Essay Non-Fiction posted October 30, 2019

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History of a small village.

Cauley Square

by Raul1

Cauley Square used to be a small village around a railroad station called Gould's Siding. Now it is a place where there are antique stores. It has a main road from which you can access the stores through several walkways. It is located in South Florida.

You can go to antique stores, restaurants, and art stores. The Tea Room Restaurant has a delicate china, crystal, and lace. You can dine in the restaurant and discover gardens in the center of the stores and take pictures of the place.

At the soap store, soaps are created hand-made, and you can buy them. You see many styles of kinds of soaps. Each one has a low and high price to pay. I had gone inside there with my parents and was fascinated by the types of soap they have. They smelled wonderful. I have seen the employees making them from the right side of the store.

Frances Varela purchased Cauley Square in 2001. She wanted to give back to the community to protect the little island. She took ten years to re-landscape grounds, the fountains, and the walkways, which accommodate wheelchairs. It was all part of her plan.

In Cauley Square, I saw several people working in stores and restaurants with antique in clothing. It looked like they were going to have old traditional festivities. I walked in the middle of the street. There is a railroad near Cauley Square.

Cauley Square was named after the pioneer Redland's farmer, William Cauley. I went to the Tea Room Restaurant numerous times and the food there was delicious. We went to an art store where the painter displayed his beautiful paintings.

In the year of 1992, Cauley Square was destroyed by the fury Hurricane Andrew. The damage was priced at over $1 million. Mary Anne Ballard fought for funding of the place, which was reopened and was declared a Historical Site.

I enjoyed the architecture, history, beautiful gardens, and treasure the pictures which were taken there. There is also a real old church where several people attend. I went inside there and it is a quiet area. It has a small chapel that Frances Varela transformed in gratitude for people to gain a blessed life. Visitors go there for a quiet reflection. Cauley Square is a hidden gem in South Florida. I have enjoyed my visit there. My experience from this place was a very happy one. I still go to Cauley Square at other times.

Sense of Place Short Story writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a 400 to 700 word essay describing a place. This should be a descriptive short story, make sure you describe the place very well. This place you are describing can not be a place in your imagination, dreams, ext. It has to be a real place, preferably a place you know very well. You do not have to have been to this place, and this can be a made up story. Be creative and descriptive!

Cauley Square is a small village I have visited many times. It is a quiet peaceful place to enjoy the scenery.
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