General Script posted March 7, 2019 Chapters:  ...64 65 -66- 67... 

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Pons and Ned meet up at a bar in the city.

A chapter in the book Scenes

Scene at a St. Patricks Day Party

by Bill Schott

Pons walks into a local Irish-owned bar. There are four-leaf clover and leprechaun images all about, with green streamers hanging everywhere. He sees a few friends standing around a tall drinking table. He approaches them as one of the three greets him.

Doe: Top a the mornin' to ya, Pons boy.

Pons: Hi, Waldo. Isn't it a bit late to be morning?

Doe: In our case we're arly foe tamarra.

Pons: You fellas been partying all day?

Doe: Not if it ain't midnight.

Another friend leans over to speak.

Ray: Hey, Pons. Where's your moron cousin Ned?

Pons: I'll let that go, Ramona, since I know you have a thing for Ned.

Ray: Take that back, Pons.

Meeme: I didn't know you had the hots for Ned, Ray. He is quite a catch.

Ray: Shut your hole, Meeme!

Doe: Hold up there, ladies. No need to get all hot'n bothered o'er Ned.

Pons: I wish Ned was here to see you two fighting over him.

Ray: Or to see you get your eye bloused.

Doe: You got these girlies all in a bunch now, Pons. That's gonna send this party down a dark road.

Through the door comes Ned. On his head is a green derby, his hair is tinted green, he is wearing a tee-shirt with KISS ME, I'M IRISH printed on it.

Ned:  Hey, fellars and gellars. 

Doe:   Top a the mornin' to ya, Neddy.

Ray:  Hey, moron.

Meeme: Oh , Ned!  You're Irish! I had better kiss you, honey.

Ned: I ain't really an Irisher, Meeme. I jist got these thin's on account of it bein' warsh day.

Pon: So why do you have on a green derby, Ned.

Ned: My ball cap is in the warsh too.

Doe: Why's ya har green?

Ned: Guess I had a runny nose.

A collective "EEEWWWWW" comes from the crowd.

Meeme: Never mind the kiss.

Ned: So it's Saint Patty's Day, huh?  They servin' up that green beer here?

Pons: Sure, Ned.  Let me get you one.

Ned: That's akay, Pons. I quit a drinkin' when my daddy passed.

Pons: Uncle Newbie died!?

Ned:  Nah!  He passed gas once at a beer pardy an put us all off our feed fer awhile. I ne'er got the thirst fer beer since.

Doe: Let's salute the great man by givin' a proper toast.

Pons: May you be in heaven for an hour before the devil knows you're dead.

Ray:  May you never be a moron -- oops! --too late, Ned.

Meeme grabs Ramona by the hair and the two begin swinging at each other until they drop to the floor wrestling.

Ned:  May yer butt-kickin' always hurt yer foot, and not yer butt.

As the women roll about the floor cussing, the crowd raises their many glasses of green beer and drink.


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