Reviews from

Racist Stereotypes live on

A response to an awful image circulating today.

151 total reviews 
Comment from LadyMary
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This writing makes an excellent point. I wish it could be required reading for the masses. I too am Caucasian, brought up to respect people as individuals regardless of race, gender, religion, etc., and have found much of this campaign very disturbing for some of the negative attitudes I have heard expressed respective of race. LadyMary

 Comment Written 22-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 22-Oct-2008
    Yes, I'm ready for the campaign to be over, and I am a very political person. :-) Thanks so much, Brooke :-)
Comment from wiggles
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is one of the best rants I've seen here so far. To say you're right is repeating itself. I loved the use of strong research here. Inherited outlooks on life are often the most destructive pattern behaviors.

There's just one sentence I would take a look see.

I collected at one time thousands of stereotypical images, and these two stereotypes accounted for a huge chunk of them.

This would suggest as written that you have two samples. I think this sentence could be better phrased to make your point even more powerful.

 Comment Written 21-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 21-Oct-2008
    thanks for the input - I'll reread - I'm surprised any of it makes sense at all as I wrote while spitting mad! :-) Brooke
Comment from mrsmajor
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I find it difficult to believe people are not aware of exactly what they are doing. Of course it was easier for the family to give a very placid response when questioned.

However, it is always easy to get away with hurtful or ignorant actions by playing stupid.

I don't watch Fox at all, but I do watch CNN when I get chance.

Fox is an ultra conservative station and perfect for those that share their views, I don't.

(I made that comment for the benefit of the reviewer that suggested you turn to Fox.)

I am glad that we still have a right to make our choices, just as they have.

Odd though, because you mentioned this newsletter, we now find many speaking about other racist articles
that have become popular, concerning other groups.

I am very aware of those. I abhor them as well.

Must we close our eyes to everything that is hurtful to others or must we ignore all things. I think we have the right to try and educate people on the hurtful aspect of racism.

I personally don't believe most care, racism has been a part of this country, for hundreds of years and is not going away.

Surely there are all kinds, but why when we begin to talk about the African American and it history of racism are we told to keep it in the past?

After years of teaching school, I can understand completely why the author of this very well written piece, Adewpearl, would find the newsletter so repulsive.

We often see the very result of racism right in front of our eyes, in the classrooms.

Fortunately for me, I have retired.

Thank you for taking the time to let us know about this. I share you sadness, Yes, we are still a racist country perhaps we still don't get It.

I am sorry that I don't have another six star rating to give you, this piece deserves six stars.

 Comment Written 21-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 21-Oct-2008
    I will accept the 6 in spirit - I thank you so much for such thorough and thoughtful commentary - yes, I'm most aware of Fox news and have no plans. ;-) I am glad you found meaning in my essay -your support is greatly appreciated!
reply by mrsmajor on 21-Oct-2008
    Thanks for your acceptance, if only in spirit. :-)
    Indeed there was much meaning in your essay, if only one was willing to accept it's meaning.

    I appreciate your compassion for what seriously hurts another.

    Best Regards.
Comment from cassie99
This work has reached the exceptional level

There is little to say about this piece other than bravo and Amen. Your history is helpful, I didn't know the meanings behind the stereotypical items, but I did know that they were derogatory in the worst sense. Thank you for speaking up. More of us need to do the same. Chris

 Comment Written 21-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 21-Oct-2008
    Thank you for this most generous rating and your most thoughtful response. Peace,Brooke :-)
Comment from raveeshvarma
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thank you for your very knowledgable views on this subject. You have greatly added to our insight. I suppose Barack Obama, or any African-American, should he/she elect to condescend to such people, could always respond that while he/she may eat melons and chicken, such activity is not illegal, and therefore the bearer(s) of any contrary opinion can take said opinion and stuff them where the sun doesn't shine!

 Comment Written 21-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 21-Oct-2008
    You just made me laugh big time - I love your attitude!!!
    Thank you, Brooke :-)
Comment from E Vin Smyth
This work has reached the exceptional level

This reminds me that when Tiger Woods first won the US Open, one of the professional golfers, I can't recall which one, joked that next year, we'll be served fried chicken and collard greens, or words to that effect. As a father of a black son and grandfather of three black children, I can, I can verify that people make such stupid and hurtful statements, sometimes unintentionally, and sometimes not. When my wife took our two sons shopping (one was black, the other one was white) she couldn't believe how the store clerks would follow the black one around as if he was going to steal them blind, and ignore the white one.

Go0od piece. Keep the faith, and keep up the good work. Things are getting better.

 Comment Written 21-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 21-Oct-2008
    Oh, I have such a similar story. My daughter's best friend in middle school was black. I would drop them off at the mall at J.C. Penney and they would walk around until I picked them up a few hours later. One night when I picked them up my daughter was so upset - a guard from J.C. Penney, where they had not stopped to shop at all, followed them all the way out of that store to Hot Topic where they were shopping. He accused her black friend of shoplifting, when Miranda swears they never halted even once in that store. He checked the bag, which of course had no stolen goods in it. And then he walked away, no apology. Well, the next morning, I had at it with the Penney manager and the security manager and threatened to sue if anyone ever harrassed my daughter and her friend again - they claimed it was all the guard's fault - they would never tell guards to racially profile. They fell over themselves apologizing. Idiots. Thank you for your most thoughtful comments. I hope your son and grandchildren live lives as free as possible from hatred and suspicion. Peace, Brooke
reply by E Vin Smyth on 21-Oct-2008
    They are doing great. They are all wonderful!
Comment from butterflykiss
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You are right,(I'm white),but I'm old enough to remember the late forties and fifties and most of all the sixties, I lived far from where the trouble was but my grandparents grew up in Tennessee, and I've heard my grandmother say many times that she'd rather have a Blackman work for her on her farm that a white man. The black man worked for the money paid him, the white man expected you to give him more money for less work, while downgrading those of color.
I need to remind you that we don't know what color our Lords skin is, and for all we know it could be any color or no color, and if the later that's what we should aspire to be. Blind to color, color never hurt it's the person inside that does all that.

 Comment Written 21-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 21-Oct-2008
    Your comments are most insightful and thoughtful - thank you!
    Peace, Brooke
reply by butterflykiss on 21-Oct-2008
    Hi, You're welcome.
Comment from Josipher32
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

So what? They had pictures of hillbillies sitting out on the porch, voting for McCain. So they were basically saying that only hillbillies voted for MCCain and that only white trash voted for Palin. Isn't that a stereotype? It goes both ways my dear. I wish I could show you all the things I see coming from Obama supporters talking about white people, saying that if they don't vote for Obama, they are racist. Also, the way they treat the black people voting for McCain, "sellouts"

It's crazy. Everybody should be able to vote for whomever they choose reguardless of stereotypes and race.

I don't watch CNN. Perhaps you should watch FOX and get both sides, not just the liberal side. Of course, they're gonna make Obama's supporters look like victims all the time.

 Comment Written 21-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 21-Oct-2008
    I oppose all stereotyping - this editorial was prompted by an image I saw that disgusted me - I in no way condone any caricatures that stereotype any other group of people either.
    Thank you for your thoughtful response. Peace, Brooke
Comment from btru2u66
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hats off to you! Yes, it's very true and very sad that in this day and time, people still carrying on like ignorant fools. What the heck is the problem? If you peeled back the skin of a white person and a black person, you would see the same things. White people don't have anything different underneath. I don't get it. It's a pure shame. Some whites look as much like a monkey as any black person, but blacks are stereotyped this way. It's all so pitiful and sad. It makes me sick that our Country is still this way. People who are racists are ignorant and they know better but refuse to be better. They need to stop carrying the baggage of their ancestors just as some blacks need to stop harping on slavery. It all makes me soooooooo upset. Thank you for sharing.

 Comment Written 21-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 21-Oct-2008
    Oh, you would cringe at some of the cartoons I have studied that make blacks look like apes - and yes, it is horrid.
    Thanks so much for your most thoughtful response. Peace, Brooke
Comment from texyankeefan
This work has reached the exceptional level

Oh My, this was such a good essay. You stated the problem, backed it up with facts (which most people never do when they are making outrageous remarks), and you know your stuff. I can feel the passion coming off of the page (or screen) as I read through this. I, like you, get so upset at some of the things I see and hear that I just wonder whether we have learned anything in the last 200 years in this country.
Even though you state your anger during the writing of this piece, you stayed "on point" and never descended to non fact-based information. My rants usually sound like I'm sorta crazed.
This is very good. I do think that a lot of the problem today is the media. If the media wouldn't hype all of the stereotypes, cliches, and differences, the people would just try to be neighbors. In your piece, you mention two media sources; CNN and the newsletter (mini-media). Both think we are not smart enough to have an opinion not force-fed by news people.
I'm impressed with your credentials, experiences, and your writing.

 Comment Written 21-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 21-Oct-2008
    I am most thankful for your most generous rating and for your most thoughtful comments. I am glad, in my rather crazed state, I did not sound totally crazed! Peace, Brooke :-)