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Part of my interesting life.

A chapter in the book Get To Know Me!

Quiz #7 -- LisaMay

by LisaMay

Get to Know Me!  And then join the FUN.  See notes for instructions on exactly how to do that.

1.) Do you use a pen name/pseudonym on-site?  Yes 

Why? Because I like an air of mystery and anonymity. I have been Google-stalked on my real name by someone and I did not like it. LisaMay is an anagram of "My Alias". Also, by calling myself Lisa I am paying homage to my adoptive Mum, who wanted to name me Lisa but Dad didn't like that name. Being LisaMay, I figure Lisa may be whoever she wants to be, something Mum encouraged, until she died when I was 15. 

2.) How many places/homes have you lived in? Which was your favourite? And why?
In bricks and mortar housing I lived in 2 different houses with my family when I was younger, and, after I left home, in several other apartments and group houses before I was 24 (all in Australia). After I went overseas I lived in a group house in London, then a group house on a kibbutz in Israel. Back to Australia briefly, then moved to New Zealand to marry a Kiwi. We lived in 2 houses, and now divorced, I still live in the home I have been in for 35 years.

The following might sound confusing, but I have also lived in the same "room" (a tent) over the course of 2 years, but my location changed every few days. I was motorcycling around Australia, travelling approx. 70,000 kilometres (about 43,000 miles) and camping out as much as possible during 2008-10.

My favourite place is where I am now -- pretty much contented to have an interesting life in a lovely city, with varied hobbies, volunteer work, an affectionate cat, good friends, nice neighbours and good health (I am a family of one in NZ: no partner, no children, no relatives.)  I love my old house: it has charm and character, but I will be needing a gardener soon. The jungle is taking over as I am too busy writing FS contributions!

3.) Have you ever had a 'psychic moment' where you knew, predicted or sensed something before it happened? (Or similar?) If so, tell us about it!
I haven't had a psychic moment as described, but I'll give you another one which was a deeply spiritual experience for me. Fifteen years ago I had a very distressing partnership break-up. To get over it, I went to work in a remote place and was a ranger in a national park for a while. I was consumed with bitterness, but 'green therapy' is soothing.

There was a church group in the nearby town and I was invited to attend. One Sunday, an activity was organised for congregation participation if anyone felt like they needed to "take it to the Lord". A basket of rocks was placed by the door, all shapes and sizes, smooth ones, rugged ones etc. Over on the altar table there were several labels written with the words: Anger, Envy, Fear, Hate, Forgiveness. Parishioners were invited to go and choose a rock, then take it to the altar and put it down by the label that named their problem. I sat back, thinking to myself, "I wonder who will do it?"

Suddenly I was booted to my feet by a powerful force, totally uncontrolled by me. I went and chose a rock, an ugly one, and approached the altar to place my rock beside "Forgiveness", all in a bit of a daze. Then, to my horror, I found that the rock would not leave my hand. I could not release it. Other people came and went, putting their rocks in front of various signs, but I remained there, rooted to the spot as the message was being drummed into me that I had a major problem with forgiving my ex-partner. I prayed that my own sins would be forgiven and suddenly my hand relaxed and I could put that damn rock down! What a weight lifted off me!

These days, years later, whenever I touch a rock or even hold a pebble, I remember that message and feel strengthened and supported.

4.) Have you ever done something heroic? What was it?
I was with a friend, driving late at night, when we came across an accident. A car had gone through a fence and tipped on its side, with the driver half tossed out the window and the weight of the car pressing down on him. We noticed because of the broken fence and the car's headlights. I ran to the roadside and pulled out a road sign on a long, thick post to use as a fulcrum to lever the car up off him. Clearly, adrenalin kicked in for me to be able to do that because I am not Wonder Woman… or maybe I actually was that night, channelling my mental powers into physical strength. After that experience, I trained and gained a First Aid Certificate. 

5.) What would you say is your best achievement to date? (A personal achievement -- not children, etc.)

…. I’m thinking, Why stop at one? 

-- Convincing people that I am well-educated, knowledgeable, and broad-minded -- without having gone to university. I am an autodidact (self-directed learning).

-- Looking after my dear Dad for his last 8 years. He had Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.

-- Being a motorcyclist without major injury for 50 years. Conscious of becoming older with slowing reflexes, I undertook an advanced motorcycle training course a year ago, the only woman and the oldest on the course. I passed with a Gold badge and the instructor's praise.

I have ridden in Australia, England, NZ, India, Turkey and China. My bike here in NZ is a Yamaha XJR 1200. My bike for the Australian travels was a Kawasaki KLR 650, which I also still have.

Author Notes:

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