Reviews from

Free Will

chain rhyming

143 total reviews 
Comment from thee-name
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Good rhyming verse. Keep on dreaming.

 Comment Written 08-Sep-2014

reply by the author on 08-Sep-2014
    thee-name, thank you so much :-) Brooke
reply by thee-name on 09-Sep-2014
Comment from flamingstar
This work has reached the exceptional level

Wow. I wrestle with this question all the time. My guidance suggests we have some wriggle room in response to the variables in our 3/D world, but we are generally expected to adhere to the plan WE designed before we came! That doesn't stop me from arguing, though. One night I distinctly heard a voice say,"From start to finish!" Made me mad...

 Comment Written 08-Sep-2014

reply by the author on 08-Sep-2014
    flamingstar, thank you so much :-) I appreciate your insights and generous sixth star :-) Brooke
Comment from Preston McWhorter
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hi, :-) Brooke,
"Free Will" is a truly powerful statement against predestination and in favor of free will. Its rhymes are excellent as its figurative language (the stuff of dreams) (an others script. It has good flow and rhythm caused by the chain rhymes.

 Comment Written 08-Sep-2014

reply by the author on 08-Sep-2014
    Preston,thank you so very much for your thoughtful and generous response to this poem :-) Brooke
Comment from livelylinda
This work has reached the exceptional level

Brooke: quite a switch from the norm. You give us something to think about. And, I am convinced that we are not merely players. I have to think that way because the thought of some gigantic puppeteer in the universe directing every move we make, is enough to drive me crazy! Fantastic writing! And, love the newest picture of Sawyer. Linda

 Comment Written 08-Sep-2014

reply by the author on 08-Sep-2014
    Thank you so much, Linda, for your generous response to this poem and your thoughtful comments :-) Brooke
Comment from c_lucas
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Life is what we make of it. This is very well written with a smooth flow of words, making for a very good read. There is good imagery.

 Comment Written 08-Sep-2014

reply by the author on 08-Sep-2014
    Thanks so much, Charlie :-) Brooke
reply by c_lucas on 08-Sep-2014
    You're welcome, Brooke. Charlie
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The wonderful thing about free will it was never free for Christ, he won it for us, otherwise we would all be subject to law and both good and bad under it would die. I love you're definition of free will however, Brooke, it's always a big question mark, whether we behave like we do, because we are shaped by our environment or we rebel against it! But yours is as good as any, but brilliantly poetic, with an interesting aaba, cccc, rhyming, a nice even meter! Great poem, blessings, Roy.

 Comment Written 08-Sep-2014

reply by the author on 08-Sep-2014
    Roy, thank you so much for your thoughts :-) Brooke
Comment from RYME4U
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Excellent, What great logical philosophy this poem has.It flows so smoothly and the quatrains rhyme so very well. What a super job you have done with thes well expressed words.

 Comment Written 08-Sep-2014

reply by the author on 08-Sep-2014
    RYME4U, thank you so much :-) Brooke
Comment from pipersfancy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I've never really looked at chain rhyming before, Brooke - so now, is this how one works? AABA BBCB CCDC and so forth until the final stanza, must the final stanza have all 4 lines ending in the same rhyme?

Besides the technical part ;-) I so enjoyed the questions raised by this little gem you've penned!

Thank you for sharing!


 Comment Written 08-Sep-2014

reply by the author on 08-Sep-2014
    PF, thank you - yes, that is the pattern, but no, the final stanza does not have to be mono-rhymed. That is just how Frost wrote his final stanza in Stopping by Woods :-) Brooke
Comment from Dean Kuch
This work has reached the exceptional level

How can I not bestow a six star rating on this profound poetic proclamation? We are the masters of our own destinies. We hold the key to the lock which opens up our futures. And with God's help, and an immeasurable amount of diligence and hard work, nothing can stand in the ay of of goals and dreams, if we want them badly enough.

No puppeteer save God pulls on my strings!

Beautifully done, Brooke. I feel it's one of you best. :)

 Comment Written 08-Sep-2014

reply by the author on 08-Sep-2014
    Dean, thank you so very much, my friend, for your generous and thoughtful response to this poem :-) Brooke
reply by Dean Kuch on 08-Sep-2014
    Hey, the pleasure was all mine, Brooke. You are more than welcome. 8]
Comment from Adri7enne
This work has reached the exceptional level

Wow! This is different for you, Brooke. I really enjoyed your philosophical commentary. It's true that we're the stuff of dreams, but we are also the dreamer.

I like the different rhyme scheme, too. Reminds me a bit of Mike Rondelo. Well done, my friend.

 Comment Written 08-Sep-2014

reply by the author on 08-Sep-2014
    Adrienne, thank you so very much for your insightful comments and generous six stars :-) Brooke