General Fiction posted July 21, 2019 Chapters:  ...5 6 -7- 8... 

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They all need to sit down and talk about the creatures.

A chapter in the book Be Wee With Bea Part2

Sunrise Sunset Creatures

by Liz O'Neill

Bea has been seeing the sunrise and sunset creatures and realizes it is time for them to communicate about this issue.
Bea was preparing to do her stepstooling exercise. Too much time had passed since she'd had her "be-good- to-myself" treat. That meant enjoying the best honey she could. Her mom taught her to be good to herself and not to think bad thoughts about herself. She turned just in time to see the cave wall shadow creature. Startled, she raised her arms over her head and silently screamed with her wee muzzle wide open. She didn't want to let Sweet Puppy and Scruffles know how great her fears had grown. It was her responsibility to keep them safe as she'd promised when she took them into her cave home.

This creature was even more fantastic than the last cave wall creature and quite distinct from the morning sun time creature. It had two large furry textured antennae moving in waving motions, a fluffy tail, and ten legs. She turned quickly and once again saw only Scruffles and Sweet Puppy at her side. Spinning back she noticed the creature had lowered its antennae.

She abruptly turned and tiptoed as fast as she could to the back of the cave. This was the safe-feeling place in which she and Sweet Puppy would cower, clinging to each other during thunder and lightning storms. The sinking feeling returned as every terrible moment flashed through her brain.

It all rushed back over her like the river's angry stream. That most important day she had not stopped to do her brain exercise. Regret had been her companion ever since. The usually sweet wee bear had roughly placed poor unsuspecting Scruffles in that dark corner during his yowling episode. And what a time she'd had finding him and getting him back home after desperately depositing an already frazzled cat at the cave door. She'd learned how vital communication is.

Contrary to their home's often busy noise, this quiet place was perfect for her to do her brain exercise. Lost in thought, she'd almost forgotten why she was there. Then doing her brain exercise she remembered. She needed to figure out what would be the best action for all of them. They needed to communicate with each other regarding the known creatures.

She did, as you might expect, worry about her "be-good-to-myself" treat. She just hoped the creatures didn't like honey. Practicing her be-calm exercise enabled her to do a notice exercise. It dawned on her she hadn't breathed in a very long time. That was what happened to her when her fears began to grow with the feeling of fifty bees buzzing around inside her. They buzzed louder, whirling faster, as remembered she'd left both defenseless Scruffles and Sweet Puppy out there with the creature. It was clearly time to do her talk to the maker of everything. Her courage needed to grow bigger than her fears.

When she heard that comforting humming of bees, she knew the duo was safe. Everyone needed to sit down and do their brain exercise in a circle. It was time to tell all, about the fog creatures. She had to report she'd been full of fear because they'd been standing near her and didn't even notice the cave wall shadow creature. She'd seen one at another time as the sun was going down.

That must be it. There were sunrise mist creatures and sunset wall creatures. As they sat together in their serious mood, Scruffles fessed up that he had also been withholding telling of seeing a mysterious large three-headed, ten-legged creature. Each antenna had a head, each head had two ears. At the very end of his story and of the creature was a fairly fluffy tail.

I would like to acknowledge suzannethompson2 for her very appropriate image.
This is the 2nd book in the series Be Wee With Bea. Book One is available on Amazon and similar venues and on my webpage, also have a fb page called be wee with bea. I'd love to have you check it out. You are invited to visit my portfolio on this FanStory to catch up or sample other chapters.
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Artwork by suzannethompson2 at

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