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2018 Poet of the Year
Gloria ....

Level 1 Pro

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Rank:  20

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Rank:  100

Falsifying Business Records Trial

Hush money trial 'weaponised' against Trump, Republican House speaker Mike Johnson claims

When Michael Cohen's Manhattan home was raided in 2018 as part of a criminal probe, then-president Donald Trump reassured him "everything's going to be okay" and then never spoke to him again, the former attorney told the court during his second day of testimony in Mr Trump's hush money trial.

So can we infer from Johnson's claim that if Trump's charge of falsifying business records is a weaponization of the DOJ by Biden, that he also believes Michael Cohen's criminal trial and subsequent term in prison (often in isolation) was a weaponization of the DOJ by then president Donald Trump?

Ouch! What a devastating betrayal by Trump. I wonder if Mike Johnson believes that kind of betrayal is something Jesus would've done to a faithful servant.


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Rank:  193

RE: Falsifying Business Records Trial


Your post is duly noted. You have presented a question in which everyone who is a Trump supporter should ponder.

I would love to give a more in depth comment but cannot at the moment. Hopefully, I can get back to you.

Furthermore, not to circumvent or distract from your post but I am trying to understand why Hannibal Lector( fictional character based on several real characters) is such a fine man. Lol

2018 Poet of the Year
Gloria ....

Level 1 Pro

Poet Rating
Rank:  20

Short Works Rating

Novel Rating

Review Stars

Rank:  100

RE: Falsifying Business Records Trial
Hi Jimi,

Always good to hear from you. I should think if Trump were innocent of these charges of conspiring to falsify business records as he claims, he would agree to anything and everything to clear his name including testifying and a polygraph if needed. Of course he fears cross examination because the prosecution would absolutely ask him about Stormy Daniels. She already passed a polygraph test which goes a long way toward proving her encounter with Trump happened exactly as she testified. I believe her and I'd estimate that billions of people do as these proceedings are being watched around the world.

It's a sad testimony to the strength of the USA when a persecuted American woman has more courage and honesty within her being than a man who seeks to lead the most powerful country in the world. That right there is the real David and Goliath Bible story. Shame on Trump and all of his enablers, particularly self-proclaimed religious men like Mike Johnson. Disgraceful.

Trump's inept Hannibal Lecter reference is nonsensical bile spewing from an ignorant little man trying to connect cannibalism with immigration using a causation/correlation fallacy. Why not join forces Democrats and Republicans and hammer out a workable immigration policy?


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