General Poetry posted July 12, 2020

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The love affair of lifetimes...

Sunlight and Shadow

by Y. M. Roger

Celebrating 20 Years!: 20 Line Poem Contest Winner 

‘Twas a glorious day so long ago
that Sunlight and Shadow were wed ~
Their union portended aeons of joy
as fancies took flight in their stead…
Oh, the dances performed throughout the years
as Sunlight, he does like to shine ~
And Shadow, she loves to follow his lead
from mountains and past the coastlines…
Imagine the thrill of crisp, quaking leaves
or pride of the trees that they trim ~
Just knowing their being is Shadow’s soul,
their motion, her wave and whim…
In the lead always, bold Sunlight he beams,
lending sharpness to Shadow’s flight ~
E’en under the stars, he’ll be there for her
masquerading as pale moonlight…
Yea, bound in nature, Sunlight and Shadow ~
dark to light, forever true…
Let their rhythm inspire and intrigue you
‘til sunlight bids your shadow adieu.


Writing Prompt
Write a poem of any type. But it should have a total of 20 lines.

Celebrating 20 Years!: 20 Line Poem
Contest Winner



Image of 'Sunlight From Trees' at
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