Supernatural Fiction posted January 4, 2020 Chapters:  ...41 42 -43- 44... 

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THE IMMORTAL/A Novel of the Breedline series

A chapter in the book THE IMMORTAL

Surviving the Creature

by scongrove

The author has placed a warning on this post for violence.

Thank you for taking the time to read my chapter. It's still in the working stages, so if you spot mistakes, please let me know. Enjoy!
Previously . . .

After an age-old creature—buried deep in the ground—rises from years of peaceful slumber to feast on humans, it attacks Jena McCain—a young artist who has the ability to speak with the dead—and infects her with the Rougarou curse. As the virus spreads through her body, Jena must resist her newly found urges for human blood for one hundred and one days. If she succumbs to the blood lust, she will become the thing that has cursed her.   
Now that the creature is hunting humans, and infected an innocent young girl, God tasks Lailah—a battle angel gifted with the power of holy fire—with an important mission. She must take the Fury and Sebastian back to earth for the sole purpose of destroying this savage creature.

Now, as Jena heals in the hospital, she reaches out to the only person left in the world she can trust. When Jena contacts Angie—her childhood best friend—she reveals to her the dreadful news of Todd and Sophie’s deaths. Leaving out most of the details, Jena decides to tell her friend about the creature and the curse when she arrives to the hospital. 
The next day, Angie arrives to the Bates Hospital to be by Jena’s side. As Jena tells her about the creature and the curse, Angie reveals to Jena a secret of her own. When she explains to Jena about the Breedline species, and that she too, was born with the genetics, Jena is astounded.

As the bond between the two friends become closer than ever before, Angie promises Jena she will do everything she can to help her. Left with no other choice, Angie decides to reach out to the Breedline Covenant for help.

Meanwhile, as Angie has Jena moved to the safety of the Breedline Covenant, the creature manages to seduce Jena, and tricks her into drinking her own blood. Now that the curse is set into motion, Jena is doomed to become what she fought so hard to resist . . . a bloodthirsty killer. Just when Jena begins to feel as though she has lost all hope, someone mysteriously leaves a journal in her bedroom. Soon after, she discovers it’s a memoir from the 1800s and belongs to a Nicolas Ratcliff. As Jena continues to read on, she finds herself drawn to this mysterious person and that he is the creature’s younger brother. When she finishes reading the last entry, there is a note addressed to her. Nicolas asks Jena to come alone to the Salem Cemetery at dusk to help him end his brother’s curse and save a young girl that his brother holds captive.     
Regrettably, Jena must face her worst fears. Now that she had weakened to the creature, she had to confess the bad news to her best friend and to the Covenant, not to mention Nicolas’s journal.  While the Breedline Covenant process Jena’s dilemma, the battle angels are to arrive at dusk to help Jena destroy the creature. 

While the Breedline prepares for the battle angel’s arrival, they unexpectedly discover Jena has shifted into her creature and somehow made it past the Covenant’s security. When Tessa and Angie search Jena’s room, desperate to find out why she took off and where she went, they find a note hidden under her mattress. After reading it, they are completely shocked to find out Jena is heading to the Salem Cemetery to help Nicolas Ratcliff destroy the creature. Before the angels arrive at dusk, they gather everyone in a meeting. When the battle angels and the Fury arrive, the Breedline tell them about Jena’s disappearance. While they discuss their plan, Bull notices Angie is missing and senses she is in distress. Without further delay, they form a plan—sending Jace’s beast ahead of everyone—to help Jena and Angie destroy the creature.

Now that Ashton discovers his brother Nicolas and Jena’s plan to destroy him, he reveals a disturbing secret unknown to all. Not only is Jena a Necromancer, explaining her ability to speak with the dead, she is also a descendant of Isabella and the daughter of Lucifer. 
Completely devastated, Jena refuses to believe him. Just when she feels all hope is lost, Nicolas appears out of nowhere and vows to protect her. When Nicolas threatens his brother’s life, Ashton reveals to him that if he dies, so will he. 

“Whatever it takes to stop all this madness,” Nicolas said to Ashton.   

Continued . . .

Ashton threw his head back and laughed. The short, sharp bark sent chills through Jena’s veins.

“By now, you should know, Nicolas. Jena will not kill me.” He paused and narrowed his eyes at her. “She’s powerless in my presence.”    

A look of distress passed over Jena’s face. As if in anguish, she lowered her head and closed her eyes. She did not know if what all Ashton had said were entirely true, if she was indeed the daughter of Lucifer, born a Necromancer, and still under Ashton’s spell, but her heart believed in what the angels had told her. 
As silence fell between them, the only sounds that Jena heard were the trees blowing in the wind and her own blood pounding in her ears. Think Jena, think, she feverishly thought. How can I possibly defeat something that has such a stronghold on me? Jena wanted desperately to grab ahold of her inner strength and bring forth her creature once again. But struggling against Ashton’s binding spell was like struggling to breathe underwater. 
Jena took a deep breath, opened her eyes and looked up at Nicolas.

“You hold all the power, Jena.” She heard Nicolas—or was it Angie’s voice—whisper into her mind. She realized now what Angie had meant by her words. Jena had become a part of the Breedline family, and they had become hers. If she did not destroy the creature, she would lose them all. At that moment, something inside of her sparked with valor. Then, she looked forward, her eyes glaring viciously at Ashton. “I hold all the power,” she said, her voice demanding and seemingly full of confidence.  

His eyes widened as if her words threatened him in some way, or was it that he was worried the spell had been broken. 

“That is not possible,” he said with a clear smirk in his voice. “Not possible—”

Before anyone could get another word out, the sound of heavy footsteps moving at a high speed caught their attention. As they turned to look, Ashton was blindsided by something monstrous, moving at the full speed of a freight train.  

As hundreds of pounds of raging fury drove Ashton to the ground, it was then that Jena realized who it was. She quickly got to her feet and screamed, “Angie, no!”

Before Jena rushed forward, Nicolas instantly reached out and held her back. “No, Jena,” he warned her, and when she responded by trying to pull away, he looked at her intently and added, “Please, Jena.” 
The time it took Angie’s wolf to tackle Ashton, his transformation was already taking place. The power surge within him only took a matter of seconds and he was the creature once more. Then, in a frenzy of snarling sounds, the battle between the Breedline wolf and the creature began again.

Jena looked up at Nicolas, her eyes wide and glassy with tears. “She’s my best friend. I’ve got to do something,” she said, her voice pleading. “He’ll kill her.”

Nicolas stared down at Jena, his eyes expressing concern. He gently grasped her hand and spoke to her in a soft voice, “Use your curse, Jena. Bring forth the creature within you.”

It was hard to hear him over all the vicious sounds coming from the enormous creatures. They were biting and ripping at one another, destroying anything that got in their path.

“You can do this, Jena,” Nicolas raised his voice, and lightly squeezed her hand. “It’s the only way.” 
Ashton had never fought a creature this big, this determined as they scuffled and grappled on the damp ground among all the dead. Again, and again, he raked his sharp claws into the enormous wolf, maddening the four-legged animal, and then tearing into its thick layer of hide with all the strength he had in his powerful jaws.  

Although Ashton seemed to be overpowering Angie’s wolf, she would not give up the fight. With lightning reflexes, she used her body as a battering ram and pummeled into Ashton’s side, knocking him completely off balance. He crashed into a nearby gravestone, crumbling it to pieces, before hitting the ground hard. 

Seizing the opportunity, the wolf crouched low and launched off the ground using its powerful hind legs. As it leaped into the air, Ashton braced himself against the ground and kicked at the Breedline with all his strength. The mighty blow instantly sent Angie’s wolf in reverse. With a yelp, she crashed to the ground and tumbled out of control.  

I have to help her, Jena thought. She struggled to bring forth the change, but no matter how hard she tried, nothing happened. Ashton’s binding spell was too strong. There was nothing Jena could do but stand back and watch her best friend fight a losing battle. At that thought, her heart seemed to shrink inside her chest. It was then she wondered, could Breedline wolves die, or was it only silver that could kill them? If only she had made an effort to find out, to have asked Angie.

Ashton allowed the wolf no time to recover. He quickly got to his feet and pounced on the fallen enemy. It roared in pain and recoiled as Ashton began to use his razor-sharp claws to rip at the animal’s backside.  

No! Please, no, Jena despairingly thought as she stood in horror, focused on the awful images transpiring right before her very eyes. She watched helplessly as Ashton repeatedly sliced his claws across her best friend’s hide with a ruthless vengeance.   

“Stop it!” Jena shouted at Ashton. “You’re killing her!” 
The murderous creature, on the other hand, was not at all fazed. Dripping in blood, he ignored Jena’s outbursts and took hold of the wolf’s throat. With a firm grip, he squeezed with all his strength. 

Jena prayed, despite everything, Ashton would show leniency, if only the smallest, and have mercy on Angie.   

To be continued . . .    


NOTE: This is not part of the chapter. A reference for terms and cast of characters, especially for new readers:

BREEDLINE - A species of humans that have the ability to change from human form into a wolf form. They are not like the old legend of the Lycanthropy myth. Breedline species can shift into their wolf at will. The moon has no power over them. They do not pass their ability to other humans with a bite or scratch like the Lycanthropy myth.
The Breedline only get their wolf if they are born with an identical twin. Although they live among humans, their species is secret.
In wolf form, they have super-strength, speed, and heightened senses. Compared to humans, Breedlines have tremendous advantages when it comes to health. Their bodies heal fast and are not subject to illnesses or diseases. The only thing that slows their healing process is silver. It is their kryptonite. Besides old age, a silver bullet to the brain is the only thing that can kill a Breedline.
All males change into their wolf at the age of eighteen. Females do not go through the change until they make love to their Breedline bonded mate.

BREEDLINE COVENANT - The Breedline species must live within the boundaries of a Covenant. There is one in every state. A council governs their laws and oversees the species population.

THE BREEDLINE QUEEN - A Breedline queen is born once every one hundred years. Her massive stature, black fur, and red eyes are the queen's trademarks. Her alpha wolf has twice the strength, speed, and size of any Breedline. She rules over all the Breedline Covenants where she makes all the final decisions. This is their absolute True Law.

TRUE LAW - All Breedline Covenants have an ancient book of laws. If disobeyed, they must face the possibility of being shunned, and no longer protected by their Covenant. If a Breedline takes another life out of revenge, or evil - other than protecting their life, and the life of another - they will never have the ability to shift back into human form.

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