General Fiction posted August 25, 2020 Chapters:  ...10 11 -12- 13... 

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...listen up Boise girls...

A chapter in the book Attack of the Fifty States

Attack of the 50 States: Idaho

by Bill Schott

How often do you think of Idaho? If you only think of it when you see a potato, I feel it's safe to say you're in good company. I think of Idaho whenever I'm really thirsty. There hangs a tale.

Back when our family travelled across the western United States we passed through the great state of Idaho. Of all these states, I never figured Idaho for being the driest and hottest. It was a drought season, apparently, though the fifty-foot geysers of irrigating spray in the potato fields made it seem more like selective hydrating.

When we stopped at a greasy spoon for some lunch, I asked for a glass of water. The waitress (neither she nor I realized she was a server at that time) looked at me like I had asked to peek up her dress. She informed us that there was water rationing going on and we would only be able to order bottled soft drinks, milk, juice, or coffee.

After eating, we were informed that the bathrooms were off limits to children, which was me, without adult supervision. Imagine a fourteen-year-old going to the bathroom with his dad. It was a one-holer to boot.

All of this waterlessness was later magnified when little William, after filling the big thermos with water at a speak-easy water faucet, dropped it on the rocky, unforgiving ground. The sound of instant 'ice', rattling inside the former water bearing cylinder, made all crests fall. I was now both the youngest AND dumbest Schott.

Since that was the height of interesting items to share about Idaho, I will end with a few observations:

Noisy Boise might be a good slogan to lure people to Idaho, thinking that it was a happening place. Kind of like Greenland did. Look it up.

A fun party game might be bobbing for french fries. Sure, it sounds dangerous, but only if you really want to win.

J.R. Simplot Company is the nation's biggest potato distributor. Simplot struck a deal with Ray Kroc early on; they now provide over half the fries for McDonald's.

According to Wikipedia, another great innovation to come out of Idaho was nuclear power. It was at the Idaho National Laboratory in the 1950s where nuclear power was first harnessed and used to power an entire city. This innovation was a long time coming and one that put Idaho on the map for science and technology.

Did we know that Idaho was on a map for science and technology? Is this the same nuclear power we normally think of? It's not the power that we see lighting a flashlight bulb wired to a potato, right?

Anyway, we finally left Idaho headed for Washington. However, for us now, the next stop is Illinois. Land of Obama.



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