| Horror and Thriller Poetry
posted September 29, 2018 |
Chapters: |
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A Walk in Hell.
A chapter in the book Act Of Endurance
Hold Death's Hand
When hard events befall ill that's to you tomorrow, placing sores attacking perhaps a plague sorrow, defies the needful loved cash fund not to borrow.
Soul seating in a corner pitted combat an enemy evil, howls hateful rages it stages sent repeatedly, doubting unfolds cages this mistreatment a dark.
Help not laid its factors revealing no sight might, by the collar chain links not beloved, confronted harsh treatments others not right tormented soul.
Heaven gold doors they are locked to you closes, found not moment free to refresh to drink Coors, penniless in pocket job mopping these tile floors.
You'll believe it joyously to sing, got the relief it's by escape, at our defeat a brief extreme thing it is fate, commits soul best to rule guesses the chief.
Life to swallow a peach to poison you, faced evil teach woe infliction hurt no doubts, reach higher success hits a Reaper at failing hold death's hand.
A fact shared from one's birth to death that act of endurance, grips death's hand walk in hell. Life in uncertainties not having hopes this freed hell's pit.
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