General Poetry posted February 20, 2019

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Dedicated to Mathematics and our World of Many Dimensions

In the Beginning

by Mimi Linny

(A Dedication to Mathmematics and our World of many Dimensions)

In the beginning
There was only me "."
I knew no more than my eye could see
A dot "."
A point "."
My world was I...
And I, my world, as time went by.
‘Til I felt a gust, a force,
From where?
I held on tight, but it pushed me there
And when it stopped, I looked behind
And found that I’d become...
...a “line”
A line... Oh, my!
Upon my face...
Now two eyes from my one replaced
My world’s grown larger
Now I see,
Life grander than it used to be…
Content we were, my eyes and line,
To live in a world,
To see front and behind
Both north and south and move along
It’s path...
for it went on...
 and on…
And then, one day, we stopped to rest;
My eyes and line had thought it best
To pause... just once...
For a while and then...
North and south we’d go again.
But something happened, something strange,
How could it ever be explained?
We felt a gust, a force...
From where?
We held on tight, but it pushed us there!
Our eyes, together, moved in quest,
And pushed...
Let’s call it...
 East to west.
Then when, ourselves,
we looked behind,
We found we’d made two other lines…
Together, as a matching pair,
Connected, we had made...
A “square!”

A square! Oh my!
We sang in glee...
In Line-land, this could never be!
And this new world, from one line grown,
A “plane” is now what we call home!
We saw...
We moved...
North, east, south, west...
We knew this land as very best.
Nothing more could greater be,
This flatland, through eternity!
We lived our lives in order, for,
We knew there could be nothing more.
Until a gust, a force,
From where?
We held on tight but it pushed us there…
A feeling we had never known,
Had pushed us UP…
Above our home!
And when, at last, we stopped to view,
We found that we’d made something new…
A "Cube!" Oh my!
Was this the intention
For us to have entered another dimension?
And now we have volume, six sides and eight eyes;
Who could have known we’d have grown to this size?
In space we are boundless
In mark of creation...
Unlimited only to imagination
Merging height, width and depth
Adding volume and mass...
Universally endless and spatially vast...
This dimensional wonder, magnificent world,
From a point, line and plane, to a figure, unfurled;
So by putting together
One dimension,
Then two,
Creating a third...
It was easy to do!
From No-land to Line-land,
From Flatland to Space,
Could this be the end of our universe place?
Maybe not so...
Through mathematics believe
That another dimension’s not hard to conceive...
Could it be “time” we could capture, and then,
Visit past or the future...
 Then come home again?


Rhyming Poetry Contest contest entry

This poem was inspired by the remarkable, 1884 satirical novella, Flatland, by Edwin Abbott in which the narrator and title character, A. Square, living in Flatland, a world where all life is strictly two-dimensional, tries to convince the other inhabitants of Flatland that there is a third dimension. Each figure in Flatland is prioritized in Victorian-style society by the number of angles from which they are shaped. In other words, all women are straight lines (and the lowliest of all - but dangerous for their pointed ends). All men are some form of polygon in which the more angles they have, the higher position in society they carry. A. Square, an attorney, provides wonderfully descriptive images and characterizations of Flatland's populace, including the trials and tribulations he endures when he speaks to others of his visits to both the one-dimensional world of Lineland through to the three-dimensional world of Spaceland.

Just as A. Square tries to convince others in his two-dimensional world of Flatland that there is a third-dimension full of wonder and space, should we be so dismissive of the possibility of a fourth dimension in experience of travel through time?
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