Spiritual Non-Fiction posted August 11, 2020 Chapters:  ...18 19 -20- 21... 

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A past reflection.

A chapter in the book "The Gift of Life."

Toppling Love

by Ricky1024

The author has placed a warning on this post for violence.

Follows with another Amazing Journey Entitled,
"If I Only had A Decent Kidney?"
"Toppling Love" (A)
(One Human At A Time)
Written August 11th, 2020
By Doctor Ricky 1024
CopyrightĂ‚© Fanstory 2020
'All Rights Reserved'
(Based on a True story)

'Save me Dear Lord God I don't want to die!'
Note: 'Since the people listed are "Gift of Life" receivers of organs.'
'Only first names allowed.'
'Yes, Chaz lived in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.'
'And, he wrote me three letters.'
'With the first only three weeks after the death of my only son Jason.'
'Chaz managed the local Walmart.:
(He was the late shift manager)
'And, for many, many, years.'
'But the year now was 2003.' 'And, Chaz is now 47 years of age.'
'As we together turn the Page.'
'And yes, he was slowly dying desperately needing a Strong and Healthy Heart, plus a pair of lungs.'
Married but divorced, Chaz wrote me that he has a daughter named Mary.'
'And, a son named Joel.'
'Joel was entering an eight year eEngineering program at MIT, while his daughter Mary was a junior in high school dreaming to be an RN nurse.''
'And, Chaz needed one last chance?'
'One last chance at the dance of life?'
'As we can turn the page.'


'Chaz desperately wanted to see his son accomplish the dream of an engineer.'
'Yes, something Chaz never had a chance to complete.'
'And, now it would be completely up to Fate, Destiny and God!'
'Yes, it would all be up to circumstances beyond Human Control!'
'And, again the job of God.'
'And, as he wrote me that first amazing letter...
'Wow he handled his new Job
(Having his chest cracked open and my son Jason's Heart and lungs placed in his body, magnificently!'
'And, his new job would no longer be suffering with little relief!'
'And, no longer a new job of grief!'


'It was now March 31st, 2003.'
'And, another situation would arise?'
'Perhaps sooner miracle inside?'
'Yes, a Miracle would happen as a young man of only eighteen years.
(My son Jason)
'Would go on a chariot ride as a passenger into a telephone pole at over 100 miles an hour.'
'And yes, a journey that he knew was becoming.'
'And, soon a surgery on the way.'
'For me on that sad, sad, oh do sad of day.'
'Yes, when his old and past friend Brian Cole.'
'Who was who now seventeen, Hell-bent on finishing something...
( Short of death?)
'Brian was the local pariah teased and he was unfortunately never pleased.'
'Who was dared...
'As a member of some stupid suicide club at Southern Regional High School in Manahawkin, New Jersey.'
'Yes, to do it...
'And, he wanted to prove it....
'To all the other boys and girls...
'That even though a coward...
'He would soon prove to his do called, "Friends"
'That he wasn't a coward.'
'And, he had no love in his life for his family didn't care about him.'
'As all the love and attention went to the younger brother Steven Cole.'
'And yes, he went on the cruel mission and ride.:
'And, he was extracted with the "Jaws of Life"
'And, as for my son Jason?'
'This is where his story begins.'
'As, for Bill and that unknown young female from South Jersey?'
'Their journey also begins!'
'And, ends for *Jason?'
"Toppling Love, Over Again"
Written August 12th, 2020
By Doctor Ricky 1024
'Yes, she soundly awaits her Fate.'
"At the age of eight.'
'Yes, the age only Eight!'
(Based on True Events)
Note: information provided by Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with,
"The Gift of Life"
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
'And, as South Jersey awaited her Fate in a "Home-made Coffin."
'This little girl is known as South Jersey.'
'For there was never any information provided for her name but only her whereabouts.'
'There still was a slight chance...
'A dim Glimpse of a Glance for Love?'
"The Gift of Life!"
(Fact or Fiction?)
Written on April 15th, 2004
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright Ă‚© Fanstory 2004
'All Rights Reserved'

'It's the month of December as much as I care to remember...
'And, only nine months since the accident in the eventual donation of my son Jason's many organs.'
'Try to figure out who is this person?'
'And, there will be clues along the way!'
'And yes, He is in a sleigh?'
'And yes, he's flying over the hospital?'
'And yes!'
'There are eight reindeer?'
'As he squiggles His chubby little body down the chimney below.'
'But someone is waiting and more than one?'
Now reviewers it's time to have some real fun!'
"The Grim rReaper of Death"
"Yes, is holding a little girl's hand!'
'You need to understand!'
Shoo away with you!'
He States.
'And you will not get this one this time!'
'And, up the chimney he goes and never again will he be seen!'
(If you know what I mean?)
'Beautiful little girl with the blue eyes and the blonde curls.'
'As she is now jaundiced!'
'Eyes are sealed and wide Shut!'
'No longer baby blue in a deep coma'
'As he says...
'This will not do.'
'As he goes over to her, he brushes her hair ever so gently...
'From her brow.'
'And, as he makes a vow...
'And now says...
'This I will not do.'
'As we shalleth now share.'
'And, He's takes the gift from his large sack but it is not any normal Christmas present?'
'That he will now present!'
'And, at the foot of her bed...
'He presses the buzzer to alert the nurses station and not a word more will he have said?'
'A Team of surgeons are immediately alerted and this little only eight year old girl...
'I call South Jersey.'
'Is transported immediately to the operating room in dire distress!'
'For they had not hooked get back up to her dialysis machine.'
'For she was now in a deep coma with very little chance and no hope!'
'But Miracles can come true and they can happen to me and you!'
'And, there is "Life after Death!"
'For within a half an hour, my only Son Jason's left kidney?'
'Had finally, started to do its job, that it was meant to do!'
'And, her two diseased kidneys were removed as her skin was turning pink again!'
'And finally, two and a half hours later.'
'South Jersey awoke and wondered where she was and what had happened to her!'
'No longer were her eyes yellowed but now beautiful blue!'
"The Gift of Life!"
(Fact or Fiction?)
'And, it happened to me and fortunately not to you!'
Approximate Word Count:1,214.

*Jason: n.
boys name.
And, to learn more about,
'Organ-Tissue Donations?'
Simply contact my Dearest friend Lara. S. Moretti the L.S.W. with,
"The Gift of Life"
Philadelphia, Pennsylvanian at
1-800- DONORS-1.
Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus thr Christ.
Followed by Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Amazing Artist, as well as, Gifted Writer,
'Doctor Ricky 1024'
And, his Incredible Picture Entitled,
"If I Only had a Heart?"
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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