Reviews from

He Touched Us All

A moment in time can change it all -

23 total reviews 
Comment from Elizabeth Emerald
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Heartbreaking--I didn't have to read the notes to know this was real written from other's POV. I bet you are right that he'll never forget the dreadful moment you shared. Well done.

 Comment Written 27-Mar-2021

reply by the author on 27-Mar-2021
    It will be 40 years in July, but for some reason it suddenly felt like yesterday. I needed to honor the young man whose life was so drastically changed that day. Thanks!
Comment from lyenochka
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Great job with this 80 word flash story, Carol! You packed a lot of emotion and drama in these few words and connected us to the grieving mother and the volunteer. I think this will do well in the contest!

 Comment Written 27-Mar-2021

reply by the author on 27-Mar-2021
    Thanks Helen - The emotions run deep and long at times like this one. The young man never stopped to think how his life might be scarred by the search, he just jumped in an did it. I felt like he needed to be honored. Smiles!
Comment from LJbutterfly
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a tragic story. I'm sure you adequately expressed exactly what the volunteer must have felt. I can't imagine finding the boy's lifeless body and hearing the boy's mother scream. In just a few words, you provided a full picture of the incident. Well done. Best wishes in the contest.

 Comment Written 26-Mar-2021

reply by the author on 26-Mar-2021
    Thank you, Lorraine. I wanted to honor him because I can't imagine how his life was changed forever because of being somewhere at the time a tragedy occurred. thank you for the kind review. Smiles to you.
Comment from Alaskastory
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

"He Touched Us All" is a fine story in so few words. It speaks with so much reality and feeling. It is so true that witnessing such a situation will have a lasting effect on an observers life. Good that your shared it.

 Comment Written 26-Mar-2021

reply by the author on 26-Mar-2021
    Thank you so much. I believe that the young man probably had his life changed on that day and he is a hero. I know my life changed and I am grateful that he was there too. Thanks for the review.
Comment from Ric Myworld
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm a flash fiction fan because it allows us to get to the point fast. But in the case of stories like this one it's like racing to find the point of a harpoon. Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 26-Mar-2021

reply by the author on 26-Mar-2021
    Everyone kept asking me about my little boy and I just couldn't write it about me so I decided to honor the young man who volunteer at a campsite and drew the short straw. I'm sure he carries that moment with him, but maybe he was able to come to terms. I hope so. I will be forever grateful. All other avenues had been exhausted. Helicopters flattened corn fields, state troopers stopped all the vehicles, searching them. They'd did a human chain three hours earlier and the Sheriff said it would be days before his body surfaced. I screamed so loud begging and they said they'd do it again. Six steps and there he was. That was 40 years ago and I'm sitting her crying as it was yesterday. Take care!
Comment from Mary Vigasin
This work has reached the exceptional level

When you hear of these tragedies you never think of the effect it has on those who recover the body. We are seeing PTSD among health care workers now
You excellent write shines a light on these heroes who live with memories of an unsuccessful rescue
Good luck in the contest.

 Comment Written 26-Mar-2021

reply by the author on 26-Mar-2021
    Shiny stars and kind words to honor the young man whose life was changed that day. Thank You! I know he didn't get up that morning thinking he was going to join a rescue, but he certainly didn't walk away when it confronted him. He's a hero! I appreciate your kind words and stars. Smiles to you!
Comment from Raffaelina Lowcock
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I assume you are speaking of the Sheriff. The story is a tragic one and would engrave itself on one's heart forever. Those sad occurrences, unfortunately, happen, all too often. You tell it well.


 Comment Written 26-Mar-2021

reply by the author on 26-Mar-2021
    Hi, Ralf - I believe every person who was there that day touched us in one way or another, the rescuers, the volunteers, the law enforcement, and the child. The volunteer who found my son's body couldn't ever recover fully nor can I. It was a moment in time that changed all our lives. Thanks!
reply by Raffaelina Lowcock on 26-Mar-2021
    I didn't realize you were the mother!
    Oh really, I am so sorry.

    Ralf xx
reply by the author on 26-Mar-2021
    Definitely not a problem. The story was to honor the volunteer and how he did so without concern about his life would be changed. I never got to than him because the Sheriff whisked me away to identify my son at the morgue. I hope he knows how grateful I am.
Comment from Judy Lawless
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A heart-wrenching story, Carol. I did check half-way through to see if it was fiction. It must have been hard for the searchers and especially for the one who found him. You've conveyed it well. Good luck in the contest.

 Comment Written 26-Mar-2021

reply by the author on 26-Mar-2021
    Unfortunately, I was whisked away by the Sheriffs to the morgue, something I'll never erase from my mind either. I think of him often and pray that he was able to put it behind him. Thanks Judy for your kindness. Smiles and hugs - Carol
reply by Judy Lawless on 26-Mar-2021
    Oh, Carol, that must have been so so hard! I can understand why the memory stays with you. Smiles and Hugs to you too.
reply by the author on 26-Mar-2021
Comment from muffinmama
This work has reached the exceptional level

We often forget that the rescuer who finds a body, especially that of a child, is also affected for life. That image never disappears.
The fact that you were able to place yourself in his shoes and acknowledge his pain is testament to your selfless outlook on life. No one can feel the pain that you felt then and still do, I'm sure. But your generosity of spirit makes it possible to sympathize with the volunteer as well.
Very well written. Thank you for sharing.

 Comment Written 26-Mar-2021

reply by the author on 26-Mar-2021
    My oh My - Sparkling stars to honor the selfless volunteer whose life was changed forever. You are so kind. I remember his face as he carried my son, but not much after that. My hysterics blacked out so much I guess. Volunteering for such a horrific moment must have left a lifetime of scars on all the men, but especially him as he carried my son to shore. I believe in angels and know that my son watches over him. Smiles and hugs!
Comment from Anne Johnston
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thank you for sharing this. So sorry you never got a chance to thank this hero. I am sure you have accurately described how he felt, not being able to do more.

 Comment Written 26-Mar-2021

reply by the author on 26-Mar-2021
    I was rushed away in the Sheriff's car to the morgue - something I will never ever forget. I know his name was Nick and he lived near Chicago. He is always in my thoughts. Thanks, Anne.
reply by Anne Johnston on 26-Mar-2021
    You are welcome. I am sure the Lord blessed Him in some way for what he tried to do.