Available Stories and Book Chapters Listing

Writing that receives good ratings is recognized and shown on category listings

from 8 reviews.

Don't be fooled by past trauma. PTSD is real.

Biographical  Non-Fiction
Pays: 62 member cents | 10 points
Reviews: 8

from 5 reviews.

a 50-word story

General  Fiction
Pays: 57 member cents | 10 points
Reviews: 5

from 16 reviews.

I wish I had never...

General  Non-Fiction
Pays: 57 member cents | 10 points
Reviews: 16

from 4 reviews.

Tensions are building in 1846

from 3 reviews.

We were both surprised.

Biographical  Non-Fiction
Pays: 52 member cents | 10 points
Reviews: 3

from 3 reviews.

Fremont proposes a plan

from 7 reviews.

Thank you Brendaartwork18 for the use of your great artwork

Spiritual  Non-Fiction
Pays: 52 member cents | 10 points
Reviews: 7

from 10 reviews.

It's popular with both English and Americans.

General  Non-Fiction
Pays: 52 member cents | 10 points
Reviews: 10

from 11 reviews.

Friendships bind when a clue is found

from 9 reviews.

grant, O Lord, a renewal of faith wherever it is needed...

Spiritual  Non-Fiction
Pays: 52 member cents | 10 points
Reviews: 9

from 16 reviews.

50 Words Dribble Flash Fiction

General  Flash Fiction
Pays: 52 member cents | 10 points
Reviews: 16

from 5 reviews.

American immigrants are unprepared.

from 6 reviews.

Best not to stir

Biographical  Non-Fiction
Pays: 52 member cents | 10 points
Reviews: 6

from 9 reviews.

Write a Letter to God (contest entry)

Spiritual  Non-Fiction
Pays: 52 member cents | 10 points
Reviews: 9

from 8 reviews.

Two children meet their step-mother.

General  Flash Fiction
Pays: 52 member cents | 10 points
Reviews: 8

from 8 reviews.

Roses are... sometimes blue.

General  Flash Fiction
Pays: 52 member cents | 10 points
Reviews: 8

from 9 reviews.

Recovering from a brain injury

Biographical  Non-Fiction
Pays: 52 member cents | 10 points
Reviews: 9

from 30 reviews.

some history for this month

Biographical  Non-Fiction
Pays: 52 member cents | 10 points
Reviews: 30

from 4 reviews.

not fun

A Mullet Experience

A Contest Entry

Humor  Fiction
Pays: 42 member cents | 1 point
Reviews: 4

Page: 2          Previous Page Next Page    

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Elise's Pill
Widows of Viewmont script for the contest
Pays: 10 points. and 82 member cents
Spitfire vs. Jawbreaker
a Spaghetti Western, abbreviated
Pays: 10 points. and 1.01 member dollars