General Poetry posted July 16, 2020

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When young, my brother, Jack never brushed his teeth

Green Teeth

by HarryT

Jack never brushed his green teeth
No Never!
He ate mortar from the garden wall
A secret rusty nail his trusty awl
Without ever a thought the wall might fall
After a meal of favorite mossy green mortar
Of course, dessert was in order
Jack would amble into the house
Quiet as a mouse
Sneak over to the blackboard tray
A savory horde of chalk he had laid
Without a second thought
Bit off a chunk of chalk--
Crunch, crunch, munch
“Oh,” he said, “the perfect end
To my main mortar meal
The taste of my favorite minty green unreal!”
Jack finally stopped eating mortar, brushed his green teeth
Today, believe it or not, he’s a practicing dentist

Choose a Color writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Mention a COLOR (any color) in a POEM of any type, any topic, of up to 20 lines. You may also use variations of that SAME color within your poem (e.g. red, crimson, ruby, magenta etc.)
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