| General Poetry
posted August 27, 2019 |
asking GOD for guidance always
daily prayer for poeta
Vance Seagle writing
Oh dear GOD, these hours come and go, exploding into days, expanding into months, crawling into years always alive with promise seeking awareness and capture by the whirling, spinning, misguided minds too full of anger and fear to pay attention with what is rich and near. So even knowing this is all so very true one such as I still wonders what is the wisest thing to do, and so in shame and sorrow head bowed in prayer, I hopefully reach to you to capture my mind and my fingers and lead them to understanding that will grip and hold the heart and mind with constant reach, touch, and blessing brought forth from every miniscule of understanding that reaches forth and carries home the richness of understanding, knowing, and loving that I pray to be engaged with you at all times and forever! Amen!
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