Humor Fiction posted August 2, 2020

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100 Word Story contest entry

The Drive Through French Fries

by DragonSkulls

I took the family to Burger Kingdom for lunch. Half
way through, my son goes, "Eeewwww."

It turns out, apparently, a couple of the french fries had
gotten stuck in the fryer and were in there for a while before
they were taken out because they were badly burnt.

When he was done, he hadn't eaten the burnt fries. I said,
"You have to eat those."

"Are you crazy, Dad? Why?"

"Haven't you heard?"

"Heard what?"

"Black fries matter."

The whole car burst out laughing.

My wife said, "You've been waiting for that, haven't you?"

She knows me too well.


100 Word Flash Fiction writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a flash fiction story. 100 words exactly. Title not included in count.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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