Reviews from

A Compilation of Short stories

Viewing comments for Chapter 121 "My Two Dads."

31 total reviews 
Comment from Wendy G
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A beautiful story, and very meaningful. It was wonderful that you were able to reconnect with your birth family and establish a loving relationship with your father. Very best wishes for your story in the contest.

 Comment Written 20-Jun-2022

reply by the author on 20-Jun-2022
    Thank you so much, Wendy. I so appreciate your wonderful review and thoughts.:)))
Comment from Whitewave
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is an amazing story of life - love and sadness, complications and coincidences that have all come full circle to a happy ending. It is wonderful that you were able to trace and connect with your birth parents.
The picture of the light house standing tall, proud and watchful is a lovely symbol that blends well with yor story.

 Comment Written 20-Jun-2022

reply by the author on 20-Jun-2022
    Thank you so very much. Dad, my birth Dad, loved lighthouses..
    Yes, it was amazing to find both my birth parents. It's quite difficult to describe, something that most take for granted. :)))
Comment from Jay Squires
This work has reached the exceptional level

I'm so glad you indicated this as something I hadn't read yet. You have such a clean and natural style, Ulla, perfect for reaching notes of grandeur in your prose. This is why you are so adept at writing about the great and mysterious sea and your larger-than-life Great grandfather.

"Three weeks later, I flew into Boston. Reuben was there to meet me and a few days later, [Just for the sake of flow, see if it doesn't sound better to replace the second "later" phrase with "and after a few more days"]

So fabulous!

 Comment Written 20-Jun-2022

reply by the author on 28-Jun-2022
    Jay, what can I say! Thank you so much. I also made the edit and thanks a lot for pointing it out.
    Yes, this little piece explains a little bit more about me and where I come from. Thanks so much again. Ulla:)))
Comment from tfawcus
This work has reached the exceptional level

What a heart-wrenching and revealing tale, Ulla. I'm so glad you eventually traced your birth parents and, through them, your brother, Reuben. I felt both touched and privileged to be able to read this and learn a little more about you.

 Comment Written 19-Jun-2022

reply by the author on 28-Jun-2022
    Thank you so much, Tony, and for this wonderful review and stars. Yes, it's all part of who I am, and where I came from. Ulla:)))
Comment from Sandra Nelms-Ludwig
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a good story. It reveals the twists and turns of life. I wish too that you had visited your birth father before he died. However, we can only do what we feel is best at the time we are in.
There were areas of the story that seemed rushed. However, I understand one cannot tell every detail.
The visual is good. I wish you could have found a symbol for both of your dad's.
The font size needs to be larger so your story can be easily read.

 Comment Written 19-Jun-2022

reply by the author on 19-Jun-2022
    Thank you so very much Sandra. This is a very condensed version of a very long story with a lot of twists and turns. I wrote it some years back and it's actually a book. Here, I only attempted to write within the scope of the contest. Nothing else. Thank you so much again. :)))
reply by Sandra Nelms-Ludwig on 19-Jun-2022
    You are welcome. It was a good read.
Comment from Olivanne Marsh
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a heart-warming story and how lucky you were to find your birth parents and to be welcomed and accepted by them. It's inspiring to read about someone who was able to find their lost family and to reconnect with them so easily. I found it difficult to rate this because you told the story well, and the writing was fine, but the conflict and tension were missing. You made what you did, which took so much courage and perseverance, sound easy. Good luck in the contest.

 Comment Written 19-Jun-2022

reply by the author on 19-Jun-2022
    Thank you so much for a great review. I so appreciate it. Conflict there was maybe not and none intended in this narrative it was outside the scope. But tension yes. Nobody, I believe, can quite imagine what it means to approach your real parent for the very first time. Not unless you've been in the same situation. The fear of rejection is very real and quite deliberating. Thanks again.:)))
Comment from Jesse James Doty
This work has reached the exceptional level

This is very well told and I am so happy you have a new family! The author sounds like someone I know but I won't let on since this is a blind contest. Having adoptive parents who love you and raise you as one of their own is a special type of love and it shows in the adult way you handled your father's death at an early age. Then you gravitate towards travel as they did and that pays off as you traveled quite a bit as an adult. Seeking out your real parents can be tough yet you found them and they were glad to see and meet you. How great is that?!
Well written and enjoyable to read. I felt tears come up for me as I read how you dealt with the details of your real father's death.
Thanks for sharing this lovely story of your two fathers who influenced you for life!

 Comment Written 19-Jun-2022

reply by the author on 19-Jun-2022
    Thank you so much, Jesse, and for a lovely review and stars. I'm so glad you could empathise with my narrative of both my dads. They were both characters and very special. Thanks so much again. :)))
Comment from Wayne Fowler
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

My, aren't you the world traveler?
Nice story, well told.
Adopted children have mysteries of great uncertainty: why, how, what if, what will happen if...
I'm happy that your story turned out so well with respect to your natural family.
Best wishes and good luck in the contest.

 Comment Written 19-Jun-2022

reply by the author on 19-Jun-2022
    Thank you so much Wayne, for a lovely and engaged review. Yes, I've travelled all my life and still do. I now know it just not from my adoptive parents, I have that love. It also comes from my real parents so it must in the genes. I'm so glad you liked my story. :)))
Comment from K.L. Rockquemore
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Such an incredible story!! You did a nice job with the prompt, I wonder if you had a difficult time selecting a special time to write about, I'm sure there were a plethora of them.
This is written with a loving hand and the sentiment is heartfelt.
How lovely that you have such a large family now. Good luck in the contest.

 Comment Written 18-Jun-2022

reply by the author on 19-Jun-2022
    I know, I've been very lucky. It was very special to me to write about my two fathers. I started the narrative, and then it just came to me what to include for this particular contest. I'm so glad you liked it. Thank you so very much. :)))
Comment from LisaMay
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You have recounted this amazing story in a very engaging manner. I was intrigued by your bravery in going to see your birth mother and arriving without her knowledge, but it paid off. You've had the sorrow of losses, but also been blessed with ongoing connections. As an adopted person myself, I found your story fascinating. I will never know who my father was because my birth mother is now dead.


I had been chosen to share my life with this new mums and dad.
(mum, not mums)

I travelled there and stood on her footstep
(Maybe you mean doorstep?)

Not only, (comma is unnecessary here) did my brother want to make contact,

 Comment Written 18-Jun-2022

reply by the author on 19-Jun-2022
    Thank you so very much, LisaMay. I know you would be able to relate to my story. I see how it was impossible for you to find your father.
    I have made the corrections in and thanks so much for pointing them out.:)))