Spiritual Poetry posted January 9, 2020

This work has reached the exceptional level
Casting fear aside to do The Will of God!


by Fonda Little

"Transversing the deep,
waves of fear I plunge headlong,
for faith bears me Home!"

5-7-5 Poem contest entry



In 7 days I will have a year clean and sober By The Grace of God! Hallelujah! All Glory and Praise Goes to God and God alone because He so rightfully deserves it and always will! All I did was completely surrender my will and life to Jesus Christ, He's done the rest! Fear is the devil, and is a self-made prison! You have to step out of your comfort zone in order to grow! While in active addiction I was a coward point blank period. I wouldn't leave my house and became a hermit and just stayed inside using drugs to slowly kill myself. By the end of my active addiction I slept practically two years straight and would only get up to use drugs. I had an overwhelming fear of failure but my mom would always tell me true failure was not trying at all, that that's really giving up. It wasn't until I had a stroke on meth and whiskey and during that stroke when I cried out to Jesus that everything changed! No one is a lost cause, if you still have a breath in your body you still have a chance! I know if God can do it for me He certainly can and will for anyone and everyone else! Now I channel all my fear, anxiety, and worry into excitement because I know it's just the devil trying to stop me from doing God's Will and that something awesome is about to happen! I went from lock-in get myself up for years in my house to reciting poetry that's The Lord speaks through me at churches, in sermons, Open-Mic Nights, recovery meetings, and Bible studies all because I know God is with me and if He brought me this far He isn't going to abandon me now or ever! I pray In Jesus's Almighty, All Powerful, Divine, Holy, Majestic Name, The Name Above All Names this poem touches someone, especially someone who is in active addiction that might be debating taking that leap of faith because I'll tell you right now when you take that leap of faith you're going to land right into Jesus's Loving Arms!

Isaiah 43:2 New International Version (NIV)

"2 When you pass through the waters,
I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire,
you will not be burned;
the flames will not set you ablaze."
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