Romance Poetry posted November 9, 2017

This work has reached the exceptional level
I dedicate this to my wife for our 50th anniversary...

Please Remember Me

by Cedar

A thank you poem. Contest Winner 

Please remember me, my love,
when death pulls our lives apart.
If I'm the first to leave this world,
cherish me forever in your heart.

Please don't be afraid my dear,
when you awaken in the night.
Imagine me there at your side,
holding you in my arms so tight.

Thank you for being my soulmate,
a devoted mother and loving wife.
The good Lord truly blessed me,
when He brought you into my life.


Writing Prompt
A poem containing "Thank you" either Rhyming or not

A thank you poem.
Contest Winner


To stay together throughout your golden years is a blessing in many different ways...
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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