Mystery and Crime Fiction posted June 19, 2018 Chapters:  ...10 11 -12- 13... 

This work has reached the exceptional level
Granny makes sure she isn't busted for the crime

A chapter in the book Granny's Revenge

Getting Away With Murder

by Mistydawn

Matilda just lost her Grandson to a drunk driver.
Granny is getting ready to kill her fourth victim when a group of people stumbles out of the bar. She flees, leaving one victim alive. He dies in a hospital, mumbling Granny. Everyone believes he's talking about his own relative and not the killer. Granny tries to stop a drunk in the park. A cop sees what she's doing and arrests her. She talks herself out of trouble then receives an award for taking down the Nanny Bandit.  A waitress catches her; she decides to make her a partner. A nurse sees blood on her dress. Granny explains, there was an accident at the park.

The Berryville detectives find a dozen victims in the alley and ID's a lady who's arguing with one of the victims. They bring her to the station.

Joe notices his detectives working hard at their desks as he escorts Matlida across the room. Maybe with what they find and what she tells us, we'll be able to get to the bottom of this once and for all, he thinks as he shoves his way through the commotion.

Jeff glances up from his desk when he hears someone shuffling towards them. "Isn't that the lady that caught the Nanny Bandit?" he questions.

Rachel looks towards the door. "I believe so."

"Why is the sergeant bringing her to the station?"

"Kirk told me they have her on camera arguing with one of the victims." The three watch the older lady hobble across the floor.

"If Joe thinks she's the murderer, then he's lost his cotton-picking mind."

Jerry shakes his head. "No, you idiot, he thinks she might be able to ID our suspect."

"That makes more sense." He chuckles.

"Jeff, take her to room one, I'll be right there," Joe orders.

"Yes, sir." Walking around his desk, Jeff grabs a hold of her arm.

Matilda pulls away. "Can someone please explain what this is about?" She quickly scans their faces.

"It's about your argument last night at the Rocking Pig."

"I was never at the restaurant. I went to church and then home to bed."

Jeff reaches for her, she jerks away.

"I've got this, son." Joe takes her arm and leads her down the hall. "We have a recording of you and him arguing in the parking lot," Joe says as he guides her into a small windowless room.

The only furnishing is a small metal table with two chairs on either side; a fluorescent light dangles from the ceiling. A one-way mirror is apace with the door. 

The veracity of her situation hits her the moment she steps through the door. They really believe I did this. Me, the one who's never been in trouble in her entire life. She suddenly recalls reading about offenders that were wrongly convicted. I've got to clear this up before I become one of them, she thinks. Misty-eyed, she spins back around. "Whoever you saw on that camera wasn't me. Ask my friend Marge, she'll tell you I wasn't there." She wipes a tear from her cheek.

"There's no reason for you to deny this since it was obviously self-defense. We just want to ask you a few questions pertaining to another crime." Joe quickly explains.

"I wasn't there," she sobs as tears roll down her cheeks. 

"We have witnesses that say they saw you inside."

"That wasn't me." She collapses in the chair.

Frustrated, Joe runs his fingers through his hair. "You said you were with your friend?"

She wipes the moisture from her face as she straightens up. "Yes, that's right, Marge Sigmund. She picked me up a little before six and brought me back around eight."

"Give us her number so we can verify your story," he says, pulling a notebook from his pocket.


Granny is busy packing when she hears a knock on her door. Emptying her hands, Granny turns to see who it is.

"I brought you something to eat." Nancy puts a white plastic sack on the table.

Granny inhales the savory aroma as she opens the bag. "It smells delicious, but you didn't have to go through all of this trouble for me."

"It's no trouble at all." Nancy notices Granny's stuff is packed when she glances around the room. "You're not anxious to leave us, are you?"

"You girls have been very nice and I appreciate everything you've done for me, I really do, but there's no place like home."

"I understand. So when is your big day?" Nancy hands Granny her napkin and silverware as she situates herself at the table.

"My utilities will be turned on sometime tomorrow."

"I hope everything goes well for you." She hands Granny a Styrofoam box.

"You and your children are welcome to stop by any time."

"A half-hour with my monsters and you'll wish you'd never said that."

"I highly doubt that." Seeing Nancy's skepticism, she continues, "They were perfect little angels when they were here."

"That's only because I threatened to ship them to their dad's if they misbehave."

"How's it going between you two?"

"He's still drinking his life away; I guess that'll never change." She sighs.

"I bet he's not giving you a single penny for those children either."

"Not a cent and when I ask for his help he always tells me he's broke. I did take your advice about the insurance policy."

"You were able to budget it in?"

"I have to cut back on a few things, but at least the kids and I will be taken care of if something ever happens to him."

When it happens, Granny thinks. "I'm so happy to hear that. I'd hate to see you go through what my friend did. She had to sell everything just to pay his final expenses."

"That's such a shame."

"At least you and the kids will be alright." Granny pats her hand. You'll be well taken care of after this evening. Granny smiles.


The door crashes against the wall as Joe storms across the room. Startled, Matilda springs back in her seat. "So we talked to your friend, Marge, and she said she dropped you off around seven and not eight."

"Did I say eight, I meant to say seven. Our services usually last until eight, but it let out early last night; the pastor's wife was a little under the weather."

"Can anyone verify you were at the nursing home the rest of the night?"

"The night nurse can, she brought me my pills."

"What is her name?"

"Liz Bowman, she works from six pm until six in the morning."

"Sit tight while I check your alibi." Joe heads towards the door. No, this charade has gone on long enough, Joe thinks. Spinning back around, he stomps towards her. "If you'd just admit you were there, we wouldn't have to go through all of this. I could ask you a few questions and you can leave."

Frustrated, she throws her hands in the air. "How many times do I have to tell you I wasn't there?" Matilda's eyes start tearing up.

"Then why does this photo look like you?" Joe lays a picture down in front of her.

"That doesn't look anything like me. Our hairstyle is different. Our shoes and our canes don't even match."

Joe compares the hair, shoes, and cane. These things are easily changed, Joe thinks. He glances at the lady's eyes in the photo and then at her. It's hard to tell with this poor resolution. "I'll be right back." Straightening up, he crosses the room.

Joe sees Rachel and Jerry by the door when he steps through the door. The hall's dark wood is part of the original structure. Each of its blemishes entwines a piece of Berryville history.

"I may know what's going on with her, why she claims she wasn't there." Rachel hands Joe a tablet before she continues. "Jeff noticed pill bottles on her table when you were there. I had Kirk go back and take a picture. I figure it'd give us an idea about her health."

"What are these medicines used for?"

"Rivastigmine and Galantamine have several uses, but they're mainly prescribed to Alzheimer's patients." Seeing his inquisitive look she continues, "It's possible that she doesn't remember being there, Joe."

"Just when we thought we were getting somewhere," Jerry says.

"I still want you to talk to the staff, see what they can tell you and see if she was in her room last night."

Rachel's phone rings. "Detective Webb... You found the dress and shoes in with Matilda's things, Kirk?" She glances at Joe.

"Put it on speaker," Joe says. Rachel does as she's told.

"They have blood all over them. One of the other staff members said they removed another bloody dress from her room a few days ago. When they asked her about it, she claimed she and Marge helped an injured animal. I talked to the vet and he doesn't remember them bringing one in." Kirk explains.

"Where did you find these items?" Joe questions as he runs his fingers through his thinning hair.

"They were on top of a box in her room, sir."

"Don't touch anything, or let anyone into her room, we'll be right there." Joe turns towards his detectives. "You guys secure the scene. I'll get a warrant and meet you there."


Granny, the killer, lives in assisted living after losing her family, being injured by a drunk driver. 
Matilda lives in assisted living. She just lost her grandson to a drunk driver.
Marge, Matilda's friend.
Liz and Lisa nurses at the facility.
Nancy, nursing assistant
Jackie waitress at the dinner.
Stinky, Rachel's pet skunk.

Berryville PD
Joe, Sergeant
Jerry, Detective
Rachel, Detective
Jeff, Detective
Kirk Forensic analysis
Sharon, Medical Examiner

Book of the Month contest entry

I'm sorry for all the confusion
Matilda and Granny live in the same facility but are two different people.�???�??�?� 
I think the way I wrote the beginning, didn't put Granny on the characters caused you to believe they are the same. I'm going back and edit the beginning added Granny to the list. Again I'm sorry for the mix-up.�???�??�?� 
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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