Mystery and Crime Fiction posted June 24, 2018 Chapters:  ...11 12 -13- 14... 

This work has reached the exceptional level
The evidences is stacking up against Matilda

A chapter in the book Granny's Revenge


by Mistydawn

Matilda just lost her Grandson to a drunk driver.
Granny is getting ready to kill her fourth victim when a group of people stumbles out of the bar. She flees, leaving one victim alive. He dies in a hospital, mumbling Granny. Everyone believes he's talking about his own relative and not the killer. Granny tries to stop a drunk in the park. A cop sees what she's doing and arrests her. She talks herself out of trouble then receives an award for taking down the Nanny Bandit. A waitress catches her; she decides to make her a partner. A nurse sees blood on her dress. Granny explains, there was an accident at the park.
The Berryville detectives find a dozen victims in the alley and ID's a lady who's arguing with one of the victims. They bring her to the station.


Nancy and Granny are busy chatting as they enjoy their meal. Only a few overflowing boxes, a bed, and a folding table with matching chairs remain in Granny's room. Hearing a loud commotion, the two women jump.

"What is going on?" Granny asks, glancing towards her door. They hear heavy footsteps and muffled voices echoing through the corridors.

"I better find out." Nancy springs up from her seat. Grabbing her cane, Granny follows behind her. The ladies first see three officers standing outside Matilda's door. They then notice a second crew snooping through her things. The ladies watch in disbelief as they photograph items and then place them in containers.

"What... What are they doing?" Nancy finally manages to question.

"It looks like they're collecting evidence."

Nancy turns towards Granny. "What could she possibly do that'd cause the police to go through her things?"

"Maybe she's the one who's murdering all of our town drunks," Granny suggests, trying hard not to smile.

"It can't be her not sweet little Matilda." Being a little under five feet, and excessively overweight, Matilda is as round as she is tall.

"Serial killers are good at personas; making everyone believe they're normal when they're not. Take Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer or Albert Fish, for example."

"I know that, but Matilda? She just seems so sweet, so caring like a typical Grandma."

"Guess you never know these days." Granny walks back into her room.

"How do you know about all this stuff, anyhow?" Nancy asks as she follows her to the table.

"I watch a lot of crime shows, dear, lots of crime shows." That's why I'll never get caught. Granny thinks as she shoves the last bite of food in her mouth.


Joe and his three detectives watch their forensics team diligently process the scene. Passerby's continually stop and stare, Joe politely ushers them along. "Make sure you do this by the book, guys; I'd hate to see our serial killer get off on a technicality."

"We will, sir." Kirk photographs an item and then puts it into a container.

"I just found our murder weapon, sir." Kirk holds up a blood-smeared cane.

"Keep looking; see what else you can find."

"I will, sir."

Jerry glances over at Jeff. "Do you still think Joe is losing his marbles?"

The rookie has some nerve to doubt my abilities, especially since he's still so wet behind the ears. Joe spins around. "You're questioning my judgment, son?" Joe gives him a piercing stare.

Jeff nervously glances at his partners and then back to Joe. "I didn't think she would do it, sir."

"Why did you think that hmm?" Joe taps his foot as he waits for a response.

"She doesn't fit the normal profile, sir." He anxiously shifts his weight.

"Never assume anything, son, because, false assumptions can get you injured or killed," he firmly states, getting in Jeff's face. I need to be tough about this, drill it in his head. 

Jeff takes a shaky step back. "I'll... I'll remember that, sir."

"See to it that you do." Joe grabs his phone from his pocket. "Joe here...." "You have something for us, I'll be right over." Joe hangs up his phone and then turns towards his detectives. Sharon says she has some..." Realizing his detectives have a big grin on their face he stops in mid-sentence. "This isn't another one of your pranks, is it, guys?" he questions as he carefully watches their body language.

Jerry holds up his hands like he's surrendering. "I didn't do it, boss," Jerry says as he tries not to smile.


"We called a truce, remember?"


"I'm not a part of this, sir."

Joe glances at each of them again. "So why are you three smiling?"

"Kirk told a joke, boss."

Joe sees the lad walking across the room.

"How could we do anything when we're all right here? Besides, we've been with you all day." Rachel adds.

Joe looks at each one again. They're either great liars or they didn't do it, he concludes. "I suppose you're right, but you're still going with me, just in case."

"Sure thing, boss." Jerry chuckles. Joe eyes him again. "You're funny when you're paranoid," Jerry laughs.

You'll think funny if this is a prank, Joe thinks as he turns around. "You're in charge, Kirk."

"I won't let you down, sir."

"I know you won't." Joe winks.


The smell of antiseptic nearly knocks them over the second they step into the lab. The area seems so cold, sterile, with its eggshell walls and long metal tables. Numerous machines encompass the outer portion of the room, while workstations occupy its center. They see Sharon recording her findings when they step further into the test station. Sharon holds up her hand to stop them as she finishes her thought.

"The COD is blunt force trauma to the back of the head. His time of death is TBD per an autopsy." Sharon clicks off her machine. "I found two things on this victim, a speck of blood and a hair. Nothing came back when I ran the blood through our databank; I'm running the hair now. I do know the blood spatter and hair are from two different people and I believe the hair belongs to a person of color. She notices Joe's inquisitive look. "The hair is kinky, it has a flat cross-section and its pigmentation is rather large. I also know it's from a female and that the DNA from the blood and hair doesn't match."

"We have two serial killers on our hands?" Joe questions.

"It looks that way. My tech is collecting a DNA sample from Matilda now. I'll let you know what I find."

"I know exactly what you'll find." Hurtling the stairs, Joe storms into the interrogation room. "Ok, Matilda, your game is over. We know all about you and your partner's killing spree."

"What on earth are you talking about?" she gasps.

"We know you two killed all those drunks in the alley." Joe lays photos down on the table.

Matilda glances down at the gruesome pictures and then she quickly turns away. "I've already told you that wasn't me."

"Then why did we find a wig, cane, and dress in your things?" Joe questions, as he throws a photo on top of the pile.

Curiosity getting the best of her, Matilda glances down. Horrified, she turns away. "Someone must've put them there."

"How did your blood end up on one of the victims?" Joe points towards a photograph.

Matilda continues to glance around the room. "That was planted too."

"How did you get those scratches on your arm?"

Matilda looks at her extremities. "My friend's cat did that when I visited the other day."

Joe inspects her wounds. "They look pretty fresh to me."

"I'm old, detective, so my body heals slow."

"Your night nurse didn't back up your story. She said she went to give your meds to you, but discovered you were out. She then went on to say that you didn't get back until right before shift change, this morning."

Her eyes start misting up. "I should've known she'd lie to you. I bet she's the one that planted that evidence too."

"Why would she do that?" Joe questions.

She nervously shifts in her chair."Her entire family hates me because of what I did years ago." She sniffles as she wipes a tear from her cheek.

"If she is lying about your medicines then why is it marked as not given, and why does the dispensary show it's been returned?"

"I don't know, I don't know," she bawls.

"The way it stands, you're going down for twelve murders. It'll be a lot more once all of our evidence is processed."

"You have it all wrong. I didn't do this, I didn't, I didn't," she bawls.


Granny, the killer, lives in assisted living after losing her family, being injured by a drunk driver.
Matilda lives in assisted living. She just lost her grandson to a drunk driver.
Marge, Matilda's friend.
Liz and Lisa nurses at the facility.
Nancy, nursing assistant
Jackie waitress at the dinner.
Stinky, Rachel's pet skunk.

Berryville PD
Joe, Sergeant
Jerry, Detective
Rachel, Detective
Jeff, Detective
Kirk Forensic analysis
Sharon, Medical Examiner.


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