Humor Poetry posted July 25, 2020 Chapters:  ...87 88 -89- 90... 

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A stony smile Pix This Photo Challenge
A chapter in the book Pappa's Memories and Ramblings

Stony Smiles

by QC Poet

Stony smiles at his inside joke!
Results from certain kinds of rising smoke?
He's laughing at this picture as I also poke,
Doesn't mind if his face looks plastered and broke!

The four other's with him too are stony faced!
With serious stares where they're currently spaced,
In that odd shaped line in which they are placed,
One has to wonder if these four feel a bit disgraced?

Stony fried, looks funny as he stands and stares!
The other guy's are shown in poker~faced glares,
Looking off at another hill as if each one cares?
Chuckling Stony murmurs "fakers putting on airs".


Stony Smiles
By; George Martinez
(A,K.A) QC Poet / Chochee Medina
A stony smile Pix This Photo Challenge

A smile among stony faces! What does the image say to you. Can you write a poem about it? You can write and submit your poem anytime.
No deadline.

Stony Smiles ~ A Stoned Statue?

Word Description Intrupation Choice makes this one applicable to 2020,
Now say ~ Oh yeah!

Club entry for the "A stony smile" event in "Picture This ".  Locate a writing club.
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