General Poetry posted June 4, 2020

This work has reached the exceptional level
Collaborative contest entry


by DragonSkulls

Collaborative Rhyming Poem Contest Winner 

Through poetry, two hearts combine.
Though worlds apart, a binding fate.
No obstacles nor distance stains
the love they share when they create.

Both quills can craft a single thought.
Through poetry, two hearts combine.
Each basks within the other's words.
I'm lost in hers and she in mine.

How gracefully our minds can dance,
such little effort needed here.
Through poetry, two hearts combine,
unmasking treasures crystal clear.

So easily we rhyme in verse
through kindred souls that intertwine.
What precious gift this union brings
through poetry...Two hearts combine.


Writing Prompt

1. Read ALL rules since some do NOT show except on Contest Announcement Page
2. Poem contest is designed for ONLY 2 Fan Story authors
3. NOT blind--name will automatically display for Author who POSTS entry. Both
authors, however, should mention their names (or pen names) in description box,
dedication, and/or notes--choose at least one of these or all
4. RHYME SCHEME--some pattern, which is authors' choice, should be evident--
Near Rhymes are acceptable, although no more than 3 pairs which covers a total
of 6 lines
5. NO mono-rhymes, any style of sonnet, haiku or 5-7-5 suite or similar style--
so, No sonnets, no haiku, and no 5-7-5 or other short styles
6. LENGTH--MINIMUM of 12 lines with MAXIMUM of 23 lines
7. TITLE may be included in body of poem, as well as Dedication for a total
of 3 lines which are NOT counted in the length of poem
8. AUTHOR NOTES acceptable
9. NO music, videos, or animation
10. ONE image--author's choice or not
11. FONT--one color font chosen from what FS offers on Advanced Editor
12. TOPIC--author's choice EXCEPT: no COVID-19, political figures, laws,
or governments
13. At least 5 submitted entries before voting booth opens

Collaborative Rhyming Poem
Contest Winner


Co-written with my dear friend LyndaS.
I created the pic from a couple different Google Images.
Thank you all for reading.

Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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