Biographical Non-Fiction posted February 25, 2020

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We are all of value.

I Am Not An Only

by patcelaw

In 1959, shortly after my husband and I returned from our honeymoon to Lake Mead in Nevada, we went to the bank to open a joint checking account. As we were speaking with the teller who was helping us, the teller looked at me and said, "what do you do as an occupation?"

I replied, " I am not employed I am just a housewife."

My darling husband, stopped me saying, "she is not a housewife, she is a homemaker. She is not married to the house, she is married to me. I never want her to forget that, she's not a housewife!"

The more than 36 years we were married, he let me know in so many ways that he appreciated me, and he treated me like I was a queen.

So this special time in my young life, made me know I am not an only, I truly am a valued somebody.

Then too, there are those who would say, "you are a dumb girl who almost failed high school and never went to college, so you are just an only."

But, when God saved me He said, "she is my child and therefore, she is of value to Me. For I will use the foolish things of this world to confound the wise. I Corinthians 1:27.

So once again, I realize I am not an only, I am of value to the King of Kings and He has and is using me through the use of words with a message.

Each of us here is, not an only, we are all valued by somebody. We are all somebodies!!!!

-Patricia Lawrence

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