Humor Fiction posted June 12, 2020

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3rd Millennium Story Contest Entry

Daddy, Where Did We Come From?

by DragonSkulls

Amoeba Listed as Cause of Death - Rafi Law Firm

In the year 2000, son, we were all just amoebas that washed up on shore. Two years after becoming amphibious we started growing arms and legs. Within months we learned to walk upright and we communicated through grunts. By 2004 we were having fierce debates about whether the wheel should be square or round. A year later, in 2005, we learned about fire when your Aunt Margaret was struck by lightning. Three years after that, we built the first Trump Tower. This was the same time that some clown got rich by simply selling hamburgers. We spent umpteen millions in 2012 to find out that there's only dirt and rocks on Mars. Then came computers, smart TVs and sex robots. By 2019 mankind was at its peak of intelligence. But something went horribly wrong. And now, in 2020, sadly so few of us even know what the word 'fictitious' means.


Tale from the 3rd Millennium writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a fictitious story (150words) that portrays the world as we know it since 2000 so future generations get a sense of these times. The topic can be anything. Provide a title.

"Clown" refers to Ronald McDonald, in case that went over anybody's head.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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