General Fiction posted June 13, 2020

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The News

by DragonSkulls

I've been going to the doctor for severe headaches I've been having.
My doctor prescribed medication that worked for about two weeks
but it wasn't working any longer so he had me come back in for some
testing. An appointment was scheduled for the following week and I
went in for the results.

In the waiting room, I flipped through a People magazine and read
about some actor's latest movie and after twenty minutes they finally
called my name. I sat in the cold exam room for another ten minutes
before Dr. Santos came in to see me.

He opened up my file and said, "Nice to see you, Sarah."

"You too."

He paused for a second and said, "Well, I have some good news
and some bad news."

I said, "Give me the bad news first."

He pulled out a tablet and brought up an x-ray. Pointing to a large,
dark mass he said, "This is what's been causing your headaches. It's a
malignant tumor in the left half of your frontal lobe and it is inoperable."

"What exactly are you saying, doctor?"

"I'm truly sorry to have to give you this information, but at this point
your prognosis is maybe two weeks to get all of your affairs in order."

"I'm going to die? I can't believe this. That's all the time I have left?"

"I'm sorry, Sarah, but yes."

Tears started to swell in my eyes. "Oh, my heavens. What could possibly
be the good news?"

"I just saved fifteen percent on my new car insurance."


Reactions writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a scene in which your main character receives surprising news.

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