Reviews from

Hyde And Seek

The rogue rides again...(see notes)

40 total reviews 
Comment from Bryana
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You are at it again mischievous Rogue.
If my English was better I could probably
be answering some of your naughty poems.
It doesn't matter what your poem is about
it's always a pleasure to read it.
My friend, I wish you have a wonderful weekend.

 Comment Written 21-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 22-Feb-2014
    Thank you very much, my friend.
Comment from Acquired Taste
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Am convinced it takes longer than a week to get stars replenished...makes me a bit crazy.

Out of ALL the terrific lines in your latest - I particularly like: A dead-eye tantric Jedi, I?m a transatlantic knight.

You really must take this collection of Rogue/ette offerings and put in a small - just among friends - book. They are really wonderful. A little bawdy, a little self-serving, a bit fierce and all are tremendously entertaining.

Another triumph Sir Hyde.


 Comment Written 21-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 22-Feb-2014
    I know what you mean, my friend, and thank YOU so much for your great review! That was my favorite line, too.

    I've thought about doing that, but we'll see. I never meant to include real names, but did so in this one so they could see themselves in his clutches. ;-)
Comment from catch22
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

He he, the Rogue strikes again, I see! Very witty retort to the recent clever poems in the brawl between hens and rooster. Lots of double meanings and inside jokes in this one. Love the rhythm and rhyme in this write. Keep 'em coming.

 Comment Written 21-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 22-Feb-2014
    He just won't stop, my friend. I wonder if he'll BE stopped at some point. Thank you!

reply by catch22 on 22-Feb-2014
    Very welcome. He's a polarizing figure for sure:)
Comment from Erik McGinley
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Excellent rhyme and meter. I almost wish that this was not inspired by the Rogue/tte war just to take the personal allusions out of it (they always seem to me to dilute good verse) though I think Gloria is jut about as good a name as you could have got for non-personal personal allusion. ;)

 Comment Written 21-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 22-Feb-2014
    Thank you, Erik. This is actually the first I've written with personal allusions, almost as a way to include the ladies who have been having fun riposting with me. I actually have another version that doesn't name them, too.

    I appreciate the look, though I know this series isn't your cup of tea.

reply by Erik McGinley on 22-Feb-2014
    LIES! I read your other poems! They were not bad.

    Don't deny it! We know who you are!!
Comment from Green Lake Girl
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Another snide, pun and fun-filled poem.

You are quit the Globe Twatter. Especially loved this passage:

So then it?s off to Britain for a bit of fish-and-chips,
And when she?s lit and smitten I?ll be fixed betwixt her hips.

I'm no poet and never will be. Perhaps the Rogue would enjoy a short story(?)

 Comment Written 21-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 21-Feb-2014
    Thanks so much, Green Lake Girl. Feel free to hit this poser with some prose. He needs to be stopped! Seriously, you're welcome to join in on the fray in whatever medium you choose. I'm glad you liked this.
reply by Green Lake Girl on 21-Feb-2014
    I just might jump in the fray. It's tempting! I will warn you, however, I am far more wicked than the tepid trollops you've been wooing.
reply by the author on 21-Feb-2014
    I give as good as I get, I assure you.
reply by the author on 21-Feb-2014
    I give as good as I get, I assure you.
reply by the author on 21-Feb-2014
    I give as good as I get, I assure you.
Comment from rama devi
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This back-n-forth bantering is keeping all of your quills sharp (he girls' too). Fun work play, O Rogue.

The FRY-day ride is starting, and it?s Hyde upon his saddle,

Fry day ha ha ha. Hyde and FRIED!

Very clever verb-play:

But those he pricked are wiser now? his wicked jig is up.

He smiles behind his visor, then adjusts his loving cup:

Great consonance and alliteration of C and alliteration of T and R, and internal rhyme as well as assonance of I in all lines, and great imagery and tone:

My mask is on securely, and my codpiece sits in place;
I?ll hit the wenches early, and commence a merry chase.
I?ll saunter to Australia for a triple with the twins?
Removing my regalia, I can double-point my sins.

ROTFL - hilarious~

The Jester?s in her closet, and I film in infra-red,
But since it?s cramped I?ll pause it, then I?ll spangle her in bed.
I like that Paula watches, so again I notch the post?
Two swatches for two crotches that I boast I love the most.

The internal rhyme of closet and pause it simply genius. So is watches, swatches and CROTCHES! Plus the consonance and alliteration of S and P and consonance of F, L and T are all superb.

OMG--this is extremely hilarious:

So then it?s off to Britain for a bit of fish-and-chips,
And when she?s lit and smitten I?ll be fixed betwixt her hips.
I?ll wait, then take the red-eye in a tube of phallic might?
A dead-eye tantric Jedi, I?m a transatlantic knight.

With I had a six to give this for this line alone:

A dead-eye tantric Jedi, I?m a transatlantic knight.

Brilliant! You wit-wizard you!

Superb phonetics in that stanza read aloud...especially assonance of I and A. I'm not listing the rest as my eyes are tired! But you know I noticed them.

Continued musicality and sonic here with good plot development and extremely clever rhyming:

I?m sure they?ll storm behind me, form a posse for pursuit,
To bind me when they find me, just to gore the storied brute;
But first they have to snatch me, yet this mad Lothario
Makes sure they?ll never catch me? not in north Ontario.

Holy S--- crack of Dawn--that must have her seething! ROTFL!!!

There?s one whom I?ve been viewing in her room (from on her lawn),
Where soon I shall be wooing at the oozing crack of Dawn.
It?s never sanctuary, though, no matter how I feel,
She knows I?ll never marry and will die before I kneel.

Great flow and rhyming and content with continued characterization POV to perfection. Masterful phonetics here too. I like the internal proximal rhyme of sanctuary and marry. Works well read aloud.

This had me clucking too (just joking):

So, off again, evading all the hens who shrewdly cluck?
They hunt the devastating dude who screwed a new Canuck.
She?s Gloria, a lady who is shady with her kiss?
I feel like Warren Beatty; she?s like Sarah Palin?s sis.

Rhyming cluck and Canuck---super original and inventive. The last line has a fun recipe of references.

Pitch perfect closing with the pun on Hide and Hyde:

But Gloria is fleeting and the seeding has to end,
For all the hens are speeding up, and wheeling round the bend.
They hope their flames impinge me, but the gap has spanned too wide,
And though their rage may singe me, they can only tan my Hyde.

Outstanding internal rhymes and sonic soundings, especially assonance of EE and alliteration of H

This is so funny I'm going to show it to my mom, who is a Leo (lioness) and LOVES bawdy humor..

Six virtual stars ******

Love (the chaste kind--unless...),

 Comment Written 21-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 21-Feb-2014
    Rama, you've more or less taken the whole poem apart in a masterful way, and it was a long poem. I only wish you'd get more considering all the work you do. Thank you is all I can say, and how much I appreciate YOUR appreciation of the nuance, and how in awe I am of your ability to ingest, digest, and express.

    Please let me know what your mom thinks of it. My list of allies grows short, but at least I'm long where it counts. ;-0

    Love to you, my friend. Thank you!

reply by rama devi on 22-Feb-2014
    My mom laughed a lot reading it. She loved it.

    Thanks for your glowing appreciation, David. Much appreciated!

    Love and smiles, rd
Comment from tfawcus
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Clearly not a gentleman, naming and shaming all his conquests, but then he has never professed to be one. You remind me of my days on 24 Squadron, whose motto was In Omnia Parati (Prepared for all things), which we loosely translated as 'We parent them everywhere'. We could have offered you a ride, had you lived in those far off days.

 Comment Written 21-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 21-Feb-2014
    Well, dammit, Tony, that would have been grand. It would have saved time, and perhaps I'd have earned a patch.

    Thanks so much for the review, Tony.
Comment from paulah60
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well, well, well. What have we got here? What good is a "loving cup" when it's empty, bogueth rogueth? Methinks my personifying-meister sister, closet, could write an epic on your lllllonely codpiece. And how do I know it's empty? You seem to forget, Jedi, that I have x-ray vision and can look deep into your soul, if not your pants (although voyeurism ain't ma thang). And how do I know that I succeeded in not just my last attempt, but the attempt before that? You're not JUST eliding anymore; you're actually leaving out whole letters without even suggesting a mere trace of them with an apostrophe. Seems I have elided AND de-apostrophized you. The suspense is killing you isn't it?
Oh alright then. I'll put you out of your misery. It's my handle, dear Hyde (in your author notes): it's not Paula60; it's Paulah60. The 'h' is missing. You know, 'h' for 'hard', 'h' for 'hydrant', 'h' for 'high'. As in '2H': the lead in your pencil. Alas, the lead in your pencil, dear lothario, is soft: merely... 2B. Or not to be. There's not even a 'swatch' in your poor bereft codpiece. Zip. Nada. No meat. No more playing Hyde the salami, because there ain't none.
Geez...all WE did was shoot you in the goolies. But you? Talk about shooting yourself in the foot...THWACK!!

Dear David, you are so much fun, mate! And your poem is a hoot! I was wondering how you could bring us all into a piece and maintain rhyme and meter. But if anyone could do it, and do it so effectively and masterfully, it had to be you. I had no doubt there. But rogue? My arse! The genuine article would never keep providing material and leave himself wide open like this! You llllove it, you jello ?rick rogue!!

 Comment Written 21-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 21-Feb-2014
    Sorry for the "h" omission, but perhaps my conflicted soul thought it stood for "ho" and I didn't want to label you as such. ;-)

    Oh, there's plenty left, my dear, so as LONG as you want it, you'll have it. Out of the codpiece it's air-cooled, and the ammunition is a-plenty.

    Actually, a proper rogue does exactly that, as he gets bored with the easy mark and wants to a wildcat (or six) to play scratch keep 'em sharpened, m'lady.

    Thanks so much, Paula! It was a blast to write this one, and I think you'll get your own poem next Friday, built upon the layers you stacked yesterday. Thanks for the fodder, baby!

reply by paulah60 on 21-Feb-2014
    Shit! See how ingenuous I am?! Looks like I've also shot myself in the foot! And the handle of my email address WAS paulaho until someone explained what a ho was. Can you believe THAT! See...stoopid! But shhh, don't tell anyone ;-)
reply by the author on 21-Feb-2014
    Such a disclosure only arouses the rogue. ;-)
reply by paulah60 on 21-Feb-2014
    My disclosures; your disclosures... lots of flashing going on LOL
reply by the author on 21-Feb-2014
    Yep, we're both nekkid! :)
reply by paulah60 on 21-Feb-2014
    kind of loses it's appeal then, doesn't it? LOL
    The best erogenous zone is the imagination. Is that erroneous? ;-)
reply by the author on 21-Feb-2014
    Not at all, my dear.
Comment from c_lucas
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Players often do not clean up after themselves. This is very well written with a smooth flow of words, making for a very interesting read.

 Comment Written 21-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 21-Feb-2014
    You're quite right, Charley. They usually leave under cover of darkness. Thank you, my friend.
reply by c_lucas on 21-Feb-2014
    You're welcome, Marillion. Charlie
Comment from Tatarka2
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I thought it was hilarious and a lot of fun. It helps to know the ladies are in on the joke. As usual, the rhyming flows so well with the poem, which takes off at warp speed and increases from there. What fun to be able to use words this way!

 Comment Written 21-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 21-Feb-2014
    Thank you very much, Tatarka2! Yes, they're most definitely in on it. I wouldn't dream of naming them without them being part of the game, so to speak, and not only are they great sports, they released some great ripostes, too.