché if you can find a way to put it to work. And you have in this rant. It is a rant, and one I whole-heartedly endorse. We have all experienced the things you talk of here. The off handed, the rude, the vacuous, and the plain dumb. It is galling, but you do get better at dealing with it. There is a code of reviewing that keeps most on the straight and narrow but a few cowboys do exist and can be down right mean. I've learnt to take (not immediately, mind you) a middle road. I always review positively and make sure that any corrections or suggestions are delivered in a manner that I'd want myself. (The golden rule works everywhere). In exchange, I've found over time, the majority of reviewers will repay in kind. It takes time to work out the jerks and then learn to give their views no weight. I simply suggest that you hang in there and in time you'll be surprised how helpful and decent people are. I like how you write. It is strong and to the point, but isn't disrespectful. You're simply asking for a decent appraisal. Be patient; I think you'll do really well here.

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 Comment Written 02-May-2015

reply by the author on 02-May-2015
    mflower, I want to thank you for reading and reviewing my rant...honestly! I am heartened to see that I am not the only person that has had to confront this issue. I will do the best I can in the patient department and keep sluggin it out in the FanStory family :)