Romance Fiction posted September 18, 2017 Chapters:  ...11 12 -13- 14 

This work has reached the exceptional level
...another part of Jenny and Ron's Story

A chapter in the book The Products of Love

Living Separate Lives

by Mustang Patty

Originally, the last chapter of 'The Products of Love' was written for a site contest called 'The Call.' This final chapter was the anchor for a love story. This is the story of Jenny and Ron.
Summary of the Book so far: 
Back in 1983, Jenny and Ron met on their way to work in the shipyard.  He worked at one end of the shipyard and she worked in a building closer to the gate they went in together.  The shipyard in Bremerton employed about nine thousand people back then.  After flirting and talking for several weeks, Ron finally asked Jenny out.
Their first date was magical, and it was the beginning of a wonderful six months or so of dating.  Jenny warned Ron that there wouldn't be any sex until they were in a committed relationship.  She remained true to her word.  Ron finally told her he loved her and expressed his belief that they had something that would last.
The feelings of elation for Jenny were dispelled the very next day.  She arrived at Ron's house, after ignoring her ringing phone as she left the house.  When she let herself in, she found Ron sitting with a strange woman.  Unbeknown to her, this was Ron' half-sister who had been blackmailing him for years.
She left the house with a broken heart, and Ron didn't follow her.  He was at a total loss as to what to do.
The misunderstandings continued and the couple drifted further and further apart.
Jenny found out she was pregnant two weeks after a bitter argument with Ron.  Hurtful words had been said by both.  Their stubbornness once again got in the way of them working things out.  Calling Ron with the news, Jenny was disappointed when he didn't want to speak about it, but asked for a few hours to 'process' the news.
Eighteen years later, the 'baby,' named Joey, is about to call Ron.  Jenny calls Ron first to warn him to be ready.  They talk briefly, and Ron is left with his thoughts and regrets as he waits for the call from the son he deserted so long ago…

The monitors beeped and whirred in the background.  He could barely hear them as he concentrated on the pale face lying on the pillow.  Her eyes were closed and he only hoped they would open and gaze at him in the way that had bewitched him so long ago.
As if in answer to his thoughts, her eyes slowly opened.  Jenny looked at the man gently holding her hand, and sighed.  Why had it taken so long for love's promise to be fulfilled?


From the end of Chapter 12: After Eighteen Years
"I will.  I think we made the best decision we could at the time.  He will just have to accept us for who we are, and who we were back then."
"Bye, Jenny."
"Bye, Ron."
His thoughts turned back to his life.  Was this the answer he needed?  Would he now have a son in his life?  Or would this thing blow up in his face?
He was holding his head in his hands as the phone began to ring.

...and now we return to our story

With trembling hands, Ron picked up the receiver.
"Um, uh…hi.  This is Joey Zapola.  You don't know me, but I'm your son.  You and my birth mother gave me up for adoption eighteen years ago.  I, uh, really want a chance to talk to you."
"Hi Joey," Ron eked out the words from his dry mouth.  "Your birth mother just called me and told me you'd be calling.  I think it would be a good idea for us to talk.  Um, would you like to meet for coffee or something?" he asked hopefully.
"That sounds great!"  Ron could hear the excitement in Joey's voice.  He really had a son, and in spite of the past, Joey wanted to meet him.  He was even joyful about it.
”Where do you want to meet?"
…And so, Ron and Joey built a relationship.  Joey's adoptive father had passed away and this gave Joey the freedom to embrace his birth father as his 'Dad.'  They enjoyed hiking and camping trips together.  Four-wheeling was a pastime they both enjoyed, and they built a true friendship.
While they were in Bremerton, WA, Jenny was in San Diego, CA, with her husband and children.  When the youngest graduated from high school in 2005, Jenny decided it was time to face the past.  She and her husband planned a trip to Bremerton. 
It wasn't to be.  Jenny's husband, Austin, took ill and they spent the next several months trying to find out what was wrong.
Austin was diagnosed with ALS, and their lives were turned upside down.  ALS is more commonly known as Lou Gehrig's Disease, because the famous Yankee baseball player died from it in 1939.  The disease is actually Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and is characterized by stiff muscles, muscle twitching, and gradually worsening weakness due to muscles decreasing in size.  This results in difficulty speaking, swallowing, and eventually breathing.  More recently, Stephen Hawking was diagnosed with the disease in 1963, and given only two years to live.  His fight with the disease, along with his research in theoretical physics made him famous.
Not nearly as lucky, Austin suffered a great deal.
Prior to losing his speech, Austin told Jenny, "I don't want to die this way.  Please pray for something else to come up.  I hate to leave you, but I can't just wait for my body to completely give out.  The thought of lying there with all of my muscles gone and unable to breathe on my own just scares me."
"You know I will be here for you, no matter what happens.  If that's what you want me to pray for, I will.  I love you so much.  You've given me a life envied by most, and I don't know what I will do without you."

When Austin's battle with the disease was lost, Jenny was surrounded by all of her children.  Joey flew down from Bremerton and joined his half-brother and sister.  The four of them sat in the front pew of the chapel during the Memorial service, and all three siblings did their best to comfort their mother.
In the days and weeks that followed the funeral, Jenny tried to find the path of her future.  While she was taking care of Austin, she hadn't given much thought as to what would come 'after.'  She simply didn't have the time.  But now, she had nothing but time.
Jenny's daughter had stayed home from college for a few weeks after the funeral.  Cathy simply didn't want to leave her mother alone just yet.  She went out to the mailbox and walked back to the house with a stack of cards addressed to her mother.  Knowing they were probably sympathy cards, she left them on the table in the foyer.  Her mother didn't need to look at them right away. 
"Hey Mom?  Would you like me to make us some lunch?  We've got plenty of leftovers here.  We need to use up the last of this deli plate or the cold cuts will go to waste."
"I'll be down in a minute, hon.  I wouldn't mind it if you made me a sandwich."
Dressed casually in jeans and a t-shirt, Jenny tread down the stairs.  Happy that Austin's pain was over, she tried to be positive about her own life.  Deep in thought, she almost missed the pile of envelopes lying on the hallway table; but, one of the envelopes caught her eye. 
Whose handwriting is that?  It looks familiar, Jenny said to herself.
"Cathy?  Where did these envelopes come from?"
"The mail, Mom.  Where else?"
"Oh.  Don't pay any attention to your mother.  I'm just wool-gathering and not thinking quite straight.  Of course, these came from the mail."
Patting Cathy gently on the shoulder, Jenny grabbed the envelopes and flipped to the one that had peeked out.  Sure enough, the handwriting belonged to Ron.
Her heart beat a little faster and she felt herself flush.  What?  She was newly widowed, she kidded herself.  But, she couldn't deny how it made her feel.
With shaking hands, she tore open the envelope.  A beautiful sympathy card greeted her, and when she opened it, his words were simple.
August 31, 2003
Dear Jenny,
I have no idea how you're feeling, but I wanted you to know I'm here for you.  If there's anything you need or anything I can do, all you have to do is ask.
…to be continued


photo courtesy of Public Domain; Mended Heart

I wrote this story based on a friend's recollections. I've known her for over thirty years and I was there at the beginning. Through the magic of the internet and free long distance, I could hear the whole story.

With her permission, I've developed a story line based on what happened between her and her lover. The names have been changed to protect the innocent and the guilty.

Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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