General Fiction posted October 16, 2018

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A modern day fable

gift of joy

by judester

Write A Modern Fable Contest Winner 

The two men shared a hospital room with two beds and only one window.
Every day Harry would describe the scene outside to Enrico in great detail. There was a sprawling park with a pond, ducks and ducklings, kites flying high, family picnics and children playing. The sun always shone down on this beautiful, lively park just across the street.

Enrico loved listening to Harry describe the scene. He had been so depressed and this daily commentary lifted his spirits and morale better than any drugs.
One morning, Enrico awoke to three nurses huddled around Harry's bed.
One nurse explained softly that Harry had died in his sleep.

The next day Enrico asked the nurse if he could take the bed beside the window.
He moved his few belongings to the other side of the room and pulled back the curtain.

He stared at a brick wall. No pond or park, no kites or kids playing. Just a brick wall.
Enrico began to weep when he realized what a wonderful gift Harry had given him every day. The gift of imagination and beauty. A peace of mind created by the mere words of a thoughtful man.

And the moral of the story is compassion is only a gift when shared.

Writing Prompt
Write a short fable-like story where the last sentence starts with: "And the moral of the story is". This can be on any subject, true or fictional, and can be in any voice, as long as the moral is stated in the last line. A new twist on an old fable is also allowed. Be creative and have fun! Maximum word count: 300

Write A Modern Fable
Contest Winner

Thanks to LittleBogie007 for the illustration.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

Artwork by Cindy Sue Truman at

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