Reviews from

Racist Stereotypes live on

A response to an awful image circulating today.

151 total reviews 
Comment from Sarah_Goldwell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A very contraversial piece of work there adewpearl. very appropriate for the time of the year - black history month- I admire your courage to stand up for what is right. My father is African American, my mother is white, so yes I am aware of all those things, but don't worry I am also aware that it is not all white people who think that way. Your piece was very well written and factual.

 Comment Written 18-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 18-Oct-2008
    thank you so much for your support Peace,Brooke :-)
Comment from heyjude
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thanks for stop and making us think about this. I think
we do stereotype people. We really need to think more about this. I know we don't like when people say all Americans are like ........ No one likes to be lumped into a category.

 Comment Written 18-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 18-Oct-2008
    thank you so much for supportive comments - they are very much appreciated. Peace, Brooke
Comment from The Cajun
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I agree with you and have seen some astonishing thihngs regarding race.

Ironically it is still alive and some of my close friends are that way. Guess what? They consider themselves devout Chrisitan, convervative Republicans.

I have friends in a Christian motorcycle group that do many things that are very good, but a majority of them are racist. It's a long story about a black Santa Clause involving my own brother who I learned is extremely racist.

But I'd rather know than not know. It will be a hard thing to stop. You should hear what my frinds say about Obama. They don't believe me when I show them the truth. There will always be fanatics. Just keep an eye on them.

 Comment Written 18-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 18-Oct-2008
    Members of my own Presbyterian congregation continue to send internet forwards about Obama's Muslim ties. No amount of evidence disproves anything for people with this mindset.
    My own beloved father, the best dad in the world to me, was racist. I understand what you are saying. Thank you for sharing and for your supportive review :-)
Comment from Janilou
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh, where are my six stars when I need them? I had no idea of those stereotypes and I didn't see the cartoon, but the Chaeffey Committee of Republican Women should be ashamed of themselves. What if the next Republican nominee is of African-American heritage?
Thank you so much for posting this. Will help promote it.


 Comment Written 18-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 18-Oct-2008
    if you google Obama image on food stamp you can find articles that show the cartoon Somebody wrote to me that McCain has already repudiated it, which I hope is accurate. thank you for your support, six stars available or not.
Comment from Perp Ihebom
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

My dear adewpearl, this piece is a masterpiece. It is passionate, convincing and timely. The human race is indeed funny. Is it not amazing that the heinous crimes associated with discrimination on the basis of skin colour are committed by the 'most civilized' of the race? Thanks for drawing attention to this very important issue. The write-up is well articulated and aesy to read and follow. kudos.

 Comment Written 18-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 18-Oct-2008
    thank you - I have had supportive comments like yours and others that make me happy to have the supportive comments :-)
    I do appreciate this so very much. Peace, Brooke
Comment from lawriemac
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

My biggest disappointment after reading this splendid article is the fact I was not surprised.
As I state in my profile, I hate racial bigotry and therefore agree with your points of view.
Unfortunately I believe, and I wish I was wrong, that racism will never go away. I'm not only talking about white against black, brown, red or whatever as it happens the other way round also.
I won't comment on America too much for my own country cannot condemn another when the same thing is happening over here. I would like to make just one point though; would it be helpful if such descriptions as African American, Black American, Irish American etc were not used and every citizen was called American? The reason I ask is because I think (I may be wrong) that America is the only country to use such descriptors of their citizens. I don't hear of Black Australians or African English for example.
I suppose one of the travails of a free nation with freedom of speech, press etc is the fact people are allowed their thoughts openly even though the majority disagree. At least it shows them up for the foolish bigoted people they are.
Well done for such an articulate article, written in a rush while you were still angry.
The only point against your article, if I may say so, is when you state you are embarrassed for your race. Personally, I'm not embarrassed for my race but I am angry at certain sections of my race, the same way as I am angry at certain sections of other races.
Sorry for taking so much time in writing, but I needed to say what I have said.
Best wishes

 Comment Written 18-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 18-Oct-2008
    I refer to people by what they themselves prefer to be called, and most African Americans I know prefer this designation. I appreciate your thoughtfulness in commenting.
    Thank you so much :-)
Comment from Lani2
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I heard that CNN report also. I think the Republican party has only helped Obama by wrting this kind of crap. People that I know, are sick and tired of all of this political stuff. I am glad you wrote this, because it probably helped to get the anger off your chest.
I think the racist's will always be around. There is the dagos, spicks, polacks, and don't forget the hillbilly's. This is just ignorant people talking. I went through childhood being called a hillbilly because I was from the south. It hurt when kids laughed at the way I talked.
I understand your anger, and you are right it has to stop.


 Comment Written 18-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 18-Oct-2008
    thank you so much for your most thoughtful and supportive review - I appreciate this beyond words :-)
Comment from Schizoid Poet
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The second thought that comes to mind is something along the lines of this; perhaps the way you feel about racist people is the way racist people feel about other races. I feel there is a spectrum, or harmonic, to human behaviour. For instance; poor white trash. A lot of white people are racist towards poor white trash. I might be. There is no validity in racism because we have seen black people play every role white people play. Thus they are equal. And they are homo sapiens, thus they are equal. We have seen racist black people. But, no, it is not the same. I was hoping you would explain grape soda like you did with fried chicken. Curiousity, ya know? However, I do believe in the validity of stereotypes. I wouldnt have considered fried chicken to be stereotypically accurate until I visited an inner city ghetto and discovered the abundance of fried chicken restaurants. But, the evolutionary aspects of the issue are touchy. Because if all life spawned from the cradle in South Africa and humans traveled the world evolving more and more as they went, it would make sense to think that a race that did not stray far from the cradle, did not evolve in the extensive doubleplus ways as others. The only evidence for this I know of, and I challenge you to find a black person who will disagree with this, is black people are better at sports and supposedly dancing. But the sports thing makes sense because their bodies evolved to be more adept to physical exertions. Where as asians got really good with numbers and shrunk. I'm not a racist because I love and hate everyone equally. But I do believe in what is obvious. And that is that people are different. A great way to observe and catagorize the differences among our species is through the color of skin. We are all equal in society (this is an ideal not a truth), as people. But we are not all equal in sports or math or whatever else. I hope I made this statement without being offensive. And have you seen the diverse civilizations of mankind killed off by white people. White people are assholes so of course they are racists. You can't be this imperialistic without some kind of hatred inside of you. This was a nice article and I'm happy I read it. I hope for the black people to change the racist whites. I dont know how, or if its possible, but that would feel more natural. Thanks for listening to my opinion. I know I'm kind of backwards sometimes, but oh well. Bye.

 Comment Written 18-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 18-Oct-2008
    I always appreciate people who are willing to speak in open discourse. thank you for your comments :-) Peace, Brooke
Comment from RaymondJohn
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Good for you. I took a course in Black History at the University of Minnesota. Postcard collectors really pay big money for postcards showing lynchings. Thanks for the scathing indictment. Back in the 18th Century, a French noted, "The same laws that prevent you from sleeping under bridges also prevent me." I'm glad you contacted the website. Best wishes. Ray.

 Comment Written 18-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 18-Oct-2008
    thank you very much for your thoughtful comments Peace Brooke
Comment from SteveI
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your words are true and well written but I am shocked at your surprise that you still live in a racist country like you did not know that, especially after your research and studies?

I live in Arizona the most racist state in the United States and I am white but I do not have a single black friend that does not hold this statement to be the truth.

My friend Bruce says when he retires from teaching college he is going back to the south where racism is in your face and out in the open and you can deal with it. He has opened my eyes of the worst type of racism and that practiced here in Arizona. He titles it, "Finesse Racism".

He states this because it is so subtle, so behind closed doors and so well practiced that you have to have specially trained people to catch others doing it. But you "will" find it and very easily.

Arizona has 90 Legislators, How many are black? How many are Hispanic? How many are poor? How many are honest? None

We have had one Hispanic Governor but I have lived here for over 50 years and I do not recall a single black man running for Governor?

At least you can take steps to change what you see! But be very careful you do not drive it underground where you can not deal with it at all?????

 Comment Written 18-Oct-2008

reply by the author on 18-Oct-2008
    I'm not surprised there is still racism, I just get outraged every time I see something this blatant come to the fore.
    Politically naive I am not - but I think it is best to live so that such things still shock me. Thank you! Peace, Brooke :-)