General Script posted November 20, 2019 Chapters:  ...72 73 -74- 75... 

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a one scene script

A chapter in the book Scenes

Scene at a FAKES News broadcast

by Bill Schott

Shawn Nono Manatee (SNM)
Pucker Mofo Snarelson (PMS)

Scene opens in the news room of a conservative broadcasting company preparing for an opinion piece on great historic events. Two of the network's top personalities will be working in tandem to review and comment on major events of the last twenty years.

SNM: Hello, Americans. We are here today to tell the truth about our history so far this new century. Almost twenty years has passed so we can take a look at how well the nation has progressed.

PMS: We've succeeded despite the deep state attacks on our way of life by the Demoncrats.

SNM: We're going to be fair and unbiased as usual as we examine our country's struggles since the new millennium began.

PMS: Right out the gate in 2001, a huge tax cut has allowed the middle class to reduce a bit and help that lower middle class to expand. Those in the higher tax brackets were able to escape the tedious tax paying and reinvest their money in offshore accounts.

SNM: The events of September 11th, however, put the kibosh on progress until we could figure out how best to invade the Middle East and establish a business platform.

PMS: Then we had some anthrax floating around, and not the good kind either.

SNM: Our buddies at ENRON did some bad math calculations and got shut down. Regulators interfering with the free market were to blame.

PMS: Then we started 2002 with an invasion of Iraq to get those WMDs.

SNM: Detractors say they were
Weapons which Mostly Didn't exist, but we know better.

PMS: United Airlines bit the dust that year along with my frequent flyer miles.

SNM: In 2004 some panty-wastes didn't like the way we treated the potential killers in Abu Gharib Prison and made a stink about it.

PMS: Through all that, Doublya got re-elected. Thank God the nation was saved for another four years.

SNM: Hurricane Katrina showed up in 2005 and eliminated a lot of old housing areas in the Gulf. Good thing FEMA got in there and saved the day.

PMS: Guess it was business as usual until 2007 when me and Apple invented the iPhone. You're welcome.

SNM: In 2008 Barrack Obama somehow gets into office, and Lehman Brothers and General Motors file for bankruptcy. Coincidence? I think not.

PMS: When 2010 rolled around, Obama Care took your doctor away from you and made you a criminal if you didn't want to be covered. Poor people had to find out they were sick and rich Americans had to actually pay for health care.

SNM: In 2011 Barrack Obama - I mean- Osama Bin Laden is killed by SEALs.

PMS: Obama re-elected since Mitt Romney wasn't Donald Trump. 

SNM: That 2013 Boston Marathon bombing put a damper on my jogging.

PMS: A 2015 Supreme Court ruling made it legal for me to marry another dude if I wanted to.

SNM: Do you?

PMS: No! Get away from me!

SNM: In 2016 the nation is saved as Donald J. Trump is elected to czar- I mean - king - no - president of the United States of America.

PMS: Since then, our great president has booted an FBI director; left the Iran Nuclear Accord; told the G7 to invite the Russians back in or the U.S was pulling out; met with the  Head Fred of Korea; met with the great and wonderful Vladimir Putin in Helsinki and gave him due praise for being so smart and powerful; got the head of the Trump Fan Club, Brett Kavanaugh, confirmed to the Supreme Court, in 2018; helped the Demoncrats get work for some slouch Representatives in the House; shut the government down for a month so we could all get some sleep;  gave Americans the biggest tax cut since the last Republican president, and now has to sit through the impeachment inquiry before the Republican Senate can wish him a happy Russian New Year in January 14th of 2020 when they vote to not impeach him.

SNM: Another great day will be had in the United States, Comrad.

PMS: Da. Do Svidaniya.


Certainly skewed to be hard on the opinionated Fox anchors. No other judgement than they are certainly wearing blinders when it comes to the president.
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