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A chapter in the book Briarly Hall

What now for Giovanni?

by zanya

Giovanni's paternity has not yet been established. He continues to live at Briarly Hall.
An important letter arrives from Italy.
Lady Betsey walked with Giovanni, on this April afternoon, to the local hamlet, Bertsdale. The sound of the blacksmith, Wesley Jacobs, hammering on his anvil could be heard in the distance.

Giovanni ran ahead and stood in the doorway. As Wesley struck the molten lead, in the dark, cavernous workshop, sparks of orange and yellow fanned out towards the roof. Giovanni watched in awe.

Spotting Giovanni, Wesley got up off his stool and came to greet him.
"Afternoon, Giov," Wesley called out," have you finished your lessons for today?".
"Yes, Mr Jacobs, I learned how to say , 'it is Spring', in italian, 'e primavera'."
"Ay, Giov, I recall a few words of Italian myself, from my days overseas, in the war. War left me lame on my right leg, as well Giov. Can't walk properly no more".
"Was it from a shell?" Giovanni asked. "My tutor, Mr Sanders has told me many things about the war. But you were really there , Mr Jacobs".
"Ay, it was a shell, can't say as I remember much about it. Was out cold, I was. Had to have my knee removed. Been a blacksmith ever since.
Would prefer to watch sparks fly here in my little shop Giov, than listen to them shells on the front".

"Giovanni, where are you?" Lady Betsey called out as she turned the corner.
"Talking to Mr Jacobs about the war, Grandma. Mr Jacobs was a soldier in the war. He speaks Italian, Grandma".
"Aw, Giov, can't say as I speak much Italian. Just a little,'un po, un po', Giov".
"Listen, listen, Grandma", Giovanni began," Mr Jacobs is speaking Italian".

Lady Betsey, lost in her own thoughts, didn't respond.

On returning to Briarly, Butler Eames handed Lady Betsey a letter, recently delivered.
While Mrs Goodwood prepared supper for Giovanni, Lady Betsey opened the letter. A black crepe bow sealed the contents.
She sat down by the window, to read it, as the evening light had begun to fade.
Although the missive was scribed entirely in Italian, she deciphered the name of Lady Laetaxia and a date, January 29th.

Unfortunately it was too late to ask  Mr Sanders, as he had already cycled  through the gates of Briarly, to return home.
 Perhaps Dowager Spencer would be in residence this evening. She would be able to read the contents.

Arising abruptly from her chair, she donned her grey, woollen bonnet, against the evening chill. Having retrieved the storm lantern from the servants' quarters, she set off.

Noticing Lady Betsey on the avenue with the lantern, Eames became concerned.
He immediately put on his tam o' shanter and walked towards the entrance  gate.
"Lady Betsey", he called, " Lady Betsey, please allow me to accompany you on your journey, out of doors, at this late hour".
Lady Betsey, however, quickened her step and disappeared from view. Butler Eames returned,  bewildered.
Keeping watch from the latticed window in the pantry, he soon noticed Lady Betsey returning.
Eames went to meet her.
"Lady Betsey", is something the matter since you set off, out of doors at such a late hour?".
"Not at all," Betsey replied, "I simply wished to pay a visit to  Dowager Spencer, as she lives alone".
"But Lady Betsey", Eames continued, "  the Dowager,  has lived alone for many years now?"
"You're correct, Eames," Betsey answered.
"This evening, however, I have an urgent reason for visiting the Dowager. I wish her to read for me the contents  of the italian missive I received today. It may contain  bad news. Dowager is the only person in the neighbourhood who speaks Italian. I need to know what is in that missive, Eames.  Unfortunately the Dowager is not  in residence".
"But Lady Betsey," Eames replied, " just this afternoon, Giovanni came to the Orangerie, to tell me about the local blacksmith in the hamlet, Mr Jacobs, who speaks Italian. Perhaps he may be able to advise you as to the important details of  the missive. Or Mr Sanders?"
Lady Betsy sighed deeply.
" Eames", Betsey replied,"Mr  Sanders will not return to Briarly for a few weeks, as he has to travel to London. As for Blacksmith Jacobs, I am not sure his knowledge extends beyond a few basic  words".
"Ma'am," Eames said,"please allow me to carry the storm lantern and guide you to the entrance door".
Stars began to twinkle overhead as Lady Betsey entered Briarly Hall. She turned to look skyward. Tears began to dampen her cheeks. 


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