| Self Improvement Poetry
posted January 16, 2018 |
Chapters: |
...70 70 -71- 71...
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A chapter in the book Act Of Endurance
My soul it's isolated, rang out a mature man cries as a child, along guy this river; think on thoughts trapped I'm sure: cautious steps done by foot tips in a greenish pasture.
My mind it tossed all riddled in chambers, a numb fate reveals activity within which ride is taunting;
past thoughts reflect I after facts:
illustrate actualities harsh side torments.
My movement to live which steps expand to a wrong, throbs in head sharp pain kept loud a sad forgotten song;
heard bong hit sung by occurrences:
draining my slim fit physical body frame.
I see distance ahead valley peace steadily to hell's core I to go, covering me in dried soil therein;
before it more paces towards final goal attempted:
ends at death's door.
I have knowledge it's basic it about known things, dropped tears fell from me yet all of them not never to recall;
comprehend the journey in a true fact account events:
fright times its years of fears.
Traveler is all alone not destination set;
fated bet downer had cut who doesn't have a chance to ring winning bell trap in stupidity:
torch soul fails wet, not common majority of men.
I walk road haunted periods in complete terror visitations to strange;
sound like a toad seal speechless in hell's entrapment:
up efforts a hill going with a fix heavy load a struggling ant.
Although timid, I do sing to myself, tour small elf alone facing bad evils;
being on first arrival attacked my final set position reached:
it's simply I on a shelf.
Life within its unexpected elements found all alone hid therein, reveals items governing telling of our being; set destiny: giving fears.
one point
and 2 member cents.
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