Writing Poetry posted June 22, 2020

This work has reached the exceptional level
and her Indian ankle bells.

Flamenco Shoes

by tempeste

My mother, Thea ,was named after a rose;
an apt choice seeing the stunning woman she grew up to be.
Besides beauty she had brains
and was gifted with a strong artistic vein.

She painted and sculptured in later life
but dance was her first passion since she was a child.

Her bright red flamenco shoes
and her silver, Indian ankle bells
hang now on my stairway wall
as precious gems.

My mother was convinced that
in previous lives, a dancer she surly had been
for all the intricate movements of both disciplines
she already knew by heart, from within.

The fiery flamencos as well as the dazzling blue sari performances
with lots of eye, finger, hand and head gestures
mesmerised crowds and till this day that makes me very proud.

Free Verse writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a free verse poem about a prized object of any kind. No rhyming patterns.

I was lucky to have such an extraordinary mother .. I wish only I had passed more time with her but my parents were always away 10 month a year until I was 22 ...we actually lived after for 10 years together like a true family...

The pic above was taken when my mother was 20 and I wasnt even a thought ( smile) ..since an early age she would prance around dancing as an Indian ..she was fascinated by Indian philosophy and yoga when it wasn t yet a thing in the western world.

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