Biographical Poetry posted May 19, 2019 Chapters:  ...38 39 -41- 42 

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Couplet rhyme

A chapter in the book


by Bucketlist

Staphylococcus won't go away
Still plagues me even today

I had surgery to replace my hip
5 years ago, a nightmarish trip

This bacteria doesn't give in
Self protected by biofilm thin

Mutates to be impervious to
Antibiotics given to me or you

I now have a terrible choice
bacteria mutates with no voice

To have 3 surgeries risky to do
If antibiotics can't get through

Either way my life is at stake
Either choice can be a mistake

Bacterial mutations make us pause
And biofilm real enemy of the cause

It's like any war, a destructive scene
But is microscopic, not easily seen

The war is between nature and man
Science is trying to do what it can

Size doesn't matter, nature may win
A race to survive from the dilemma I'm in

Bacteria and biofilm mutations make treatment challenging. I used the image shows the (blue) sticky surrounding biofilm protecting the (yellow) bad bacteria (staphyloccocus aureus) from attack of certain antibiotics,.
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