Writing Poetry posted March 7, 2006 Chapters: -1 --1- Prologue... 

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freeflowing, lowercase, no punc, ltl repit.

A chapter in the book Challenge Me

challenge me

by shelley kaye


tease me
tempt me
tantalize me

help me smile
let me cry
make me laugh
hear me ask why

touch me

allow me to touch you

help me
help you

let me
let you

make me
make you

see me
hear you
ask why

tease me
tempt me
tantalize me

with words....

I dare you....


This book is my dare to you to challenge me!

This book is for me and my imagination. My creativity (and for those who know my writing well, you're probably thinking I need no help in that department, right?) Yea, well, like my profile says, "I like to play with my words." Breaking tradition; sometimes my tries are a little outside of the lines, but that's how you get to know me is by reading between those lines and within the letters of those words... and knowing that the rest is still unwritten and unplanned.

This book is for YOU, the reader, to challenge me with words or phrases or pictures or forms - whatever. Knowing this, please read the above poem again. Then, tease me, tempt me, and tantalize me with a challenge.... I dare you.... muahahahahaha ;-)


Thank you for stopping by and reading!
Do please leave me a little note, okay? (I dare you ;-)
shelley :-)

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